Motion Picture News (Apr-Jun 1917)

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2500 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 15. No. 16 Illustrating " The Fairy and the Wai(," Featuring Mary Miles Minter, a Pic which the Educational Films Corpi Marketing Bray-Pictograph. No. 63, Has Many Human Interest Subjects THE subjects ci>iii])i ivin.L; ilu -Ihird I' of l-';iiMniiniiii-liia\ ricln.ui'aphs, to appear April l.S, nulmk "AlialoiK Pearl Fishing." * liii ii in.ikis up llic rir*il subject. It \\ .i \ir< i -.-.iiy lo construrl a plallorrn on ,i m l inure ;i Iiall'-milc out in llir Cnith < )i, as tin,M>>UTs frrmi whuli Hum iri.Kscfiit Imllis make lln ir lumu' i liiij^ In llu' rocks wlu'ii llir Iii.L\\ -iiri" punmls lâ– lllltimll)n^ly. Tlu' IMiinrc is nni' <<\ r.iri IumhIv ami ihi coniliiii>n> iMuKr wiiiili lli. .li\ci-s Work mukv Jl rxh i.'nii.'l_\ inl( Ti slinL: 'riic second snlijcci, "An i )kl-Fasliioncd Coon Hiuit," was taken in tin forests of North Carolina, wlnri ,in nn-.isiimal four loolfd "coon" is hiiiitcd down bj' spovtsiiicn of the two-fuolcd wiricty. called by the saniL name. The tliird instahiienl nl' Sam I^oyd's aimisiiiK Piclo-Pnzzlcs follows. Tlic interest wliicli was created by I he lir^t two issnes will he ni,tluiall> increased by the pre sen I ynui]). M r. Lo.\'d lias i urnislied snnie cle\er ideas which llic Bray studios lia\ I' animated. I )nce mure Bobby Bmnp< comes forward with his pup to furnish tlic laughter in this release. Tliis time the stnry centers aroiuid Daddy Bumps' efforts to get rid of the dop and Bobby's determination to keep him at any cost. Big Patriotic Spectacle Completed by Rob Goldstein TN "The Spirit of '76," the massive patriotic spectacle. Director Robert (loMsteiu has imbedded a great many original ideas. J"his visuahzation in twelve reels of the true cause and effects of the American Revolution was written and perscmally directed by Mr. ("mldsiein. \ stronij Iheme underlyiny llie caii-e Ml' Vnierica's struyS'lc for independence and e\i ry phase of tlic revolulinn i pomaded. '*The Spirit m" 7(i " is said lo contain scores ol siuiHiidi Ills >cencs. remarkable for ma):;nitude and cnrrectncss of detail. All of these were conceived by the producer. Directitr (iuldslein hn< been working for a year and ^ix months in prndiicin.L: " The Spiril of 7(1," and aiilhorilits aver llic spirit i,s ,snre!\ there. It is announced that the tilm will have its premiere about ihe middle of .'\pril in all the large cities of the country. It is hoped by the producer that the picture will serve a nalinnal purpose in the present crisis. Accurate historical data was >Mui.:Iii in order lo L;ive the snbjeet absdlnte .uithenticity. iNorma Talinadge Enacts Society Role In " The Law of Compensation," the next Selznick-Pictures feature, in which Norma. Talmadfie will appear, this young slar will lu' seen in the rnU of a yomiM society woman who fail lo understand the <litTercncc between love and infatuation. lu " Paiitliea." her prev ion-^ oiTi ring, slic played the part of a ymnie Kn-siau pianist, who suffered persecution at the bands of the police, and niadi a tremendous sacrifice for the man she loved. These are but two saniplcs of the great range of characlcrN which have been en acted by Miss Taimadge. In the six years she ba.s' been jitav iiig before the moving picliu-e c.imera she lias been seen in almost every conceivable sort of role, from comed> which verged iipoti burlesque, to high tragedy. Warwick on New Picture Roliert Warwick is at work on his next Selznick Picture, "The Modern Olhello." written by Director Perrct. In which Elaine Hammersfcin will again appear as bis leading woman. Mr. W arwick's recently completed picture, " The Silent Master." is ready for release. Marion Swayne in First Film for Erbograph "Little Miss Fortune" is the title selected for Marion Swaync's first feature with the Erbograph Company, releasing on Art Dramas program. The story was written by Clarence J. Harris, the prominent scenario writer, especially for the star. In support of Miss Swayne arc Hugh Thompson, Bradley . Barker, Luetic Dorrington, Anna Day Perry and Ciiarles Macdoiiakl. Joseph Levering is directing the production, which is rapidly Hearing completion. Miss Swayne plays the part of a poor house girl of unknown parentage, who is known as " Sis," for want of a better name. In the small town where she lives she is snubbed by all the other girls, and life is made generally miserable for her. It is her ambition to be a famous actress, and when an opportunity for escape comes, she takes it and goes to the city. Exteiivsive Advertising Campaign on "The Triifflers " Because of ;i desire to give exhibitorfidl benefit of a nation-wide advertising campaign, K. E. S. E. announce that " riie Trultlers," originally scheduled for release .\pri! 9, will not be presented until later ill the month. This means that full page display adf and full page illtistrated feature -tnriewill be printed in all the Hearst 'lail> papers from coast to coast during several weeks preceding release date. Besidimany smaller " ads '' and shorter storiethere will also be a campaign of exploitation in behalf of "The Trufflcrs " throuub the International News Service, an agency controlled by William Randolph Hearst. Sunshine Co. Completes Comedy The Sunshine Film Company has finished its first of a . series of one-reel comedies they are making at the Bioscope studios. It is entitled " Some Baby " and was released Saturday. April 7. The next is to be entitled "A Forceful Romance."