Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 28, 1916 MOTION PICTURE NEWS 2671 VALKYRIEN ON PATHE PROGRAM NOVEMBER 5 The Thanhouser Film Corporation, announces that " Hidden Valley," starring Valkyrien (Baroness Dewitz), will be released through the Pathe exchanges on November 5. Boyd Marshall is the leading man in the feature, which is a story of a heathen tribe in South Africa that captures an American girl and makes her their " white goddess." Adventures of Dorothy Dare^' Is ''Fashion Drama Series to Be Produced to Be Released by International WITHIN a few weeks the International will present, in a series of episodes, " The Adventures of Dorothy Dare." Each episode will be complete in one reel and will combine a story of adventure with a display of the latest modes. For some time past, the International has been producing fashions on an elab Miss George Washington " Is First Vehicle for Marguerite Clark Under New Famous Players Contract Marguerite Clark in " Miss George Washington," from Famous Players «|y/IISS GEORGE WASHINGTON," •^''■l the story of a girl who could not tell the truth, is the title of the first photoplay selected for Marguerite Clark, by the Famous Players Film Company, since the renewal of her contract announced last week. Berenice Somers, the character played by Miss Clark, is dubbed " Miss George Washington " by her friends after she has successfully fooled the members of the George Washington Truth Society into presenting her with a medal for never having told a lie. As her intimate friends know very well, Berenice is one of the most adroit spinners of fables that ever was born. It is one of these fanciful utterances of her that precipitated the trouble in this photoplay. Rather than tell the truth to the parents of her school chum, Alice Altwold, when they are caught in a compromising situation in a hotel with a young man whom they have never met before, she introduces the stranger as her husband ! Of course, she has no suspicion that she will ever see him again, but very gladly accepts the invitation of the Altwolds to visit them. Mr. Altwold is a celebrated international lawyer, and when Cleverly Trafton, the stranger, who is in the diplomatic corps, strikes a knotty problem, he is advised to consult with Altwold. He arrives at the lawyer's house shortly after Berenice has explained that her " husband " has been called away. Berenice is completely taken aback by the arrival of Trafton, and makes an appealing sign for help, which he answers by saying that he was recalled by wireless. But when it comes time to retire, Berenice is brought face to face with the frightfully embarrassing situation of a single guest room and a supposedly devoted husband. Escaping to Alice's room, while her " husband" sneaks out on the balcony of the spare room to spend the night, Berenice is finally forced to confront Trafton and the entire Altwold family in the hallway, when the fact that the spare room is empty is discovered by Mr. Altwold. With rare presence of mind, Berenice stages a quarrel with her " husband " and escapes into Alice's room again, where she succeeds in remaining for the night in spite of anything and everything. In the morning the " unhappy pair " are coerced into a mock reconciliation in the midst of which Berenice's real fiance appears. He is furious at the sight of Berenice in the arms of another man, supposedly his friend, for they have known each other for years, and is only restrained from making a frightful scene by the quick wit of Berenice coming to the rescue in the nick of time. J. Searle Dawley, who is directing the picture, has engaged several notables in support of Miss Clark, including Frank Losee, Niles Welch, Florence Marten, Joseph Gleason, Maude Turner Gordon, "Billy" Watson and Herbert Prior. orate scale, but on only 500 feet in length. There was a story in each of them, among the most successful having been " Fashions D'Art," "A Modern Cinderella," " Anywoman," " Beauty and the Beast," and " The Saleslady's Dream." Because of their success, the International conceived the idea of the independent fashion drama of a full reel. The title of the first episode of " The Adventures of Dorothy Dare," will be " It's Never Too Late." Dorothy Dare, secret agent of the Department of Justice, is seated at a table in a tea garden when she sees a smartly dressed girl with an elderly prosperous looking man. Dorothy remarks her beauty and her stylish gown. The following day Dorothy goes shopping. In the gown department of a big store Dorothy is amazed to recognize in the saleslady the girl she saw the day before. Dorothy is shown many suits and gowns on living models. She recognizes one of the suits as the same the girl wore at the tea garden. Dorothy buys a dress and then goes to the office of the superintendent, finds out the name and address of the young girl. The next scene shows the salesgirl taking one of the gowns at which Dorothy had been looking and conceal it under her dress. Dorothy returns to the salesroom and tells the girl she has changed her mind and would like to look at the dress again. The salesgirl says the dress has just been sold. Dorothy is greatly disappointed and leaves. At the closing hour Dorothy waits near the employees' exit and follows the girl. A good looking young mechanic approaches the girl and attempts to speak to her but she tries to evade him. Dorothy hears the girl tell the man they can never be married as she wants a man of wealth. As the girl goes away, Dorothy approaches the young man and tells him of what she has seen. They resolve to work together to save the girl. That evening Dorothy and the girl's sweetheart see her meet the elderly man and get into a machine with him. She has on the gown that Dorothy wanted to buy, having "borrowed" it from the store. Dorothy and the young man follow in a taxi. The girl and the man alight at a road house. Dorothy and her companion peer through the window and see the elderly man put knockout drops in the girl's drink. They burst into the room just in time to save her. There is a terrific fight between the two men. In the excitement the borrowed dress has been ruined. Dorothy and the young man take the girl back to her home. There the girl breaks down, cries and confesses the theft of the gown. Dorothy brings the story to a happy ending by telling the girl she will purchase the dress herself if she promises to marry her sweethei-rt and give up the false life she has been leading. Dorothy Dare makes her exit leaving the lovers in each other's arms. Mineta Timaye appears in all the episodes in the part of Dorothy Dare. The supporting cast changes in each episode.