Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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2670 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 17 Mutual' s Schedule Subjects, for Week of October 23 Contains Varied Ranging from Tears to Laughter WILLIAM RUSSELL, Helene Rosson and Franklin Ritchie, stars of the American Film Corporation, head the Mutual output for the week of October 23, and IMiss Rosson and Mr. Ritchie are scheduled for appearance in " The Undertow," a drama of modern business, on Monday. Mr. Russell will appear on Thursday of the same week in " The Love Hermit." In " The Love Hermit " William Russell is supported by Charlotte Burton and a cast composed of Queenie Rosson, William Stowell, Harry Von Meter and Ashton Dearholt. In it William Russell plays the role of a young stock broker, Tom Weston, who falls in love with the daughter of his employer. " The Undertow," featuring Helene Rosson and Franklin Ritchie, is the retitle for " Esther of the People," a five-part feature produced under the able direction of Frank Thorne. This is a story from the pen of Rosalie Ashton. " The Undertow " is the story of a great captain of industry, succeeded from poverty by sheer determination, who is handicapped by a slovenly wife. Franklin Ritchie plays the role of the grim, determined man, and Eugenie Forde that of his useless wife, who does not care for the rise in prosperity, nor does she attempt to fit herself for her new position. Miss Rosson is cast for the role of Esther, who, born to luxury, is forced to earn her bread in the factory which James King (Ritchie) owns. In support of the leading characters are Orral Humphrey, Harry Von Meter, George Ahern, Charles Newton and Josephine Taylor. The drama output of shorter reel length consists of " Professor Jeremy's Experiment," a humorous drama, featuring Orral Humphrey, produced by the American Company, " The Folly of Fear," a drama featuring Edwin August, and " At Twelve O'clock." In " The Folly of Fear " Edwin August appears in the leading role of La Rue, a young novelist. Iva Shepard plays the role of Grace Ellis, a girl who refuses to marry La Rue, but later does him a great favor in restoring to him the wife whom he later weds and then believes guilty of a great crime. William Bailey plays the role of an unscrupulous adventurer. Ruth Blair is cast for the wife. "At Twelve O'Clock" is a drama of love and intrigue. The comedy releases number some very amusing Cubs, one American Beauty, aside from Harry Palmer's animated cartoon which forms half of the split reel, " See America First," from the Gaumont Company. " Lovers and Lunatics," " Dad's Experiment " and " When Cubs Were Trumps " are the Cub one-reelers of the week. " He Died and He Didn't," a two-reel comedy featuring Rube Miller and Ben Turpin, in which the curly-headed little ingenue, Lillian Hamilton, also plays an important part, is the Vogue for Sunday. Mutual Weekly, No. 95, and the split reel, " See America First," and Kartoon Komics appear, as usual, on Wednesday. " Reel Life," the Mutual's magazine in film, goes out on Sunday. All are produced by the Gaumont Company. GLADYS HVLETTE IN "HER NEW YORK" Gladys Hulette, the Thanhouser star, has nearly completed " Her New York," a story by Agnes C. Johnston and directed by O. A. C. Lund. In " Her New York," Miss Hulette has a vehicle even more dramatic than "The Shine Girl" or "Prudence, the Pirate," and with as many little human touches. Mr. Lund has produced splendid New York scenes. yi Vere Tyler Subject, "The Wax Model, Morosco for Vivian Martin Is Picked by 'HE Morosco-Pallas organization has closed with G. Vere Tyler, the wellknown essayist and fictionist, for the motion picture rights of "The Wax Model." This novelette created considerable attention in The Smart Set about a year ago, and will be produced on the screen with Vivian Martin in the star part. Mrs. Tyler has had many motion picture offers for this subject, and it was only after a particularly flattering offer was made by Morosco-Pallas, that she agreed to have it appear on the screen. The name of G. Vere Tjder is prominently known and represents one of the most interesting and versatile women authors. Besides having written a series of novels and leading articles for the press, Mrs. Tyler is a regular contributor to many magazines and periodicals. Among her best known novels are " Passion," " The Prodical Daughter," " Dregs In the Cup," and the most recent published by Duffield and Company entitled " The Daughter of a Rebel." Mrs. Tyler's reputation has been largely enhanced by her original articles on the subject of marriage and divorce, the drug evil, child labor, etc., which she handled relentlessly. These articles have appeared from time to time in Elbert Hubbard's The Fra, New York Evening Sun, New York Evening Mail, New York Morning and Evening World, and other leading papers throughout the country. Recently Mrs. Tyler has been writing articles for the editorial pages of the New York American and other Hearst papers which attracted wide attention. A series of articles on " How Woman Can Aid Preparedness " were widely copied and created considerable discussion. Mrs. Tyler is the daughter-in-law of John Tyler, ex-president of the United States, and is much sought after in social circles. Vivian Martin in a subject by G. Vere Tyler, produced by Morosco-Pallas for the Paramount Program is a combination that speaks volumes as a photoplay of unusual excellence. Kalem Announces Coming Releases in " Grant ' Series, Starting October 20 FULL speed ahead is the word on Kalem's new series " Grant, Police Reporter," which makes its bow on October 20 with the release of " The Code Letter." The finishing touches have already been put to the second episode, " The Missing One-Reel Nance O'Neill (McClure Pictures) Heiress," while Kalem has announced the plans for many of the releases to follow in this one-reel series featuring George Larldn and Ollie Kirkby. " The Missing Heiress " is issued through the General Film Company on Friday, October 27. Work has now started on the third episode, " The Pencil Clue," which is scheduled to be issued on Friday, November 3. In this episode George Larldn, as Tommy Grant, police reporter of the Chronicle, unravels a puzzling murder mystery. The " thrill scene " that comes as the climax of the single reeler shows Dare Devil Larkin leaping from the first storjwindow of a building into the toimeau of a speeding automobile. The week following, on November 10. Kalem lists " The Rogue's Pawn," as the " Grant " release. In this episode Ollie Kirkby is given one of the strongest roles afforded her in the new series. Robert Ellis, William McKey, G. Chira. Arthur Albertson and Mary Taylor-Ross are others who will be seen in the action of these episodes of the Kalem series. The productions are being made at Jacksonville, under the direction of Robert Ellis. Pre-release showings of the first episode, " The Code Letter," are being given to exhibitors throughout the country at all the General Film exchanges and many letters of praise have been received at the Kalem offices.