Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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'430 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 3 Bill to Do Away with Placing of Two Copies of Each Film in Copyright Office, Passed by the House, Is Before the Senate IT will no longer be necessary for motion picture film manufacturers to file in the office of the register of copyrights the two copies of each film subject that they have offered for registration, if the bill passed recently by the House of Representatives receives similar attention in the United States Senate. The bill, originally introduced in the House by Representative Oglesby, proposes to amend section 12 of the copyright law by adding thereto the following: Provided, however, That in the case of any work referred to in this section wherein copj'right has been secured by publication of the work with notice of copyright, which by reason of its character, bulk, fragility, or because of dangerous ingredients can not expeditiously be filed, the register of copyrights may determine that there shall be deposited, in lieu of two complete copies of such work, such identifying photographs or prints, together with such written or printed descriptions of the work as he shall find sufficient to identify it. And provided further, That in the case of motion picture photoplays and motion pictures other than photoplays, whenever deposit has been made as required by the provisions of the act of Congress (Public, Number Three hundred and three) approved August twenty-foUrth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and registration has been secured thereunder, such deposit and registration shall hereafter be held to be sufficient, and shall exempt the copyright AFTER a three months' fight, during which they have taken their case into the Supreme Court, the motion picture theatre owners of Boise, Idaho, have finally won out in their fight for Sunday opening and the doors of the six theatres there opened Sunday, July 2, to a large and appreciative audience, which proved that the public of the city were strongly in favor of Sunday motion picture shows. In the latter part of March a petition containing 3,814 names was presented to the city council asking that the theatres be opened on Sunday. After careful checking up of the names the city council passed an ordinance providing for the opening of the theatres. The council was divided upon the question of Sunday opening, two members of which voted against it. The church members in order to block the theatres operating on Sunday immediately filed with the council a referendum petition, which, under the commission form of government in force in Boise, would necessarily refer the ordinance to a vote of the people under a special election or else hold it up until the next city election, when it would be voted upon, leaving the matter optional with the council. The motion pictirre men took their case into court under '•a writ of prohibition. The judge of thfe 'district court after considefable deliberation, handed down an adverse decision 'a:nd an appeal was immediately taken to tfre Supreme <!!!oilrt.' June 29 the Supreme proprietor from the deposit of two complete copies of such photoplay or motion picture if it is later reproduced in copies for sale, and the provisions of the amendatory act of August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, are hereby made to apply to motion picture photoplays and motion pictures other than photoplays that have been reproduced in copies for sale or otherwise published. Section 12 of the copyright law as it now is requires that after copyright has been secured by publication of the work (sale or public distribution) two complete copies of the best edition of the work must be promptly deposited. This has imposed a burdensome obligation upon such proprietors which was not intended, the House Committee on Patents held. They are practically of no greater value for the identification of the motion picture in which copyright is claimed than the selected prints together with the title and description required by section 11 to be deposited in the case of a motion picture. The deposit of the complete reels is of no service to the copyright office and are of no value to the Library of Congress and are held, by reason of their inflammable character, to be dangerous. Such deposit also imposes an added burden upon the copyright office to no purpose. This bill has been referred to the Senate Patents Committee for its consideration. It has the approval of all film manufacturers. Court handed down a decision reversing the district court. In substance the court held that the referendum provision under the commission form of government does not apply in the matter of moving pictures after the proper petitions have been signed and presented to the city council, which has the power to grant the petitions without referring to a referendum vote. Although the theatre managers had less than two days to prepare for Sunday opening, they were ready and were patronized by audiences which showed the public approval of such performance. "UNDINE" PASSED BY ST. LOUIS COURT S. J. Baker,, manager of the Bluebird Photoplays, Inc., at 