Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1916)

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October 28, 1916 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION 2733 DO YOU KNOW That YOU CAN MAKE MONEY COMING AND GOING by buying the <^m^ Projector ooivLxiwca Increased Receipts Delighted Audiences Uninterrupted Performances Increased Patronage Public Popularity and General All Around Success If one better than Increased Expenses Maximum Repairs Maximum Up-Keep Film Damage and Short Life of the Machine Equipment could be bought, that would be the one to Buy, but up to the Present Time "IT CAN'T BE DONE" Send for Catalog "N" ThePrecision Machine (o:Tnc. 317 East 34th: St ••■ NewYork BRYSON w CONDENSERS BEST MENISCUS BICOMVEX Here's Your Projection Problem and It's Already Solved Take a good long look at my optically correct condenser combination and see how near it strikes to your projection difficulties. Hundreds of machines perfectly equipped with the most expensive kind of electrical outfits, from motor generators to high-priced curtains are being operated with absolutely no regards to the most important consideration — the right focal condensers. Money is being burned in electricity that there is no need of. No matter how much you spend in equipments you have got to have the right light from arc to the film or you might as well save your money. MENISCUS BI-CONVEX CONDENSORS have been proven optically correct. If you have trouble with broken condensers it's no fault but your own. The arc should be from 4 te 5 inches from your condensers — the spot no larger than the size of a half dollar. Is yours? If net, and you knew that there's room for improvement, allow my projection department to solve your trouble. I guarantee everything I sell. I'll guarantee to improve your projection if you will allow me to. I exclusively import my MENISCUS BICONVEX CONDENSORS direct from France. Sold in sealed packages at $2.00 each or $4.00 per set (send 25c extra for postage). Accept no cheaper priced Meniscus Bi-Convex from no one unless you want inferior quality. In ordering, always give distance and size of picture. Remember our years of experience is furnished you for the asking. JAMES V. BRYSON, President NORTHWESTERN MOTION PICTURE EQUIPMENT CO., INC. "Jobbers in Powers and Simplex and on the job." Remember our POWERS and SIMPLEX SERVICE is at your waiting. We remake your machine factory new with year's guarantee. Machines loaned you in meantime free of charge. A magazine's success is measured by its advertising. Look at the " News! "