Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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484 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION Vol. 14. No. 3 MOTION PICTURE MACHINES Power-Simplex— Baird HALLBERG'S 20th Century Motor Generators MINUSA Gold Fibre Screens SANIZONE DeodorEints, the perfect perfume for Motion Picture and All Theatres WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS ASK FOR CATALOGS Lewis M. Swaab 1327 VINE STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. FREE Send 4c stamps to cover postage and you 11 receive Absolutely Free, a slide every theatre should have, and our big 1916 catalogue. See the colored non-breakable " " " " clock " " typewriter GREATER N. Y. SLIDE CO., Inc. World's Greatest Slide Makers Academy of Music Bldg. 14th St., New York SUPPLY HOUSES: We'oe a proposition that will interest you. Do You Want to Save Money ? Well then get our latest CATALOGUE and leam how. Electra Carbons 3^ — 12 in. per 100 $17.00 Elec±ra Carbons % — 12 in. per 100 12.00 Two slightly used Powers No. 6 A motor drive each $180.00 Many other bargains on hand. I CROWN MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES 217 West mJoA Street NEW YORK them, in order to effect the saving, we believe it would indeed be a most short-sighted manager who would refuse to purchase them. These economizers come in all sizes to accomodate the various sized carbons, and are procurable from any supply house or equipment company. They are of so small a cost as to quickly pay for themselves by the saving effected. It is to the interest of the exhibitor to have one or more of these sets on hand. Size of Carbons Usually Thrown Away Fig. 1 illustrates the size carbon usually thrown away ; fig. 2 the possible consumption of carbon by the use of the economizer, fig. 3. You will notice that the carbon is almost entirely consumed, and you can readily figure the saving effected by their use. Then too there are too many operators who are using carbons that are not of the proper size to eliminate waste ; operators who desire to be efficient and economical, but who are handicapped by " not knowing how." That will be one of the functions of this department ; to tell them how. Now don't misunderstand me, it is not my desire to become a " teacher," but I am going to try to be of assistance to the operator who really is desirous of being economical in the matter of operating room expenditures, and I hold the view that an operator should be allowed a certain sum of money weekly, or monthly, for operating room expenses, and all purchases of supplies should be left in his hands. I believe that there would be few instances where an operator would betray the trust reposed in him, and it would also serve to give him the impression that he was something more than a necessary evil which many exhibitors are not prone to do. A cheap or poor operator is dear at any price. Get a good operator and pay him the salary he deserves, then see to it that he produces the goods, and if given the proper equipment you can depend upon his doing so. RIALTO, SAN FRANCISCO, WILL HAVE SEPARATE PROJECTION ROOM FOR THE SELECTION OF PICTURES BY MANAGEMENT THE new Rialto theatre on Market street, San Francisco, is going at things right, and the excellent business which this firm has enjoyed indicates that the people are quick to resppn?!. The carpenters are now at work fitting up a separate projection room for the sole use o^f the managers, so that they can project pictures for their own selection at any time. This saves waiting around until after midnight in order to look at a film. The management has just bought three new Power's 6 B. Camerographs from G. A. Metcalfe, so that they now have five machines in operation, three in the operating room and two in the reviewing room, and it is the first time in the history of the business on the west coast that a house has installed five machines. This theatre has the first releases of the Hearst International News Pictorial, which means that a great deal of publicity will be given the films in the Hearst papers, besides the regular Bxivertising. This week the morning Examiner gave a full writeup of the News Pictorial, 'with special pictures, and the evening Call not only gave a two-column write-up, illustrated with a picture of Nelson B. Edwards, the International Film Service man who took pictures in Turkey, but the paper tells that the pictures are to be shown in the Rialto theatre. Very seldom has a new theatre stepped into such an active business as has the Rialto. ROBERTS AND CARTER SUPPLY COMPANY SELLS MOTIOGRAPH TO WERNER THE Roberts and Carter Supply Company of Nashville, Tenn., reports the sale of a 1916 Modef Motiograph machine to S. E. Werner, Dixie theatre, Tracy City, Tenn. Mr. Werner is very enthusiastic over the new machine. A Motiograph was also placed in the Empress theatre, an up-to-date suburban theatre in Nashville by this concern. The concern has recently been appointed the southern representative of the Sanitary Perfume Corporation of Brooklyn, New York. CASHIER OF NICHOLAS POWER IS SERVING IN THE GUARD ON THE MEXICAN BORDER SR. BURNS, cashier of the Nicholas Power Company, is first • sergeant of Company D, Seventh Regiment of N. Y. National Guard, which recently left for service on the Mexican border. Sergeant Burns is very popular at the Power office and has a host of friends among its customers. Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisers.