Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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J •vr J.. A Announcing the third GOLDEN E A G L 1^ FEATURE Carlyle Blackwell I N The Ocean Waif FEATURING Doris Kenyon To be Released Nov, 2 Golden Eagle Featxires have won recognition as front rank pictures from both exhibitors and theatre goers in the six weeks they have been on the market. ^ The svipreme quality of the pictures; the exceptional publicity behind them has convinced exhibitors they are the best box office attraction on the market today. Jane Grey in The Flower of Faith with Frank Mills THE OCTOBER GOLDEN EAGLE RELEASE THIS picture is being quicklv booked by the best theatres everywhere. ^ All exhibitors showing JAFFERT immediately announced their intention ot following the Golden Eagle route. q This month it is 7'HE FLOWER OF FAITH, produced by the Superb Pictures Corporation. ^ Next month it will be THE OCEAN WAIF. the first of the Golden Eagle Features, is winning unequalled praise from press and public in every city in the land. C. Aubrey Smith, one of the best known actors of today, is the star in Jaffery. He is supported bv Eleanor Woodruff and Florence Deshon. The production is bv the Frohman Amusement Corporation. INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN EAGLES ARE THE BEST FEATURES ON THE MARKET TODAY