Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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From 20 to 30% THE BANK THEATRE Exceptional Photoplays JAMES p. DUNLEVY, Mgr. AKRON, OHIO V. L. S. E. Inc. 1600 Broadway, New York. Gentlemen : On or about the first of last February we were on the lookout for good strong service to build up our Monday and Tuesday receipts at this theatre. On February 28th, I began booking two of your first run pictures a week. Since that date I have played almost all your regular releases, and all of your big "specials" as well, and I am pleased to advise you that Mondays and Tuesdays have picked up 25 to 30 per cent . Your pictures have thoroughly pleased our patrons and we consider V. L. S. E. the very best on the market. Very truly yours , 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ Ldu^ 14^ Uli^ US^ !4£ 3T— Jt< J'^— ^"w— j'-rm. j—r^ VL.S.E. Inc. 5!4E!4ei4g:!4E14e;14g:i4g;i4e:HgHE BRANCH omcES PtuUddphU 229 N 1211, Si. Pittsburg 117 Fcunk At San Francisco 9S6 M<4« it Salt Lake City l29E.Se€mmJ SmASl. St Louis 3630 Ot»c Si. Seattle 415 CMin Si Washington DC til E. Stnrrl N. W New Orteans 342 Bm<~ Si. Syracuse / 17 Wthm Sl Totooto 15 WUlm At,. Montreal 198 Si. CoiActm Si.t/