Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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1262 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 8 CLASSIFIED ARE YOU A LIVE WIRE? Then Write Us at Once. Big Money in Taking Motion Pictures for News Advertising and Home Talent. We are the Lowest Priced House ir the Country selling Motion Picture Cameras. Write for information. We are Specialists in equipping beginners. Describe your locality. We will tell you if it can be made to pay. Write us today. David Stern Co., 1047 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. In business since 1885. CAMERAMEN furnished with outfits for all classes of work. Local pictures, industrial, educational and studio. Universal Camera Company, 1007 Times Bldg.. New York City. FOR SAI^E 2,000 reels, consisting of Keystones, Biographs, Chaplins, single and tworeel comedies and dramas; three, four and five-reel features for sale at a bargain, any quantity. Apex Feature Service, 116 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. WANTED partner for first class established and profitable feature film exchange serving Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. Investigation invited. Experience not absolutely necessary. Address A. W. X., care of Motion Picture News. INFORMATION regarding the Motion Picture Trade in Australia given free on application to HAL. H. CARLETON Box 2269 G. P. O. Sydney N. S. W. AUSTRALIA U.S.A. Film Company, inc. 3431^01ive Street, ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. DEVELOPING PRINTING TI TLES TINTING SPEED AND QUALITY M otion Picture Publicity a Specialty NATIONAL DRAMA CORP. 1465 Broadway New York City When In need of an experienced, reliable and efficlenl Camera Man, call BRYANT 6558 Rapid, Efficient Service CINEMA CAMERA CLUB 1006 Times Bldg., New York City Agent Mirror Main 3413 Screens FS128 LEO RYAN Broker in Pacific Coast Picture Theatres 730 S. Olive St., Film Exchange Row LOS ANGELES. CAL IhaS the gUALlTY CIRCULATION OF THE TRADE I TABLE OF CONTENTS REAL PURPOSE OF WEDNESDAY'S MEETING ("WILLIAM A. JOHNSTON) 1197 EDITORIALS 1198 Child Epidemic Hits Eastern Exchanges Hard 1199 Metro Stages Big Convention at Atlantic City 1201 Larry Trimble Back to Look After Turner Pictures 1203 B. A. Rolfe Quits Management of the Strand Theatre 1204 Art Acord All Around Winner in Studio Directory Contest. 1205 Varner and Sams go to Washington for Exhibitors 1207 Kathlyn Williams Signs with Morosco-Pallas 1200 Baggott and Mary Fuller Leave Universal 1200 Auto Company Will Aid " Crimson Stain " Publicity 1200 Lew Fields and Marie Dressier in Brady Pictures 1202 Australian Exchange Magnate Here to Buy Features 1202 Otis Turner. Teft Johnson and Frank Lloyd Join Fox . . . . 1206 Last Three Episodes of " The Grip of Evil," a Serial in Themselves 1208 Evolution of Lighting a Theme for a Picture 1208 Florida Feature Film Head Outlines Policy 1209 British Offensive Shown in War Pictures from Urban 1209 Reichenbach Quits World Film for Frohman 1210 Musicians Enthusiastic Over " Parson of Panamint " 1210 George K. Spoor Defends Pictures in Churches 1212 Twenty-six Noted Stars in General Pictures 1213 Ince Stars and Executives Guests on Plutocrat's Yacht. . . . 1214 Marguerite Fisher in New Mutual Star Series 1214 "Quest of Life" for Debut of Maurice and Walton 1213 " Upheaval " and " The Pretenders " from Metro in August 1228 Eight Stars in Kalem for the Week of August 28 1228 Texas Patrons League Endorses Sunday Shows 1235 Andrew J. Cobe Goes South to Boost New Serial 1235 DEP VRTMENTS Live Wire Exhibitors 1215 Looking Ahead with the Producers 1217 The Eastern Studios 1221 In and Out of West Coast Studios 1229 Film News from Foreign Parts 1232 Among the Exchanges 1238 New Laws and Court Decisions 1236 Just to Make Talk 1241 In and Out of Town 1242 SCREEN EXAMINATIONS Beatrice Fairfax (International) 1245 Dawn of Freedom, The ( Vitagraph-V-L-S-E) 1246 Far Journey. The (Selig) 1249 Girl of Lost Lake, The (Bluebird) 1246 God's Half Acre (Rolfe-Metro) 1247 Patriot, The (Kay Bee-Triangle) 1245 Social Cub, A (Keystone-Triangle) 1249 Sporting Blood (Fox) 1248 Stampede, The (Educational Film) 1248 Stolen Jail, The (Kalem) 1247 Wall Street Tragedy, A (Mutual Masterpicture) 1247 Woman's Way, A (World Film) 1248 General Reviews 1250 Mutual Reviews 1250 International 1253 Universal Reviews 1253 Release Pages for Ready Reference 1254-5-6-7-8-60 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION Editorial 1265 Projection 1268 The Camera 1273 Music and the Picture 1276 Building and Furnishing 1278 Directory of New Theatres 1281 PICTURE MACHINES New and tligbtly used Power'«, Simplex, Motiograph and Editon at bargain pricet. Opca and folding •hairal Operating Bootht that paH fire inspection. Picture curtains and everything for the M. P. Theatre at lower prices than offered by our competitors. LEARS THEATRE SUPPLY COMPAIf 509 Chestnut Street. St. Loiit, Hi. MENGER & RING, Inc. Manufacturers of POSTER and LOBBY DISPLAY FRAMES M4 W. 42nd StTMt Naw York Better light without waste of current. Better pictures with less trouble for operator HERTNER ELECTRIC & MFG. CO. 432 Prospect A«e.. Clevelanb. Ohio. U. S. * C A I L L E Ticket Office Equipments Embody Ticket Sellers, Tidket Choppers, Change Makers, Theatre Record Ledgers and Theatre Tickets. Catalog on request. Caille Bro*. Co., 1003 Amstordjun Ave., Detroit, Mich. THE BIOSCOPE is The English Trade Journal of the Moving Picture Industry Annual Subscription (post free) 14s. (Dollars {3.50) 85 Shaftesbury Ave. , London, N.W. Information with regard to Cinema business in Europe given free of charge. G. KACZKA, 32 Rue de Moscou, Paris The advertising you get from your electric sign in the day time is free. The advertising you get at night with a Federal sign is unsurpassed. FEDERAL SIGN SYSTEM (ELECTRIC) Lake & Desplaines Streets, CHICAGO. See Pages 1226-1227 OPERA CHAIRS Complete Line Prompt Shipmenta Write for Catalofiie wia Direct Factory Prices PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. gl2 W. Foutk Street, Nertk Biuckciier, Imi. Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisers.