Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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September 30, 1916 MOTION PICTURE NEWS 2005 General Film Announces Fall and Winter Programs Kalem's " The Girl from 'Frisco " Is to Be Increased from Fifteen Episodes, as First Planned, to Twenty-fiveLubin Loses Its Identity as Far as New Productions Are Concerned — Producing Companies Agree to Use Their Topnotch Stars in Dramas and Comedies ALTERNATING WEEKS BEGINNING OCTOBER 1st. Selig (6) 1 single reel 1 three " 2 single " comedy drama news 1 single reel 1 two (5) 2 single " comedy drama news Vitagraph (s) 1 single reel 1 single " 1 three " comedy comedy drama 1 single reel comedy (2) 1 single " comedy (Twice a month, 1st and 3rd Saturday) Essanay (6) 1 two reel 1 single " 1 three " drama comedy drama 1 two reel 1 single " (6) 1 three " drama comedy drama Kalem (5) 1 single reel 2 single " 1 two " drama comedies drama 2 single reel 1 single " (5) 1 two dramas comedy drama Melies (5) 3 single reel 1 two " comedies drama 2 single reel 1 single " (6) 1 three " comedies drama drama There may be some slight changes in this program. Beginning the latter part of October, Kalem, according to present plans, will discontinue one reel of comedy, substituting therefor a one reel serial drama entitled "GRANT, THE POLICE REPORTER." This is along the same lines as the "HAZARDS OF HELEN" SERIES. Also later in October, Melies plans to discontinue one reel of comedy, substituting a one reel drama, featuring one of the most noted stars in the world. THE complete details of the fall and winter program of the General Film Company contain two important disclosures, one to the effect that the Kalem production of the " Girl from 'Frisco " series is to be increased to twenty-five episodes instead of fifteen as first planned, and the second is that the Lubin Company loses its identity and individuality on the General Film Program in so far as new productions is concerned. Any new short length pictures that the Lubin Company may produce in the future for release by General Film will come through the Vitagraph Company, and will bear the name of Vitagraph. It is possible that some of the short length successes of the past will be reissued under the name of Lubin, otherwise this companj% one of the oldest in the business, will be missing from the program this fall and winter. The formal announcement of the company is as follows : " Each of the manufacturers now releasing new films through General Film Service will continue to do so on the fall and winter program. Not only have they agreed to continue, but each has a specifically pledged that where improvement is possible in their productions it will be forthcoming. This improvement is not to be confined to pictures alone but to posters, etc., which they are to furnish and which will be brought to a state of complete perfection. " There is planned a continuance of serials, " The Girl from 'Frisco " is demonstrating that this feature of our program is a big one, and one calculated to attract patronage. In dramas and comedies the manufacturers have agreed to use their top-notch stars. " A system of the strongest kind of cooperation from the home office will be inaugurated immediately. No detail connected with a branch office will be considered as not being of enough importance to warrant attention from the home office. There has been established in our advertising department a bureau intended to cooperate directly with the exhibitor. An increased appropriation has been made for a comprehensive advertising campaign calculated to best serve the interests of exhibitors. This plan is flexible, and where especial advertising should be done to stimulate business in certain territories at certain moments, it will be done." American Film Reduces Number of Producing Companies Change Is Due to Policy of Mutual Releasing Organization, Which Provides for Feature Pictures with Weil-Known Legitimate and Screen Stars as Principals Special to Motion Picture News. Los Angeles, Sept. 16. WITH the policy of the Mutual releasing organization which provides for feature pictures with well-known legitimate stage and screen stars as principals, a big change has been made necessary at the studios of the American Film Company at Santa Barbara. By this change it will not be necessary for this producing company to maintain as many producing companies and the number of directors and players has been reduced. At the present time there are five companies under the direction of William C. Dowland, Edward Sloman, James Kirkwood, T. N. Heffron and C. Rae Berger. Mr. Dowlan is in charge of completing the last subject which will offer Richard Bennett as star. This has been titled " The Higher Good," and is a problem play by Clifford Howard, editor of the American scenario department. Scenes in which Mr. Bennett appears are being made first that he may return to New York to take up an engagement there on the stage. A sequel to the serial " The Diamond from the Sky," is being made under the direction of Edward Sloman, and has as its principals, the players who took part in the original thirty episode subject. This list includes William Russell, and Char lotte Burton as leads, Eugenia Forde, Tom Chatterton, Rhea Alitchell and several others. The third Kolb and Dill comedy is an adaptation of this pair of comedians' stage success, " Peck o' Pickles," and the direction is by T. N. Heffron. May Cloy, Josephine Clark, Marie Van Tassell, Burdell Jacobs, Frank Thompson, and other American players are cast for this picture. A small town set has been built for " Peck o' Pickles," and a pair of very clever actors for it are trained rats, who aid to introduce a number of very laughable comedy situations. Winifred Greenwood, Ed. Coxen and George Fields who have played together in more than three hundred American pictures, are now at work in their last for this company, which is being made by Director C. Rae Berger. It has been titled " A Voice of Love." " Esther of the People " is a five-reel picture just completed by Director Frank Thorne, which has Helen Rosson in the name part, and Franklyn Ritchey and Tom Middleton in the principal roles. Mary Miles Minter is working in scenes for " Faith," under the direction of James Kirkwood, and the supporting cast includes Margaret Shelby, Gertrude LeBrant, Clarence Burton, Bessie Banks, Lizette Thorne and others. In the past few months a number of marked improvements have been made at the American plant which means more efficient production conditions and improvements for the films. The addition of a large tract of ground for use of exterior sets, and the building and equipping of a large interior stage adds greatly to the producing facilities. This studio has long had the reputation of being one of the most attractive on the coast, and players have found it ideal in many respects. ENGAGEMENT OF W. S. SMITH AND MISS BELT ANNOUNCED special to Motion Picture News. Los Angeles, Sept. 6. Announcement of the marriage of W. S. Smith, manager of the Hollywood Vitagraph studio, who is brother of Albert E. Smith of the Vitagraph Company, and Laura Belt, daughter of Archdeacon Belt of Toronto, has recently been made, and the couple have been congratulated by their many friends of Filmdom. Mrs. Smith, formerly served Mr. Smith as his private secretary. BACHMEYER MAKES RIDGE PUBLICITY HEAD OF PARAMOUNT IN CINCINNATI The Famous Players Film Service, Inc., of Cincinnati, distributors of Paramount Pictures in that district, W. C. Bachmeyer, manager, has added a publicity and advertising department and placed J. Maurice Ridge at its head.