Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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58 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. XIV. No. 16. Section 2 TURNER, F. A., characters, Fine Arts; b. Boston, 1866; stage career, " The Black Crook," on road with barnstorming cos., with Blanche Bates in " Under Two Flags," Henry Miller in " The Only Way," Robert Edeson 5 seasons, Edgar Selwyn in " Pierre of the Plains," also with Louis Mann, vaud. several seasons; screen career, from 1913, Imp. Biograph ("The Escape," etc.), Reliance-Majestic, Fine .\rts (" Little Meena's Romance," "Susan Rocks the Boat," "The Devil's Needle," etc.). Studio ad., Fine Arts, Hollywood, Cal. TURNER, William H., character leads; b. Ireland; stage career, 25 yrs., starred 10 yrs. in " David Harum," " Father and the Boys," " The Governor and the Boss." " The Sporting Deacon," and others; screen career, Imp-Universal, Lubin, appearing in "The Daughters of Men," "Eighteen Months," " The Gamblers," " The Nation's Peril," " The Gods of Faith," " The Changeling," " Man's Making," " Gods of Fate," "Love's Toll," etc. Hght., 5 ft. 8 in.; wght., 165; dark gray hair and dark eyes. Ad., Green Room Club, N. Y. C. UNDERHILL, John G., characters, director, ThistFe Film Producing Co.; b. N. Y. C, 1875; educ. Montclair, N. J.; early career, real estate; screen career, Gaumont, World Film, Metro, Essanay, Mirror, Thistle, (" Dead Alive," " Turned Up," " Indiana," etc.). Hght., 6 ft.; wght., 175; dark blue eyes. Home ad., 4617 Kenmore bidg., Chicago, 111. Studio ad., Room 611, Tacoma Bldg., Chicago, 111. VAN EPFS, Jack, characters, Peerless-World; b. N. \. C; educ. N. Y. C. ; stage career, 5 yrs. in mus. com., starting as chorus man, then small parts, and the Tin Man in " Wizard of Oz," 7 yrs. in vaud. as topliner, etc.; screen career, since 1898, Metro ("The Price of Malice"); World-Film ("Life's Whirlpool," "The Yellow Passport," "Human Driftwood," etc.); Universal ("Autumn," etc.); Paragon ("Romances of Marie"); Equitable (" Passers-By "), and numerous others. Hght., 5 ft. 9 in.; wght., 145 lbs.; dark hair, blue eyes. Recreations, riding, swimming, dancing, etc. Home ad., 15 W. 64th St., N. Y. C. Studio ad., Peerless, Ft. Lee, N. J. VIVIAN, Robert, characters; b. London, 1866; educ. England, France, Germany; stage career, Haymarket, London; "A Good Little Devil," "Oliver Twist," "The Ware Case," "King of Nowhere," etc., in N. Y.; rep. with Ben Greet Co.; m. p. career, with Ivan ("The Faded Flower"), Fox ("The Vendetta," etc.). Swimming, riding, boxing, cricket. Home ad., 158 W. 46th st, N. Y. C. VON METER, Harry, characters, American; b. Malta Bend, Mo.; educ. pub. and h. s. ; early career, physical culture teacher, Denver; stage career, from 1895, in stock, Denver; with Henry Kolker, Blanche Bates, Orrin Johnson, etc.; served in Suanish War; later, in stock, San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis, S. Diego, several yrs. on road; m. p. career, leads with Nestor, 3 mos. with Annex, with American 3 yrs. (in " Modern Rip Van Winkle," " Buzzard's Shadow," " Honor of the District Attorney," " Out of Darkness," " White Rosette." " True Nobility," " Dust," etc.). Recreations, weight lifting, cavalry, riding, swimming, baseball. Hght., 5 ft. 11 in.; wght., 170; dark complexion, black curly hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., American, Santa Barbara, Cal. VON STROHEIM, Erich O. H., characters. Fine Arts; b. Austria; educ. Milit. Acad., Austria; early career, army officer, wounded during annexation of Bosnia, decorated for gallantry, served as Chasseur d'Afrique in Algiers; newspaper man and magazine writer in U. S. ; stage career, over Orpheum circuit in dramatization of novel by himself, co-author of "The Mask," a stage play; m. p. career. Fine Arts ("Old Heidelberg," "The Flying Torpedo," "Intolerance," etc.). Studio ad.. Fine Arts, Hollywood, Cal. WADSWORTH, William, characters and comedian; b. Pigeon Cove, Mass.; educ. M. M. Milit. Acad. (AIo.); stage career, 23 yrs. with James K. Hackett, Otis Skinner, Mme. Modjeska, Annie Russell, Blanche Walsh, and many others: screen career, 5 yrs. with Edison (appearing in " Wood B. Wed " series, " Vanitay Fair," etc.). Ad., Pigeon Cove, Mass. WEIGEL, Paul, characters, Lasky; b. Halle, Germany, Feb. 18, 1867; educ. Germany; stage career 1886-90 Court Theatre, Dresden and Mannheim, 1890-91 Stadt Theatre, Roccingsberg 1891-1900 Irving Place, N. Y. C. 1900-02 with Mrs. Fiske, 1902-09 in " Are You a Mason," 1909-15 Denver in German stock, also in vaud.; screen career. Universal ("Naked Hearts"), Morosco ("The Intrigue"), Lasky ("Each Pearl a Tear "). Recreations riding, swimming, and literary. Hght. 5 ft. 9'/2 in.; wght. 145; blond hair, blue-gray eyes. Studio ad., Lasky, Hollywood, Cal. WELLS, L. M., characters, Universal; b. Cincinnati, O., 1862; educ. Miami Univ., Oxford, O.; early career, newspaper and short story writer, salesman, merchant, rancher, author; stage career, 12 yrs. in rep., 5 yrs, minstrel end man and monologuist; screen career, Lubin, Bosworth, Biograph, Lasky, Universal, ("The Deceivers," " The Man from Argentine," " Fool's Gold," " The Sting of Conscience." " The Other Half," " Graft," "Liberty," "A Daughter of the U. S. A.," etc.). Recreations, swimming, fencing, rowing, etc. Hght, 6 ft.; wght., 225; white hair, brown eyes. Studio ad.. Universal City, Cal. WELLESLEY, Charles, characters, Vitagraph; b. Dublin, Nov. 17, 1873; educ. Dublin and London; stage career, first with Sir Henry Irving for 3 seasons, then with Geo. Conquest, with Frank Sheridan, E. S. Willard, John Hare, etc., went to S. Africa in 1897. became member of S. Africa Constables, returned to stage, came to U. S., appearing in metropolitan successes, in vaud., rep., and stock; screen career, Vitagraph ("The Island of Surprise," "The Writing on the Wall," " The Hunted Woman," " The Hero of Submarine D2," "The Daring of Diana." etc.). Studio ad., Vitagraph, Brooklyn, N. Y. WELSH, William J., characters. Universal; b. Phila.; stage career, opera, dramatic, etc., sang in Phila. grand opera, with Belasco in " Under Two Flags," also in " Quo Vadis," " The Geisha," managed Joseph Santley on tour, etc.; m. p. career, with Universal (playing heavies in "Traffic in Souls," "Neptune's Daughter," " Peg of the Wilds," characters in " Lords of High Decision," " Elusive Isabel," " Beyond the Trail," etc.). Studio ad., Universal City, Cal. WHITE, Glen, characters, Fox; b. Phila., Pa., 1884; educ. St. Joseph's Coll., Cincinnati, O.; early career, in business; stage career, in "The Fast Mail," "Wildfire," "Seats of the Mighty," "The Flaming Sword," etc.; screen career, 1 yr. with Biograph, 1 yr. with Universal, Fox (" Sporting Blood," " The Straight Way," " A Tortured Heart," " The War Bride's Secret," etc.). Recreations, tennis, baseball, and motorcycling. Studio ad.. Fox, N. Y. C. WILLIAMSON, Robin E., characters, juveniles, comedian, Vim; b. Denver, Colo., June 30, 1889; educ. there and on the road: stage career, stock, rep. and vaud.; screen career, Lubin Vim (" Pokes and Jabbs " series, etc.). Hght., 5 ft. 6^ in.; wght., 135 lbs.: dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes: all around athlete and fond of outdoor sports. Studio ad., Vim, Jacksonville, Fla. WILSON, Tom, characters; b. Helena, Mont., Aug. 27, 1880; early career, soldier, professional boxer, trained Fitzsimmons for fight with Corbett, etc.; stage career, with Fitzsimmons in " A Fight for Love," in " College Widow," with Eva Tanguay in vaud., member of Warfield's " Music Master " company: screen career, since 1915, Reliance-Majestic, Fine -Arts (" The Martyrs of the Alamo," " The Mystery of the Leaping Fish." " Intolerance," etc.). WITTING, Arthur Eugene, characters; Universal; b. Prairie du Chien. Wis., 1868; educ. Green Bay and Marinette, Wis.; early career, piano plajer and baritone soloist; stage career, from 1908, dramatic and comedy leads in dramatic stock in manj cities; screen career, first appeared as old man Holland in " The Fall of a Nation." later with L^niversal (in " Two Men of Sandy Bar," etc.). Recreations, horseback riding and swimming. Hght., 5 ft. 10^ in.: wght., 185; brown hair and blue eyes. Studio ad.. Universal City, Cal. WOOD, Lawrence, characters; b. N. Y. C. ; educ. Columbia Univ., '82; stage career, 22 yTS. in Australia in comic opera, minstrel and dramatic stock, with Bishop's Players. San Francisco, "Whispering Riley" in "The ilan Inside" (Belasco), " \'onderdeck " in "The Boomerang"; screen career. Pathe ("The New Adventures of Rufus J. Wallingford "). Famous Players ("The Red Mill," "Madame Butterfly." etc.). Hght., 5 ft. in.; wght., 130; iron gra} hair; blue eves. Home ad.. 116 East 17th st., N. Y. C.