Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 28, 1916 MOTION PICTURE NEWS "'■ " — iwiiirri" — laniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiMiimiTi ____ _ Looking Ahead With The Producers That Universal Program for Characterized by itT^HE Black Sheep of the Family," unA der the Red Feather brand, will be released on October 23 in five reels. Francelia Billington and Gilmore Hammond play two of the leading roles, while Jack Holt, Mina Jeffreys, Hector V. Sarno, Mrs. Jay Hunt, Norton Hammond and Paul Bryon also are featured in prominent parts. " The Black Sheep of the Family " was written by Frank Wiltermood and was produced by Jay Hunt. During the week of October 23 the eleventh two-reel episode of " Liberty," the Universal Special serial, will be released, with Marie Walcamp, Jack Holt and Eddie Polo in the principal roles. The tenth episode is entitled " Human Targets " and was written and produced by Jacques Jaccard. Supporting the principals are L. M. Wells, Bertram Grassby, Neal Hart, Maude Emory and G. Raymond Nye. On October 23 "The Bar Fly," Nestor comedy, featuring Eddie Lyons, Lee Moran and Priscilla Dean, will be released. This Nestor was produced by L. W. Chaudet from the scenario by V. Kirtley. The following day, October 24, the Universal Special, " Society Hypocrites," a three-reel society drama, featuring Ben Wilson and Neva Gerber, will be released. " Society Hypocrites " was written by Willis and Woods and was produced by Ben Wilson. Charley Perley, Helen Leslie, Joseph Girard, F. MacQuarrie, Mina Cunard, Edward Cecil and William Welsh also play important roles in the production. The title of the Special one-reel Victor which will also be released on this date has not yet been announced. On October 25, "A Rural Romance," a two-reel L-Ko comedy, will be released. Lucille is played by Lucille Hutton and Bill Bevan, Dick Smith and J. Russell Powell also take important parts in the fun stampede. On the same day Professor Ditmar's educational, "An Alligator Hunt," is released. Number 43 of the Universal Animated Weekly, with views of President Wilson and Candidate Hughes, also is scheduled for its first presentation on this date. The title of the Special Laemmle which will be released in one reel on October 25 has not yet been released. " The Narrow Creed," a two-reel human interest drama, will be released under the Bib U brand on October 26, with Murdock MacQuarrie and Edyth Sterling in the principal roles. W. L. Rodgers, Arthur Moon and Mrs. Jay Hunt also play prominent parts. " The Narrow Creed " was produced by Jay Hunt from the scenario by Ben Cohn. On the same day, October 26, Windsor McCay and his trained Jersey skeeters will buzz around the screen. The the Week of October 23 Is Variety of Thejne title of the Special Imp one-reel release due to be released on this date has not yet been decided. Thomas Jefferson and Irene Hunt are featured on October 27 in the two-reel Imp detective drama, " Through Solid Walls," produced by Walter Morton from the story by Tarleton Winchester, which was scenarioized by E. J. Clauson. Marc Fenton, Peggy Custer, Jay Belasco and Lou Short play important roles in the production. On the same day Kingsley Benedict and Gretchen Lederer play the principal roles in " A Price on His Head," a Big U drama produced by Ben Horning from the story by Robert Davis which was scenarioized by Bess Meredyth. E. P. Evers and Tom Webber play important roles in the production. The day's program closes with Ernest Shields in the Victor comedy, " The Plumber's Waterloo," written and produced by R. M. Donaldson from the story by Harry Depp. Harry Depp plays the role of Michael J. Madden and Andrew Arbuckle and Eileen Sedgwick also take part in the funmaking. On October 28 Jack Holt and Lucille Younge, co-star in " The Better Man," a Bison two-reel drama of the woods which was written by Ben Cohn and produced by Jay Hunt. Jack Nelson and Albert MacQuarrie appear in support of the principals. On the same day William Franey and Gale Henry lead in the cast in " A Crooked Mixup," a Joker comedy in one reel produced by W. W. Beaudine from the" story by W. M. Baker, which was scenarioized by Charles J. Wilson, Jr., Milburn Moranti, Charles Conklin and Lillian Peacock also assist in the crook comedy. There will be no Laemmle release on this date. The last day of the week, Sunday, October 29, sees the release of " The Moving Finger," a one-reel Rex drama featuring Lee Hill and Maude George. " The Moving Finger " was produced by Director Donald McDonald from the story by Constance Crawley and Arthur Maude. Paul Byron and E. P. Evers appear in support of the principals. On the same day Harry Depp plays the leading role in the Victor comedy, " The Burglar." He is supported by Yvette Mitchell, Ernie Shields, Marjorie Wilson, O. C. Jackson and Miss Gunn. The Universal wishes to call the attention of exhibitors to the fact that episode nine of " Liberty " is " Trapped " and not " A Daughter of Mars." Episode ten will be called " The Human Targets." Special posters and window cards will be issued with " The Black Sheep of the Family " from Red Feather. "'French Munition Workers'' Appear in Gaumont-Mutual " Reel Life " for October 22 THE first release of the week of October Simoni, Edmond Mathe, Marcel Levesque, 22 through the Gaumont laboratories Eugene Ayme, Jacques Hermann and Henri and studios is No. 25 of " Reel Life," the Leubas. These are all popular screen stars Mutual Magazine in Film. The great in of France, dustrial changes brought about in Europe by the war are shown in startling fashion in pictures of " French Munition Workers." A second section of this issue contrasts eastern and western barbecues in the United States. The third section shows the method of ferrying trains across the Sacramento River in California. " See America First " of October 25 is devoted to Hot Springs, Va. These pictures make plain to one why society has chosen it for a play ground. The hotels, mountain drives, and springs have prominent places in the release. On the same reel is an animated cartoon by Harry Palmer. The third single reel release of the week is the Mutual Weekly. The Gaumont Company will soon issue a fourth weekly single reel to be known as " Mutual Tours Around the World." This well be a scenic and travel film of foreign lands, released every Tuesday. The first release will be November 7. Among the prominent players who will appear in the Gaumont series of " The Vampires " are Juliet Musidora, Florence "PAYING THE PRICE" SCREENED WITH G All MONT FAVORITES The Gaumont Company will contribute a two-reel photodrama through Mutual October 30, " Paying the Price," which will have in the cast a number of old Gaumont favorites. Marian Swayne will be seen in the leading role, that of a girl about to be forced into an unwelcome marriage to save the man who has won her hand. Joseph Levering, who directed the production, plays opposite Miss Swayne. Flavia Arcare, whose long list of Gaumont " vampires " is notable, has a role of this character. The political boss is played by Fritz Orlamond, a favorite in Gaumont stock in character roles. " Paying the Price " tells of the heart struggles of a girl whose fiance is " framed " by a political boss because he himself is in love with the girl. When the young man thinks he has murdered the siren, he flees. Even then the girl does not turn to the boss, but seeks consolation in a friend of the man she had loved but whom she thinks faithless.