Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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1322 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 9 Can You Speak Mongol-ic : COMING The Greatest of Serials IT GRIPS WITH DEEP INTENSITY 16 Episodes RELEASED LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER FOURTH Book this. The newest. The most timely. The most interesting Serial ever produced. It will grip your audiences with a power that will awaken every impulse to protect their country. Stir their patriotism up and urge them to beware of 'THE YELLOW MENACE." Reports of advance bookings from all sections of our territory indicate that "THE YELLOW MENACE" will hang up a new record for serial productions. BOOK NOW DONT WAIT "The Early Bird Catches the Worm" WRITE OR WIRE NEAREST OFFICE Book Thru United Film Service KANSAS CITY, 409 Gloyd Building SAN FRANCISCO, 217 Taylor St. DENVER, 1725 Welton St. SEATTLE, 600 Union St. OMAHA, 300 Bromley Building LOS ANGELES, 223 Marsh-Strong Building UNITED FILM SERVICE 135^2 East Second Street, South, Salt Lake City, Utah AND L. C. F. FILM EXCHANGE 3311 Olive Street, St. Louis CONTROLLED BY Levy, Chatkin & Feldstein EXECUTIVE OFFICE: 17 North Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisers.