Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 28, 1916 MOTION PICTURE NEWS 2669 GREATER VITAGRAPH PRESENTS FILM OF HOME COMPANION SERIAL In the " Blue Envelope Mystery " — Vitagraph, special thought has been given toward presenting a motion picture of adventure such as would appeal directly to women and children without features that might be objectionable to them. It was written by Sophie Kerr, and ran in serial form in the Women's Home Companion. It was dramatized for the film by Helen Duey, editor of the Better Films department of that publication, and produced by Vitagraph with special reference to following out the spirit of this story as printed. Lillian Walker was chosen to interpret the heroine, Leslie Brennan. Wilfred North is the director and Tom Molloy the camera man. Leslie Brennan is an heiress until upon a day she discovers that she is really almost penniless and faces the ordeal of making her own living. Before that she had become dazzled by the society manners of a cold hearted fortune hunter. Revealing to him that she is no longer possessed of wealth she is disillusioned and goes at once to earn her livelihood. June Caprice Cast for Leading Role in Fox Production of " The Ragged Princess," a Modern Version of Cinderella "BIG TREMAINE" NEARLY FINISHED Harold Lockwood and May Allison have practically finished with their respective screen characterizations in the AletroYorke adaptation of Alarie Van Vorst's popular novel " Big Tremaine." Director Henry Otto in a week will have taken the very last, scenes and will then immediately start to assemble and title it. The entire story is laid in Virginia, and the theme deals with a profound sacrifice on the part of " Big Tremaine." In the support of the Metro-Yorke costars, prominently appear Lester Cuneo, Lillian Hayward, William De Vaull, Josephine Rice, Andrew Arbuckle and Albert Ellis. FLORENCE LA BADIE STARTS NEW PICTURE SOON Florence La Badie, the Thanhouser star, has nearly conpleted " Divorce and the Daughter," which was written by Agnes C. Johnston. Frederic Sullivan, her director, expects Miss La Badie to be ready soon to start work on " Enemies of Society," by Philip Lonergan. JUNE CAPRICE, is cast for the leading role in the Fox production " The Ragged Princess," her third moving picture production. The photoplay, while entirely modern in settings and application, recalls inevitably the winsome tale of Cinderella, and has much of the charm of the old story. Harry Hilliard plays opposite Miss Caprice. Mrs. Irene Lee, mother of the famous Jane and Katherine, has a part in the picture with them. This is Mrs. Lee's debut before the camera. The early scenes of the newest William Fox screen drama are laid in an orphanage, where a brutal matron makes a house of terror for all under her charge. One of the children is Alicia Jones, who scours the floors and does every task assigned her patiently and quietly. Her spirit is so broken by the harsh treatment that she will not revolt. As the easiest way out, the drudge determines to run away. She leaves the great black place she had called home, and comes to Farmer Rice's. There she finds a pair of overalls and a wide brimmed hat in the barn, and she dresses up as a man. Farmer Rice hires her to do the milking. Then she meets Harry Deigan, one of the help, and falls in love with him. When the farmer learns that his new employee is a girl he becomes so wrathful that Alicia is forced to flee from his house. She takes refuge beneath the rug in an automobile, and finally arrives in the city at the house of Thomas Deigan, a rich mine-owner, who adopts her. Meantime, Harry learns the Deigan is his own halfbrother, and goes to the city to investigate. Harry keeps secret his own identity, and applies for work in the mine. He finds that there is something criminally wrong in his brother's deed to the mining property, but he cannot place the exact discrepancy at first. He is hurt in a mine accident, but Alicia nurses him back to health. He renews his investigations, and learns that the land had belonged formerly to a Mrs. Jones, who had been killed in a flood which washed away her home. Her daughter had been rescued and placed in an orphanage. Alicia was that daughter. Harry confronts his brother with the truth, at a time when Tom is trying to force his drunken attentions upon the waif. Deigan realizes that his deception has been discovered and acknowledges his guilt. Selig Announces Assortment October WILLIAM N. SELIG announces a number of comedies and dramas for release in General Film Service in October. For example, " Only a Rose " is a drama of pathos and appeal, with Robyn Adair and Eugenie Forde in leading parts, and on the same reel is a slap-stick comedy, " A Boomerang," both released on Oct. 16. " An Eventful Evening " is a drama with an all-star cast released Oct. 21. " Out of the Shadows " and " Paradise for a Day " are off^erings released Oct. 23. " A Close Call " features Tom Mix, supported by Victoria Forde, in a succession of exciting situations. Coming on Monday, Oct. 30, is a Selig comedy-drama in three reels, entitled " Small Town Stuff." " Small Town Stuff " tells the story of a home talent performance in Bloom Center, and of how of Comedies and Dramas for Programs a strolling player and his plot were finally vanquished through the efforts of the village reporter and constable. An all-star comedy cast, including Lyllian Brown Leighton, Ralph McComas, Martha Maddox, William Hutchinson, Sidney Smith, and others, are presented. " Tom's Sacrifice " is a Western drama, in which Tom Mix performs some hair-raising stunts. The Selig-Tribune, the Selig news reel, is released every Monday and Thursday. ROLIN COMPANY FINISHES FIRST TWO-REEL COMEDY FOR PATHE The Rolin Company has just made their first two-reel comedy for Pathe. Judging from the unanimous approval by the Pathe film committee of " Luke's Lively Life," others of the same length may be seen in the near future. Harold Lloyd, Harry Pollard and Bebe Daniels are in the cast.