Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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August 26, 1916 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION 1271 (in process of rewinding — Ed.) and by other careless habits which perhaps your uncomfortable quarters cause you to fall into. Wake up to the fact that you are the ARTISTS, whose handling of the film can either make it a success or otherwise, and let each man appoint himself a committee of one to correct these bad habits, beginning upon himself, and before long the manufacturer and exhibitor will become cognizant of the fact that good projection is as important a part of the whole as the acting and there will come a sifting of the fit and the unfit and the " Projection Department" of the motion picture industry will be recognized by all and a proper appreciation will be given it. BE ONE OF THE FIT ! Begin now to prepare yourself to reap the rewards which will surely come to the intelligent, conscientious operator. Be one of those who are constructive, not destructive ; think this over boys and know that with all my heart I am with you in any efforts you may make in this direction. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) Rose Tapley. Editor's Note. — In publishing this letter I do so with the full appreciation of all that Miss Tapley has tried to do in the past for the operator, she may well be termed " the operators' friend," for she is one of the few " stars " who is every ready and willing to be of assistance to the operator, as a number of local unions will testify. There is much food for thought in her letter and I hope that every operator who reads it will take the advice of her, who by her sweet personality and absolute unselfishness has endeared herself to countless thousands. WHEN WILL THE EXHIBITOR WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT AN OPERATOR CANNOT PRODUCE RESULTS unless he is treated more like a human being? Why do not the various operators' organizations take up the matter of operating room construction with the building authorities, the board of health, and other municipal bodies? The different health boards are very solicitous about the welfare of everyone except the motion picture operator, whom they seem to regard as of no account. Something can be done by concerted effort on the part of the operator, and IT SHOULD BE. With very few exceptions the operator has the hardest and most uncomfortable position of any skilled worker, and yet so many employers get the idea that as summer comes on and their trade slackens down, that the operator should have his salary reduced. How many of you managers, who reduce your operators' salaries ever voluntarily come to him with a " raise " when the business is good? Don't all speak at once. Think this over Mr. Manager, and try to put yourself in " the other fellows place," treat the operator as you would like to be treated were the positions reversed, and you were the operator. HELP US TO HELP YOU 1WANT to impress upon the operators the absolute necessity of giving all information in their power when making inquiries concerning projection troubles. Give the make and model of machine used, whether using a.c. or d.c, size of picture, size condensers, E.F. of lenses, length of throw, whether using rheostat, converter, or motor generator set, as well as the size carbons used and the gauge of wire, for it is only by having this information that I will be enabled to try and help you. So many seem to have an idea that a projection editor is a mind reader; for instance, an operator writes: "Am using an Edison machine, one of the old exhibition models with inside shutter, size of picture is 16 feet, and I can not seem to get the corners of the picture clear, that is, there are ' brown ' corners. What must I do to brighten the picture ? " He never says a word about the size of condensers, projection lens, throw, or anything else th^t would enable me to give a half-way intelligent answer. PLEASE BEAR THIS IN MIND WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES: IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO GIVE ALL THE DATA AT YOUR COMMAND IF I AM TO BE OF ANY ASSISTANCE TO YOU. SOMEONE'S MISTAKE THROUGH an oversight on the part of someone, perhaps myself, copy intended for this department giving the result of the election held by Local 384, I. A. T. S. E., Moving Picture Machine Operators of Hudson County, N. J., became mislaid. In justice to the officers and members of that local, and to set myself right in the minds of those operators whom I met during my recent trip, I would say I did not resign from that organiza MOTION PICTURE MACHINES Power— Simplex— Baird HALLBERG'S 20th Century Motor Generators MINUSA Gold Fibre Screens SANIZONE Deodorants, the perfect perfume for Motion Picture and all Theatres WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS Ask for Catalogs Lewis M. Swaab ^^.L™^™. Made in Switzerland CARBONS Write us for deseriptive circular and price list JONES & CAMMACK Sole Importers 12 Bridge Street New York City Eye Strain from moving pictures is usually due to Alternating Current Arc Lights for Projection. Wagner White Light Converters avoid this. Every Moving Picture Theatre needs Direct Current. Bulletin No. 10922. Wa4na-Ele<fM<iHanii££u5turinl Compairy;SaintIouis Get acquainted with "FULCO" The Department Store MOVING PICTURE TRADE MACHINES EQUIPMENT SUPPUES Our catalog coven tfae'Une fromA-Z E. L FULTON COMPANY 156 W. Lake Si. CHICAGO, ILL SOME, BARGAINS Powers No. 6A motor drive $180.00 Powers No. 6 motor drive J 20 00 Simplex motor drive 180*00 Standard " " late $100.00 model Eztmguishers 5 qq CROWN MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES 217 West 42na Street New YorR City THEATRE AND EXCHANGE MAILING LIST SERVICE We rent lists of or address contemplated or existing theatres, exchanges, state rights owners, publicity mediums and producers, selected as to territory, class, etc. Twenty thousand changes were recorded in our list last year. Its use means a saving to you of from 30 to 50% in postage, etc. N75 MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY CO. 80 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 425 ASHLAND BLOCK, CHICAGO Phone, 3227 Chelsea Phone, 2003 Randolph Addressing Multigraphing Printing Typewriting