Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 28, 1916 MOTION PICT U RE NEWS 2721 STUDIO FOR RENT Day, Week or Month Finest indoor fire-proof studio on the coast, Center of the business district. Equipped with Winfield-Kerner Hghts. No glare or shadows. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING Titles Made While You Wait. CAMERAMEN-WE BUY NEGATIVE Any subject which is novel, usual photo effects, trick pictures, popular science, popular mechanics, microscopical, etc. Write for further particulars. SUPERIOR FILMS COMPANY ROBERT A. BRACKET!, Mgr. ENTIRE lOTH FLOOR KNICKERBOCKER BLDG., LOS ANGELES STUDIO: FOR RENT For Sale One of the 'best equipped Studios in New York. Plenty of height and depth. Modern dressing rooms. All board sets — no scenery. Short or long term lease. Very reasonable. Inquire: 1207 TIMES BUILDING, NEW YORK ORRIN DENNY Superintendent SIGNAL FILM LABORATORIES Laboratory Expert 4560 Pasadena Avenue Negative Specialist Los Angeles, Cal. pmuiiiffluiuiuiuiiuuiiuwiuuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ I I GET YOUR I RELEASE DATES | IN BY SATURDAY | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinffliiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ LOBBY DISPLAY FRAME SPECIALISTS MENGER & RLNG, Inc. NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA. OA. J04 W 4^2|<<I St. 2021 Ft'di-ral M . Suuthrrii I lieaire Equipiiivnt Co. To Producing Companies We Buy Pictures We also represent the majority of the largest huyers of standard moving picture feature films in the United States, Canada and Europe. We are continually in the market for good features, new or old. to supply our customers. We invite Independent Manufacturers to suhmit feature pictures of merit for our consideration. We solicit the inspection for our customers of Special ]*"eatures produced by Program Companies. M. M. FEELY & CO. Telephone 4Q: 2 Bryant 2l8 Wcst 42nd St., NeW Yoflc "Advancing With the Industry" WILLIS AND INGLIS Wright and Calleoder Building, Los Angeles, Cal. AFFILIATIONS: ROEHM AND RICHARDS, Strand Building, New York Edward A. Wheeler, Schiller Building, Chicago, 111, Lyall Willis, London, England Engagements Books and Plays Management Publicity Financing Lighting "Everything Pertaining to the Industry"