Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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September si. i p / 8 sized hubs, we suppose this is easily accomplished by changing the calibration of the indicater dial, and any user of one of these devices could readily make the necessary marks thereon. Like many other patented devices which we describe, as being likely to interest our readers, Mr. Godwin's film indicator is apparently not yet on the market, nor even being manufactured in quantities. The device has the merit of great simplicity, however, and any reader desiring to secure one could undoubtedly receive particulars from Mr. Godwin, whose address is 238 Park avenue, Bridgewater, Mass. Where to Get League Slides WE are still in receipt of numerous inquiries, some from new members of the National Anti-Misframe League, and others from members who perhaps do not follow the Projection columns closely enough, as to whether there are announcement slides available wherewith an operator member of the N. A. M. L. may apprise the audience of his progressive affiliation. As was set forth in a previous issue, the Independent Movie Supply Company of 729 Seventh avenue, New York City, carry in stock an attractive colored slide bearing the insignia of the League and stating that the operator showing same is a member of the organization, a space being also reserved for the member's number. One of these slides may be secured for 50 cents in stamps, coin or money order by any League member who will send his order and remittance to the Independent Movie Supply Company, as above. Cannock Returns from Well Earned Vacation FRANK B. CANNOCK, secretary of the Simplex Company, 317 East Thirty-fourth street, New Yorkr has just returned from a ten-day fishing trip at Silver Lake, near Akron, Ohio. This vacation was the result of a much needed rest which Mr. Cannock had promised himself as a relief from the close attention to mechanical problems connected with the manufacture of Simplex Projectors, which had kept him confined to business for a period covering many months. (Equipment Service) 1901 ^ r mi 1 1 iiJicLui u it j t ii 1 1 ii l j i tin 1 1 in t iiixi i in Liiu 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 mil h i [ in i n 1 1 1 1 1 M J1 1 1 1 mill 1 1 ) ii 1 1 1 mrr i ii 1 1 1 jii iiriiimi ii i ii i hi 1 1 1 iiiiiTiii nil t nr tin tt n m i< 11 1 11 1 ■ ■ ' -_^ I E The Essential Requirements for I Improved Projection are I SPEER CARBONS SPEER Alterno Combinations for A.C. Work and SPEER Hold-Ark Combinations for D.C. Work i | Produce Incomparable Results Write today for descriptive folders. Read [ the unbiased opinions of operators 1 | | Place an order now with your Supply House — ■ ~ _—— ■ — — — — ■ — **The Carbons with a Guarantee" I Manufactured by I SPEER CARBON COMPANY I ST. MARYS, PA. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiniiOTiiiiBon^ flear and Steady Pictures^ Satisfied Patrons — and Westinghouse Motion .Picture Equipment all mean the same. There is no longer any excuse for poor p r o j e cjt i o n . ;W i t h WESTINGHOUSE MOTION PICTURE EQUIPMENT the projected pic" tures are clear and denned and the illumination constant. "Movie" goers appreciate well projected pictures and patronize those theaters where"* _there has been no detraction in the entertainment derived from high-class pictures. Westinghouse^ The more YOU read these advertisements the more useful to YOU we can make the " NEWS "