Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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1056 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 7 " Intolerance," Sun Play of the Ages, from Griffith Picture on Which He Has Been at Work for Five Years, Working Title, " The Mother and the Law," Will Be Shown at the Liberty, New York, on August 21 URBAN AND JOY SAIL FROM ENGLAND FOR NEW YORK Charles Urban, of London, together with Mr. Joy, the originator of the Urban color process, sailed from England on Aug. 2 and are due to arrive in New York on August 10 on the S. S. Lapland. Charles Urban Mr. Urban has made no announcement as to his plans in this country, but it is surmised that he will shortly become a potent factor in motion picture affairs on this sic'e of the Atlantic. JANE KECKLEY, PORTRAYER OF ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS, IS A PALLAS PICTURITE NOW Jane Keckley, portrayer of eccentric characters, is now affiliated with Pallas Pictures. Miss Keckley entered the motion picture field some seven years ago and has appeared under the management of many of the most prominent producers in both the East and West. One of her best characterizations on the screen was presented in " The Circular Staircase," in which she appeared as Miss Watson. Prior to her advent in motion pictures Miss Keckley was connected with the speaking stage for some seventeen years, having appeared in various branches of the theatrical stage. Miss Keckley will make her debut under the Pallas Picture banner on the Paramount Program in " The Parson of Panamint," the Peter Kyne subject to be released next month with Dustin Farnum in the title role. NEW ENGLAND RIGHTS FOR INCE SPECTACLE SOLD TO LOURIE The New England rights to Thomas H. Ince's massive cinema production, " Civilization," have been sold to the New England Film Distributors, Inc., of which David A. Lourie is the president. Three prints of the Ince picture will be shown on the screen by the New England Film Distributors, Inc., in September. The opening takes place in Boston in one of the principal playhouses in that city. DW. GRIFFITH completed arrangeā€¢ ments with Klaw & Erlanger to take over the Liberty theatre for the season 1916-17, beginning August 21. His first production there will be " Intolerance," which he designates as a sun play of the ages. Mr. Griffith has been at work upon this story for over five years. It is an original idea consisting of parallel narratives coming down through four ages in the world's development. The connecting link between the past and present reveals that the same force which has created crises in the world's affairs is at work today. " Intolerance " will be presented for the first time at the Liberty theatre on Tuesday night, August 22. This is the production which has been referred to heretofore as " The Mother and the Law," a title which was used solely for working purposes. It tells a modern story, depicting the suffering and adventures of a young couple who happen to be caught in the whirlpool of so-called social reform. The effort to thwart the law of individual destinies is the force which brings the young lo\ ers and others into a sequence of events which engulf them. In joining his modern story to ancient events Griffith has made a wide departure from all stage construction of the past. He elaborates upon his original invention TWO more serials have been added to Pathe's fiive million dollar serial program. These will be released this year, and will be from the pens of Mabel Herbert Urner, author of " Helen and Warren," " Their Married Life," " The Journal of a Neglected Wife," " The Other Woman," and Guy McConnell, who has contributed to the best magazines in the country. These two new serials will fulfill Mr. Berst's promise to exhibitors of seven serials a }-ear. The continued photoplaj's already issued by Pathe this year are " The Red Circle," " The Iron Claw," "Who's Guilty?" and "The Grip of Evil," which has just been released. On October 1 Pathe will release " The Shielding Shadow." " The Shielding Shadow " features a trio of stars, Grace Darmond, Ralph Kellard and Leon Bary. It is from the pen of George B. Seitz, author of " The Iron Claw," and some of Pathe's other serial successes. The advertising campaign prepared under Mr. Berst's direction by G. A. Smith, Serial Publicity Manager of Pathe, has been designed with a view to serving to the fullest possible extent, the needs of the exhibitor. The best newspapers in every metropolitan city in the United States will carry " Shielding Shadow " advertising. There will also be an extensive billboard campaign in many of the cities where Pathe's Exchanges are located. As part of the national campaign there will be dominating signboard locations in of the switch-back to flash parallel narratives of the fall of Babylon, the advent of the Nazarene into Judea and the Massacre of St. Bartholomew in Paris in 1572. In each locale he introduces analagous characters to the protagonists of his modern story and shows them engulfed in the same vortex of intolerant opinions which are the negative forces in his main theme. The historic surroundings of these various periods are presented in elaborate and accurate detail. The work of research to gi\e authority to these scenes was carried on by a corps of experts over a period of the past three or four years. These writers furnished Mr. Griffith with over six volumes of the latest condensations upon the different subjects and it was this data that he worked upon. His Babylonia is brought up to the very latest discoveries and histories of the leading university expeditions to the ruins which are being excavated. His scenes in and about Jaffa and Jerusalem will give new pictorial color to the Holy Land. His background for the massacre in Paris shows the quarters of old Paris in minute detail from prints and descriptions of the times which are of vast value for their fidelity. Some of the greatest characters in the world's development are pictured at war with the irresistible currents of thought. New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and Niagara Falls. Mr. Berst has promised a detailed announcement in the near future regarding the two new serials. It is understood that one of the new serials will be by the Astra Film Corporation. The other will probably be produced by Balboa in the sunshine of California. Among the authors now contributing to Pathe's serial program are Louis Tracy, Albert Payson Terhune, Mrs. Wilson Woodrow, Randall Parrish, George B. Seitz, Mrs. Urner and Mr. McConnell. " The layman has only a vague idea of the great amount of action that is required for a thirty-reel serial," said Mr. Berst. " It takes a very strong mind and a vivid imagination to supply the necessary action. Experience has shown us that we must look to trained writers for the kind of material we require. Pathe is in the market now for the ideas for serials. We are willing to pay a liberal price for any ideas that meet our requirements." FAMOUS PLAYERS LONDON MANAGER GETS AERO COMMISSION Sidney M. Baber, managing director of the Famous Players Company, Ltd., of London, in a letter to Carl Anderson of the B. S. Moss Company, states that he has just received a commission in the Roj-al Fljdng Corps. His duties for the present will not take him from Great Britain and he expects to be able to take care of his business affairs as usual. Two More Serials Added to Pathe $5,000,000 Program The Pictures Will Be Released This Year and Will Come from the Pens of Mable Herbert Urner and Guy McConnell, Authors Who Have Contributed to Best Magazines