Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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2724 CLASSIFIED SHERMAN SAYS: "Install 'Amberlux* Lens Filters** Dou t liesitate to spend to protect your patrons from Sight Destroying Eye Strain. W. I). Warner, Wyandotte Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, DESIGNER complicated and motion picture machinery. Good meclianic, executive ability, desires responsible position with movinff picture concern. Samuel Kahn, 149 West 80th Street. SITUATION WANTED. Vouiig man wishes position as assistant cameraman to learn business. Address Assistant, care Motion Picture News. OPERATOR. — Experienced, reliable. New York license, desires position; small town preferred. Sears, Edgewater, N. J. MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol, 14. No. 17 MOVIE THEATRE OWNERS.— Do you realize the money-making possibilities in producing Home Talent pictures and advertising films yourself? Write at once for particulars about our latest product, the Davsco Professional M. P. Camera. Complete 200 ft. machine for $110.00. The biggest value on the market. Write to-day. David Stern Company, 1047 E. Madison St., Chicago. William Y. Webbe, F.A.G.O., organist, composer. Motion picture accompaniment a specialty. Centre Theatre, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Reflex Carbons JONES & CAMMACK Sole Distributors for the U. S. 12 Bridge Street New York Eventually METAGRAPH FILM CO. 251 West 19th St., New York Why Not Now? Telephone Chelsea 4683 DEVELOPING-PRINTING— TINTING— TONING Best results from any negative BIG BARGAINS ALL MAKES OF PROJECTION MACHINES Don't miss this opportunity. Send today for catalogue. CROWN MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES 217 West 42d<1 Street New York City BE UP TO DATE INSTALL CORCORAN TANKS Get No. 8 Price List A. J. CORCORAN, Inc. 9H JOHN STREET, NEW YORK CITY WHEN YOU NEED A Camera Man Phone Bryant 6558 CINEMA CAMERA CLUB 1006 Times Bldg., New York City PICTURE THEATRE BUYERS! If you are looking for a theatre in So. California, large or small. City, Country or Beaches, Correspond with LEO RYAN, 730 S. Olive St. Los Angeles, California TABLE OF CONTENTS THEATRES AND ADMISSION PRICES (William A. JOHNSTON) 2651 EDITORIALS 2652 Davidson Contrast English and American Markets 2653 Open Booking or the Program — Which? Ill 2655 Pathe Acquires Rights to New Toning Process 2657 High Admission Prices Charged by Australians 2659 Triangle Rumors Set at Rest by Ince, Griffith and Sennett. 2654 Pathe Makes Record on Submarine Film 2658 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Shown in Chicago 2658 S. Rankin Drew Goes to Rolfe 2659 Vitagraph Announces Autumn and Winter Line-up 2660 Credit for Submarine Pictures Due Williamsons 2661 Fairbanks Back in Los Angeles 2661 Publicity Helps for First Pickford Release 2693 Paramount Distributes Accessories Totaling $200,000 2694 One Picture a Month is Record of Alice Brady 2694 Bosworth and Marshall Join Lasky 2695 Many Scenes Not Easily Obtainable in " Allah " 2695 Fox Announces Theda Bara in " Romeo and Juliet " 2696 Trip of Edith Storey a Series of Ovations 2696 Hoffman Issues Manual to Bluebird Salesmen 2696 Edison Has Six New Features in New Combine 2697 New Subtitle Department at U City 2697 Lasky Scenario Department Again Expanded 2698 Clara Kimball Young Begins Second Picture 2698 Four Weil-Known Directors Join Thanhouser 2698 Irene Fenwick Returns to Screen Under Famous Players. 2699 Norma Talmadge is Latest Selznick Star 2699 28 Stars in General for Week of October 23-28 2700 Classic Music for Metro's " Romeo and Juliet " 2700 Tours Around the World is Next Gaumont-Mutual Series. . 2700 Winners of World Contest Will Know Luck January 1.. 2701 Nine Weeks Before "Witching Hour" is Finished 2702 Special Music for Kellermann Film 2702 " Land Just Over Yonder " from Unity on the 23rd 2703 "Snow White" from Educational November 1 2704 Campaign to Standardize Fire Laws 2706 Horlsey Resumes Production in Los Angeles 2706 Rosenbluh Formulates Plans for Variety 2706 Civilization Praised by Peace Societies 2707 DEPARTMENTS With the Exhibitor 2662 Live Wire Exhibitors 2665 Looking Ahead 2667 The Eastern Studios 2672 In and Out of West Coast Studios 2676 Among the Exhanges 2681 Film News from Foreign Parts 2685 New Laws and Court Decisions 2689 Just to Make Talk 2692 In and Out of Town 2693 SCREEN EXAMINATIONS " Atta Boy's Last Race" (Fine Arts-Triangle) 2710 "In the Diplomatic Service" (Quality-Metro) 2713 "It May Be Your Daughter" (Moral Uplift Society).... 2712 "Jim Grimsby's Boy" (Triangle-Ince) 2711 "Life's Shadow" (Columbia-Metro) 2712 " Mutt and Jeff " " Hans and Fritz " (Mutt and Jefi Films) 2712 "Missing Heiress, The" (Kalem-General) 2710 "Scarlet Oath, The" (Peerless-World) 27U " Three-Split Reel Cartoons " (Keen Kartoon Korpora tion) 2712 "Witchcraft" (Lasky-Paramount) 2710 Tabloid Reviews for Busy Exhibitors 2714, IS Releases Pages for Ready Reference. .. .2716, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION EDITORIALS 2727 Projection 2730 The Camera 2736 Music and the Picture 2738 Building and Furnishing 2740 eedco In hundreds of houses, has made its reputation for accurate, automatic feed and control of projection arc-lamps. Ask us who uses them Speed Controller Company, Inc. 257-259 VMIliam Street NEW YORK OPERA CHAIRS American Seating Company 1012 Lytton Building CHICAGO Sales Offices in All Principal Ckirs DUPLEX Rewinder lOOO-Fool HaDie Complete Labora' tory Equipment DUPLEX MACHINE CO. Incorporat^rd' 316-318 75(b St., BrMkl;a, N.Y. C A I L L E Ticket Oltlce Eqalpments Embody Ticket Sellers, Ticket CThopper*, Change Makers, Theatre Record Ledgers and Theatre Tickets. Catalog on request. ' Caill* Bro*. Co., lOn Amsterdam I Ave^ Detroit, Mich. THE BIOSCOPE u The EnsHsh Trade Journal of the Moving Picture Industry Annual Subscription (post free) 14s. (Dollars {3.50) 85 ShaftesboTf Ave. , London, N.W. Information with regard to Cinema business in Europe given free of charge. G. KACZKA, 32 Rue de Moscou, Pari* j.lll:M::H 2,500 Biographies in the Motion Picture Studio Directory Its Value Is Evident Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTURE NEWS " when writing to advertisern