2116 Locust street, announced to the exhibitors of St. Louis and surrounding territory through the newspapers that the photoplay " Undine *' has been pronounced a " moral, clean and highly artistic motion picture " in Judge Miller's court. Efforts were made, by bringing court action, to restrain the film company from exhibiting the picture, but Judge Miller's action leaves it free to be shown in its entil-ety at loci^l picture houses. Mr. Baker says that thie film has been booked for an indefinite run at the Central theatre, Sixth and Market streets. NEW CORPORATIONS The Corporation Trust Company, 37 Wall street. New York, reports the following new corporations : In Delaware : EXPOSITION PHOTOPLAY COMPANY; To purchase and manufacture motion pictui'e films and equipment; capitalized at $10,000 in Dover, Delaware ; incorporators are S. A. Anderson, New York City ; Joseph F. Curtin, New York City, and S. B. Howard, New York City. In Illinois: WAYSIDE AMUSEMENT COMPANY; Operate place of amusement; capitalized at $300 in Westville, 111.; incorporators are: Sylvanus Mullins, Westville, III. ; James P. Kelly, Westville, 111. ; Archille F. Lete, Westville, 111. ; Charles F. Lange, Westville, 111. In New York: MAGNETOGRAPH, INC.; Theatrical and motion picture, mfg. apparatus for fire prevention in theatres, etc. ; capitalized at $200,000 in Manhattan ; incorporators are : Jos. L. Greenberg, 165 IJroadway, New York City; Ernest A. Zema, 165 Broadway, New York City; M. Tischler, 165 Broadway, New York City. NOEL AMUSEMENT CO., INC. ; Theatrical and motion pictures; capitalized at $1,000 in Queens ; incorporators are : Ida Posner, 19 Cedar St., New York City; Sidney J. Loeb, 19 Cedar St., New York City; Abners Werbling, 19 Cedar St., New York City. EASTERN PHOTO PLAY, INC.; Theatrical and motion pictures ; capitalized at $8,500 in Brooklyn ; incorporators are : Frederick Haigh, 743 Grand St., Brooklyn; Wm. Federman, 357 Canal St., New York City; Moses L. Staus, 220 Broadway, New York City. CENTRAL FILM CORPORATION; General theatrical, motion picture film, etc., business; capitalized at $20,000 in Manhattan; incorporators are: Harvey Harris, 31 Nassau St., New York City; Henry G. Wiley, 31 Nassau St., New York City; Belle Burger, 31 Nassau St., New York City. GREELEY PRODUCING CORPORATION; Theatrical and Picture business; capitalized at $12,000 in Manhattan; incorporators are: Albert Falck, 300 E. 109th St., New York City; Adolph Faick, 540 W. 143d St., New York City; Millard H. Ellison, 56 W. 90th St., New York City. MAJOR FILM CORPORATION; General theatrical and motion picture business ; capitalized at $500 in Manhattan ; incorporators are : Oliver J. AUenbaugh, Tappan, N. Y. ; Ruth McTammany, Hotel Empire, New York City; Clarence S. Weller, 69 Burling Lane, New Rochellc, N. Y. BRONX PICTORIUM CO., INC.; Motion picture business ; capitalized at $6,000 in Bronx ; incorporators are : Oscar F. Rothman, 5 Willett St., New York City; Irving Rothenberg, 79 Ridge St., New York City; Rosie Rothman, 5 Willett St., New York City. MARKET THEATRE CO., INC.; Theatrical and motion pictures ; capitalized at $3,000 in Buffalo, N. Y. ; incorporators are : Jacob Rosing, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Geo. Rosing, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Gasper Dort, Buffalo, N. Y. MILTON FILM CO., INC. ; Operate theatres, motion pictures, etc. ; capitalized at $5,000 in Buffalo, N. Y. ; incorporators are : Allen E. Barger, Buffalo, N. Y. ; M. E. Robinson, Buf.falo, N. Y. ; L. Marshall, Buffalo, N. Y. In Pennsylvania : MOTION PICTURE SPECIALTIES, INC.; Mfg., buy, sell, rent slides, films, etc. ; capitalized at $5,000 in Pittsburgh, Pa. ; incorporators are : George M. McLane, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; James Steele, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; E. J. Stoughton, Pittsburgh, Pa. In Virginia: ARCADIA GARDENS, INC.; The conducting of theatres, root gardens and amusements of all kinds ; capitalized at $300,000 in Richmond, Va. ; incorporators are : J. T. Anderson, Richmond, Va. ; J. J. Pollard, Richmond, Va. ; G. L. Stabler, Washington, D. C. R I A L T O THEATRE CORPORATION (AMENDED) ; A general motion picture taking and producing business; capitalized at $950,000 in Richmond, Va. ; incorporators are : C. Livingston, New York City ; S. L. Rothapfel, New York City. In New York : ALAVA CINEMA CORPORATION; Gen. theatrical and motion picture business; capitalized at $3,500 in Manhattan; incorporators are: Electerio Alvana, 11 Hamilton PI., N. Y. ; Edwin Rowlands, 11 Hamilton PI., N. Y., and Clarence Kimball, 11 Hamilton PI., N. Y. THE MARGARET ANGLIN PICTURE CORPORATION, INC.; Theatrical and motion pictures ; capitalized at $750,000 in Manhattan ; mcorporators are : Thos. F. Garrity, 286 President St., Brooklyn; Jno. B. Knox, 418 Central Park, West, N. Y., and Wm. M. Card, 358 W. 124'th St., N. Y. -TOWN AND COUNTRY FILMS, INC.; Theatrical and motion pictures; lOO shares N. P. V. in Manhattan ; incorporators are : Jack S. Eaton, 51 E. 42nd St., N. Y. ; Eltinge E. Warner, 461 8th Ave., N. Y., and Arthur W. Sutton, 461 8th Ave., N. Y. Exhibitors in Boise, Idaho, Win Sunday Opening Right After a Three Months" Fight