Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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2052 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 13 FRANK CURRIER ENGAGED BY METRO TO SUPPORT EMILY STEVENS, WAS WITH JULIA MARLOWE In the cast of Emily Stevens' new Metro-Rolfe production, " The Wager " is Frank Currier, whose wife, Ada Dow Currier, was Julia Marlowe's first dramatic teacher. Mr. Currier was associated with R. E. J. Miles in bringing Miss Marlowe to the attention of the critics and public at a special matinee performance of " Ingomar," and later, when she had proved her worth as a star, organized the company headed by Miss Marlowe, in which Joseph Haworth was her leading man in " Romeo and Juliet," " The Hunchback " and " Twelfth Night." Mr. Currier began his stage career at the age of ten, as callboy of a Boston theatre. He has been in motion picture work for three years, appearing in Vitagraph productions for the most part, and was associated with Ralph Ince before joining the Metro forces. In the Rolfe studio he has renewed his acquaintance with Viola Dana, with whom he appeared in " The Poor Little Rich Girl," playing the organ grinder, and with Lyster Chambers, Emily Stevens' leading man in " The Wager," who was a fellow-member of " The Deep Purple " company. CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR EXPLOITATION OF "CRISIS" The city of Chicago will probably be the principal headquarters for the exploitation of the Selig film, " The Crisis," written by Winston Churchill. Plans are in the making for an elaborate publicity campaign. It is rumored that " The Crisis " will be booked in the principal cities of the United States after the methods observed in booking the greatest stage attractions, and that special bands and orchestras will accompany each film. H. A. Sherman, of Minneapolis, who represented a syndicate in the purchase of a half-interest in " The Crisis " for the United States and Canada, will probably open headquarters in Chicago. Michel Mowschine, a Chicago composer, has completed a musical score for the exhibition of " The Crisis." HERALD GETS RIGHTS TO "THE PRIMA DONNA'S HUSBAND " The Herald Film Corporation announces the acquisition of " The Prima Donna's Husband," starring Holbrook Blinn, Clara Whipple and Kathryn Browne Decker, produced by the Triumph Film Corporation, under the personal direction of Julius Steger and Joseph A. Golden for the entire State of New York and Northern Jersey. " The Prima Donna's Husband " was shown some time ago to a specially invited audience, including the press of New York. Booking arrangements can be made immediately. UNIVERSAL EXHIBITORS TO GET WATTERSON, BERLIN AND SNYDER MUSIC FOR THEIR PICTURES Watterson, Berlin and Snydei, the New York music publishers, located in the Flo La Badie (Thanhouser) Strand Theatre Building, New York Citj', have consented to provide any exhibitor using Universal films with orchestrations of their popular selections. M. Winkler, who writes the music program for the Universal, is using a number of these in comedy selections, and will set more of them in view of this fact. Any exhibitor who wants Watterson, Berlin and Snj'der music can obtain it by writing to Harry Cohn, of Watterson, Berlin and Snyder, stating whether piano parts, or orchestration parts are wanted and if the latter, what orchestra parts. This is entirely free and due to the arrangement made with the Universal. HOCKING IS MADE MANAGER OF ALBANY UNICORN EXCHANGE Lawrence Hocking, better known to the trade as Lonzi, formerly manager of General at Boston and New Haven, has been appointed by Fred Murphy as manager of the Albany Unicorn exchange. Also Dan B. Leader, president of the exhibitor's league of Maine and formerly manager of the Empire theatre, Portland, has been appointed by Mr. Murphy as Unicorn manager at Bangor for the State of Maine. Sam Moscow has returned from Syracuse and is in New Hampshire for the Unicorn. SIEGEL ACQUIRES NORTHERN NEW JERSEY RIGHTS TO "YELLOW MENACE" S. O. Siegel, general manager of the Brown Film Service Company, located in the Strand Theatre Building, at Newark, N. J., concluded arrangements last week with the Unity Sales Corporation, whereby he acquired for his exchange the exclusive rights to "The Yellow Menace" serial for Northern New Jersey. Mr. Siegel immediately arranged to have Margaret Gale, the attractive heroine in " The Yellow Menace," come over to Newark on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of the past week, while the great Elks celebration was in progress, to ride in the parade throughout the city in a big sevenpassenger " Yellow Menace " automobile. The car was decorated in bright yellow streamers, and attracted a great deal of attention throughout the city. LETENDRE LEAVES WORLD TO TAKE CHARGE OF PLAYERS' PERSONAL PUBLICITY T. E. Letendre, for the past eight months associated with the publicity department of the World Film Corporation, has severed connections with that concern to take charge of the personal publicitj' of several stars, including Robert Warwick, Mollie King, Emile Chautard and Irving Cummings. He has taken up offices on the third floor of the Heidelberg Building, corner of Broadway and Forty-second street. A feature of his publicity service will be a weekly news-letter to Sunday newspapers on photoplay conditions in New York. Over one hundred newspapers have already subscribed for this service. Mr. Letendre is also the New York representative of a number of French newspapers. GILMORE REPORTS BIG BUSINESS W. J. Gilmore, general manager of the Animated Cartoon Exchange, 1339 Vine street, Philadelphia, which handles the world famed animated comedies of Mutt and Jefl and Hans and Fritz, reports big business in his territorv-. The Animated Exchange has the exclusive rights to Mutt and Jeff and Hans and Fritz in Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Southern NewJersey, Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia. Director Joseph De Grosse and His Universal Company in Big Bear Valley, Calif., for " The Place Beyond the Winds "