Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 7, 1916 MOTION PICTURE NEWS 2143 16e Critics Said it^sift Artistic! the country leading exhibitors say Z4 wonder hojc office attraction^^ Which doyou want, dreams or dollarsP Ibrrv^oore, Washing tvn^'s great s/iot*^7nayv^ says: <James Q. Clemmer, tke /amous exkihitor o/^ tXe Taci/ic C?ast, sa^s: POSTAL TELEGRAPH COMMERCIAL CABLES TE:LEGj=^AM SeSny Jh 35 ■BEE" 4pn FX Seattle WU Aug 8 16 Paths Exchange Ino NY Cavalierl Just cloeed to one weeks record bueinesB originally booked picture four days. A Wonderful box office attraction It le ■ truly a beautiful picture. .Women were delighted with cavaUerlV' Vie .Aiorris, Manager of Loecu's Million Dollar Orpheum in. Boston., says Gxvalieri certainly was a money getter ^r fiim . Teople ca7iv& to see CavalierL. Jhey saw her. They were pleased. Xememher wetotdyou Vheffiadow ofMerPast^ would get the^money. R^s getting it! Book, itnowf Beginning with "JheSkadowofHerPast'^ Pathe's Gold ^osterPlays average higgler than any features ok the Titarket. Better to read f.fty advertisements than to miss the one YOU need.