Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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2660 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 17 Wilfred Lucas, F. A. Turner and Constance Talmage in Two Scenes from " Bugs " (Fine-Arts) with the Little Children George Stone and Violet Radcliff in the Centre from " Everybody's Doin' It," Two New Comedy Releases from Triangle On the speaking stage Mr. Drew has been associated solely with his father. Sidney Drew. With him he played Captain Jack Absolute in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's " The Rivals," later a leading part in " Billy " at Daly's theatre, New York, and in several other productions, both dramatic and vaudeville. S. Rankin Drew is the author of " What the ^^oon Saw," a playlet produced by his father and played for eight weeks at the Criterion theatre. '-' What the Moon Saw " was acclaimed by many critics as being of a delicacy and insight second not even to Barrie. It gave a promise of what may be expected from Mr. Drew later in the field of playwriting. Metro's new director was born in New York and was graduated from Culver Military Academy. "THE SHINE GIRL" GETS MANY REPEAT BOOKINGS "The Shine Girl," the Pathe Gold Rooster play in which Gladys Hulette starred, is proving its worth by the many " repeat " bookings which it is receiving. Manager Fred Wright of the Colonial theatre, Hagerstown, Md., recently wrote a letter to the Pathe Washington office which is characteristic of many received. He says : " We have shown approximately 620 five and six-reel feature productions in our theatre, but I am sincere in my statement in claiming that ' The Shine Girl ' is decidedly one of the most charming, sweet and entertaining feature pictures we have ever shown. " It is a masterpiece from all angles, story, acting, direction and photography. I made a special point to take note of the many compliments from our patrons as they left the theatre after seeing this picture and it seemed to be the unanimous opinion of our audience that this picture pleased them as well as it did me. We have received over fifty personal requests for a ' repeat ' on this picture so please advise us as to the first open date. Give us more pictures like ' The Shine Girl.' " MARSHALL HANDLES " PURITY " Frank H. Marshall, formerly with the Metro Film Service of Michigan, is handling state rights for the latest Mutual feature " Purity." He gave a private screening of this picture before some leading Michigan exhibitors at the Washington tlieatre last week. Vitagrapli Announces Autumn and Winter Line-up Blue Envelope Mystery" Is Set for October 23 and Will Feature Lillian Walker—" Last Man," a Curwood Story, Is Scheduled for the 30th The BEGINNING with " The Blue Envelope Mystery " on October 23 Greater Vitagraph presents its Autumn and Winter lineup of stars and attractions for the benefit of exhibitors at large. " The Blue Envelope Mystery," with Lillian Walker as its bright particular star, originally appeared under the title " The Blue Envelope " in the Woman's Home Companion, a publication having a circulation of 1,250,000 copies per issue. On October 30 the feature on the Greater Vitagraph program will be " The Last Man," another story by James Oliver Curwood. It is a story of the great out-doors featuring Mary Anderson and William Duncan, supported by Corinne Griffith, Jack Mower and Otto Lederer. The direction of this production was in the hands of William Wolbert. On November 6 Antonio Moreno and Naomi Childers are presented in an original story written and directed by Marguerite Bertsch, entitled " The Devil's Prize." On November 13 exhibitors will receive Vitagraph's second London-made production, "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray " featuring Sir Alexander and Hilda Moore. Marc MacDermott, one of the pioneers of the screen, makes his second appearance on Vitagraph's program in " The Price of Power," a dramatic story by Franklin B. Coates, directed Ijy Charles Brabin. Mr. MacDermott has a dual role to play, calling for double and triple exposure work, and is supported by Naomi Childers, Mother Maurice and a capable cast. On November 27 E. H. Sothern. the world famous dramatic star, will appear in his second motion picture entitled " An Enemy to the King." This is the play with which Mr. Sothern made his stage reputation. It permits him to play a part with whicli he is thoroughly familiar. Miss Edith Storey appears in this release. Swinging into the month of December, Lillian Walker can again be seen in Irvin Colib's first photodrama, "The Dollar and the Law." This is the production set for release on the fourth of the month. It has been announced that it bears the stamp of approval of the American Bankers' Association. Paul Scardon, director, has completed the final scenes of " The Enemy," one of the most fascinating stories by the Chesters, George Randolph and Lillian. Realizing the popularity that has come to Peggy Hyland through her association with E. k. Sothern in " The Chattel," Greater Vitagraph selected Miss Hyland for the lead in "The Enemy," supported by a Vitagraph cast, which includes Evart Overton, Charles Kent and James Morrison. Nearing the holidays, on December 18, Greater Vitagraph presents its third London-made production called " A Rogue by Compulsion." Some of the principals in the case were featured in " The Firm of Girdlestone," the first of Vitagraph's London-made productions. Charles Rock and Edna Flugrath play important roles. On Christmas Day Greater Vitagraph will release " The Ninety and Nine," featuring William Courtenaj', supported by Lucille Lee Stewart. This is a Ralph Ince production. Mr. Courtenay is a finished actor, who has had a great deal of stage experience as the foundation upon which he has built up his screen technique. Miss Stewart has achieved popularity after but three releases. NEW COMPANY MAKING CARTOONS FOR PATHE NEWS The Pathe News has recently been publishing some political cartoons which have aroused considerable interest. These cartoons were made under the Bray patents by the Cartoon Film Service, Inc., a new corporation, which has in its employ some of the ablest cartoonists in the country. The Pathe News will be regularly supplied with the product of their studios. At a meeting last week Watson D. Robinson was elected president, John C. Terry, secretarj-, and Henry D. Bailey, treasurer of the new company. Mr. Terry-, who came here from the west to direct and manage Cartoon Film Service, is a "native son." He has been a newspaper cartoonist for .'sixteen years, during which time he has seen service on the San Francisco Call, the San Francisco Examiner and the St. Paul Dispatch. As far back as 1912 he was making animated cartoons.