Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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ITH full confid ence the ARTCRAFT PICTURES CORPORATION makes its entry into the film industry announcing that it has been organized to present and distribute film attractions that will evidence the highest attainments of the cinematographic art. For its initial undertaking it now ofl^ers to the exhibitor of America the productions of THE MARY PICKFORD FILM CORPORATION, in which will be presented exclusively the greatest artist in the history of the world of amusements. MARY PICKFORD No personality is so dominant in motion pictures as that of Mary Pickford. It is the crystaliza tion of magnetism without a parallel in the history of either the spoken or the silent stage. Every exhibitor knows that the advent of a new Mary Pickford picture means an event in the season of his theatre or playhouse. This has been the unfailing rule. NONA/, heading her own film corporation Mary Pickford with her wonderful art and great experience will bring to these productions a new life, a stronger drawing power and a more lasting charm, being alone and on no programme she will completely pervade the entertainment presented.