Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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2096 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION Vol. 14. No. 13 Be Ready for the Fall Crowds Order Your Transverter Now This Fall is going to open the biggest and most profitable business the moving picture industry has ever seen. To get your full share of it, you must have good pictures. You can't have good pictures without good projection. Good projection demands a strong, brilliant, steady, white light. To insure a perfect arc and ideal light at all times, you need the Irani^rteK TRAOe MARK Specially designed on scientific lines for the purpose, the price of Transverter equipment, considering its capacity and quality, is lower than that of any machine on the market. Sold on positive money-refunded guarantee if not as represented. We Can Deliver Promptly We are prepared to make deliveries in two or three weeks' time. A large stock of materials, which we purchased at the advanced prices, and our ample facilities, places us in a position of unusual advantage to take care of your urgent orders. Get your order in now to insure delivery in time for your needs. P'or complete information and prices, write for September Bulletin. THE HERTNER ELECTRIC & MFG. CO. 1907 West 114th St. Cleveland, Ohio OPERA CHAIRS Steel — Cast Iron Exceptional in Quality — Comfortable You are invited to make use of our Service Department. Send blue print or sketch for Free Seating Plan. If you are desirous of reseating, we can help you dispose of old chairs. Write for Catalog N. We manufacture Special Out-ofDoor Seating. STEEL FURNITURE CO. 1475 Buchanan Ave., S. W. Grand Rapids, Mich. FOR SALE MOVING PICTURE MAILING LISTS Only complete one to be had, numbering 22,000; price, $40.00; itemized by states, or ^.50 per thousand for states you want. Postage guaranteed. 1173 FOm Exchanges $4.00 149 Manufacturers and Studio* 1.00 210 Moving Picture Machine and Supply Dealers l.SO Write for particulars Trade Circular Addressing Co. 166>^ West Adams Street, Chicago Franklin 1183 Estab. UW KRUPA AND SNYDER COMBINE INTERESTS UNDER THE NAME OF THE HAMILTON AMUSEMENT COMPANY GEORGE M. KRUPA, manager of the new Hamilton theatre, and William H. Snyder, proprietor of the Grand theatre, Lancaster, Pa., have combined interests under the name of the Hamilton Amusement Company. Negotiations have been in progress for some time. A meeting in Philadelphia consummated the deal. The company is capitalized at $100,000. Mr. Krupa is president and general manager of the company, while Mr. Snyder is treasurer. George Krupa was a pioneer in Lancaster film progress, having opened Dreamland, a small house with only 150 seats, about ten years ago. Later the capacity was increased to four hundred. Afterwards Mr. Krupa also had the Hippodrome. Mr. Snyder is a native Lancasterian, who three years ago erected the Grand theatre. All three theatres will now be under the management of Mr. Krupa. STRIKE SITUATION IN OKLAHOMA UNCHANGED AFTER 7 WEEKS THE amusement situation in Oklahoma City, Okla., continues unchanged, and this makes the seventh week since the strike started. Despite the apparent success of the strike from the union viewpoint, members of the Theatrical Managers' Association do not seem to weaken. Theatrical managers are showing stubborn fighting, and a policy that gives but little satisfaction to the strikers. The strikers, however, claim success and say that they will win in the end. FERRY FIELD THEATRE, DETROIT, A 1,600 CAPACITY HOUSE, IS NOW OPEN THE Ferry Field theatre. Grand Boulevard and Grand River avenue, Detroit, Mich., opened on August 31. It belongs to the list of Detroit's most beautiful theatres. The seating capacity is 1,600. It has a large duplex pipe organ. Decorations are of the Spanish renaissance type. Most of the seats are on the main floor. C. Howard Crane was the architect. Pictures are changed daily. FILZOLA MAKES FAVORABLE REPORT ON HIS MOTIOGRAPH D FILZOLA, owner of the Theaterette, Ft. Scott, Kan., was • a recent visitor in Kansas City, reporting favorably on the results of his recent installation of a motiograph machine. Mr. Filzola has always paid particular attention to projection, and declares that his success in the past six years has been largely due to this feature. Get acquainted wM> "FULCO" The Department Store MOVING PICTURE TRADE MACHINES EQUIPMENT ■«&• SUPPUES Our catalof coven tbe'lme framA.Z L E. FULTON COMPANY 156 W. Uke St. CHICACO, Hi. Make Your Lobby Display Attractive There is nothing more fascinating to the public than a bright brass frame to display your photos or posters. We make Lobby and Theatre Fixtures and Brass Rails of every description. Don't fail to visit our Showrootns. Write for catalog. The NEWMAN MFG. CO. 717 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio Branch Factories and ShowTOoms: 68 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Coast representative, G. A. Metcalfe, 117 Goldengate Avenue, San Francisco, California. Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisers