Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 21, 1916 STUDIO DIRECTORY 153 N. G. N. Y. in Spanish War; on athletic teams of 71st Regiment and Irish-American Athletic Club. Member Metropolitan Museum, Rye Athletic Club, 71st Regiment Veterans Club. Home ad., 206 W. 92d st., N. Y. C. Ad., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. MANNING, Cal., ' ear cantile pursuits; went with Balboa at organization, and was one of first men employed by H. M. Horkheimer when he started Long Beach studio; worked up from office boy to present position. Studio ad., Balboa, Long Beach, Cal. MAYELL, Eric E., Manager Pathe News Dept., Pathe Exchange; b. England; educ. London Univ.; early career, journalist; screen career, editor of Pathe Animated Gazette, London, 1912-15; with Pathe News, Jersey City, since 1915. Home ad., Shadyside Ave., Nyack, N. Y. Studio ad., Pathe News, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. McCarthy, Joseph J., general manager., D. W. Griffith Attractions; b. New Orleans, La., March 28, 1879; early career, advance agt. and mgr. road attractions, mgr. Chestnut St. Opera House, Phila.; m. p. career, mgr. with "Quo Vadis," " The Spoilers," " Cabiria," and for Griffith prods. Home ad., Oregon Apts., Seventh ave. and 54th St., N. Y. C. Ad., 807 Longacre bldg., N. Y. C. McGEE, James L., general manager, Western Selig; b. Brownville, Neb., 1873; educ. Illinois Military Academy and Beatrice Business Coll., Beatrice, Neb.; early career, 4 yrs. with Swift & Co. as asst. buyer; stage career, with Henry W. Savage 8 seasons as actor and mgr.; returned from London in 1908 with " College Widow," and joined Selig; played alternate lead and heavy with Tom Santschi; went to Pacific Coast with first Selig Co.; on death of Frank Boggs in 1911 became manager, now genl. mgr. Studio ad., Selig, Los Angeles, Cal. McKINNEY. J. A., general representative, Universal; early career, in financial and investment business, with Stone and Webster, Boston, and financial department American Express Co., screen career, 4 yrs. asst. to P. A. Powers, Universal; now member of board of directors of Universal, and genl. rep. of that company in Orient, with headquarters at Tokyo, Japan; supervising company's business in China, Philippines, Java, Ceylon and India. Ad., 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. MOSS, Benjamin S., president, B. S. Moss Motion Picture Corp; also pres. B. S. Moss Theatrical Enterprises and Amalgamated Vaudeville Agency. Home ad., 730 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. Ad., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. OES, Ingvald C, general manager. Great Northern Film Co.; b. Chicago, 111., 1882; educ. N. Y. C. and Copenhagen; early career, artist (scenic and illustrating), 1898-1902, publisher, 1902-1908; screen career, established American offices Great Northern Film Co., 1898; dir. in Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Co., vice-pres. Film Supply Co. of America. Clubs: Screen, N. Y. Press. Ad., 110 W. 40th st., N. Y. C. Home ad.. 593 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. PIERCE, Carl Horton, special representative, Morosco-Pallas; b. Boston, Mass., 1870; educ. Harvard Univ.; early career, sales and adv. mgr.; screen career, from July, 1914, Bosworth (special representative, which position he still occupies), MoroscoPallas (special representative since their formation). Member Harvard and Friars Clubs, A. M. P. A. Home ad.. Hotel Lenox, N. Y. C. Ad., Suite 1803-1813. Candler bldg, N. Y. C. POWELL, Frank, president and director, Frank Powell Productions Co.; stage career, first with Eugene Blair in "A Lady of Quality," 3 yrs. stage dir. for Augustus Thomas in "The Education of Mr. Pipp;" 2 yrs. stage dir. for Ellen Terry in her English tours; stage dir. for Fannie Ward in "Lady Bantock," etc.; screen career, Biograph (acted and dir. comedies), Pathe (dir. in Paris and London), Klein ("Officer 666"); American Pathe, Fox (dir., "The Children of the Ghetto," " A Fool There Was," " The Witch," " The Fourth Estate," " The Stain," " Princess RomanofT," " From the Valley of the Missing," " The Chain Invisible," " The Corsair," "The Ghost," "Jane Shore," "The Other Sister," etc.), now at work on the first feature of his own, starring Creighton Hale, Linda Griffith, and Sheldon Lewis. Ad., Times Bldg., N. Y. C. POWERS, Patrick A., treasurer. Universal; b. Ireland, 45 yrs. ago; m. p. career, as head of Powers Picture Plays intro duced players from speaking stage on screen, among them Nat Wills and Mildred Holland; instrumental in amalgamating forces of independent manufacturers; now part owner and treas. of Universal; interested in many other operations in m. p. industry. Member N. Y. Press, N. Y. Athletic, Automobile of America, Los Angeles Athletic Clubs. Ad., 1600 Broadway, N. Y. C. RAMIREZ-TORRES, Manuel, manager film producing department, Pathe; b. Porto Rico, 1881; educ. Porto Rico; screen career, Pathe, since 1906, as sales mgr., asst. gen. mgr. and present position. Member Friars Club. Home ad., 129 Buckingham Rd., Nepperhan, N. Y. Ad., 25 W. 45th st., N, Y. C. REICHENBACH, Harry L., press representative and business manager, Frohman Amusement Corp.; b. Cumberland, Md., March 18, 1883; early career, press rep. for Henry B. Harris, David Belasco, John Cort; screen career, genl. press rep. for Lasky, 1911, Bosworth, 1912, Metro, 1913-1914, EquitableWorld, 1915-1916, now with Frohman Amusement Corp. Clubs: Green Room, N. Y. Press, and N. Y. Advertising. Ad., 18 E. 41st St., N. Y. C. Home ad., Wright ave., Baysidc, L. I. ROACH, Hal, president and director general, Rolin; b. Elmira, N. Y., 1891; educ. common schs. and h. s.; early career, asst. mgr., White Motor Co., Seattle branch: asst. dist. mgr., Mahony Bros., contractors; m. p. career, director of comedies for Essanany, played leads for Universal, with Dan Linthicom organized Rolin Film Co. and has since been president; directed Pathe Phunphilms and Lonesome Luke comedy series. Recreations, motoring, football, swimming, all athletic exercises. Wght., 180 lbs.; hght., 5 ft. 10 in.; light hair, brown eyes. Studio ad., Rolin, Hollywood, Cal. ROLFE, Benjamin A., president, Rolfe Photoplays, Inc.; b. Brasher Falls, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1879; educ. there; mus. dir. and vaud. producer; m. p. career, managing dir. Strand Theatre, N. Y. C, retiring from its mgmt. August, 1916, to devote entire activities to film prod. Member Friars Club. Home ad., 38 Greenway Terrace, Forest Hills, L. I. Studio ad., 3 W. 61st St., N. Y. C. ROSENBACH, Arthur, secretary. Unity Sales Corp. and Unity Film Service; b. Germany, 1878; educ. Berlin Coll., Germany; early career, owner park amusement enterprises and theatrical costuming business; screen career, owner 2 N. Y. picture houses, mgr. of exchanges in Pittsburgh, Phila., Chicago, etc., sales and gen. mgr.. Excelsior Feature Film Co.; asst. genl. mgr. and secy. Pluragraph, and present position. Ad., 729 Seventh ave., N. Y. C. ROUNAN, John, producer, E. & R Jungle Film Co.; b. Washington; early career, general business, affiliated with J. S. Edwards in animal show business; screen career, in early 1914 co-organizer of E. & R. Jungle Film Co. with Edwards, company has produced " Beasts of the Jungle," " The Jungle Cure," " From the Jungle to the Stage," " Children of the Jungle," " The Jungle's Toll," etc. Studio ad., 1720 North Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. ROUSSEAU, Arthur E., secretary, Pathe; b. Roulers, Belgium, July 25, 1893; educ. Haverian Coll., Bruges, Belgium; previous career, secy, to mgr. claim dept. of Lloyd's, Antwerp; secy, to technical dir. of Antwerp Engineering Co.; asst. mgr. import and export dept. Comptair General a Alimentation, Antwerp; m. p. career, Pathe, from Aug., 1914, secy, to F. Malitz, then secy, to vice-pres. then secy, of Pathe in Nov. 1915. Home ad., 302 W. 93d St., N. Y. C. Ad., Pathe, 25 W. 45th St. N. Y. C. ROWLAND, Richard A., president, Metro. ;b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 8, 1880; educ. Pittsburgh pub. and hgh. schs.; previous career, operated Pittsburgh Calcium Light Co., after leaving sch. at age of 18, succeeding father; m. p. career, from 1904, pres. Pittsburgh Calcium Light & Film Co., pres. Feature Film & Calcium Light Co., officer and dir. Columbia Film Co., Independent Film Co., Famous Players Film Service, Pittsburgh, pres. Colonial Amusement Co., pres. Crystal Amusement Co., also in various partnerships with James B. Clark. Home ad., Wendolyn Apts., 100th st. and Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. Ad., Longacre bldg., N. Y. C. SELIG, William Nicholas, president, Selig Polyscope Co.; b. Chicago, March 14, 1864; educ. Chicago pub. schs.; previous career, actor and theatrical mgr., 1888-1899; m. p. career, from 1896, pres. Selig, dir. General Film Co., owner Selig Zoo, Los Angeles, awarded medal, 1912, by Pope Pius for historical photodrama, "Coming of Columbus"; first producer to introduce wild animals dramatically on screen; financed Starr expdn. to Africa, Korea, Japan, Philippines; McDowell expdn. to