Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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1904 (Equipment Service) Motion Picture News The film that first made fnotion pictures practical is easily identifiable by the words "EASTMAN" AND "KODAK" on the film margin. EASTMAN KODAK CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Film DEVELOPMENT and PRINTING finds its perfection in EVANS' SERVICE. Quality, responsibility and despatch mark every operation. Having helped others make film history, we are competent to help you. EVANS FILM MFG. CO. 416-24 West 216th Street New York City Telephone: St. Nicholas 3443-44 COMMERCIAL LABORATORY WORK In all its branches, receives INDIVIDUAL attention. Has the QUALITY and PUNCH which SELL prints. RELEASE WORK Specially equipped for QUANTITY production. Uniform SUPERIOR QUALITY such as only EXPERTS with scientific supervision can produce. SPECIALTIES If you have work requiring EXPERT SCIENTIFIC knowledge, we are BEST qualified to do it. Empire City Film Lab., Inc 345 West 40th St., New York City Bryant 5437 Bet. 8th St 9th Aves. which would make me capable of operating a motion picture camera. Are there any books published on this subject and in what ways can I get information or instruction ? " Reply: The study of complete and thorough treatises is always a great help to the beginner or student in any trade or profession, but among the entire literature on cinematography that has appeared in English there is no book which treats of the advanced phases of production camera work and cinematographic technique as practiced in the studios today. A helpful book for the beginner is Bennett's " Handbook of Kinematography," of which there are several copies in the New York Public Library. This was published by the Kineniatograph Weekly, Tottenham street, London, W., but we believe it is now out of print. Although elementary in its treatment of cinematography and projection, it has been succeeded by a still more concise and elementary work by the same author, the later work being entitled " The Guide to Kinematography." This may be obtained from the above publisher for six shillings ($1.50). A mastery of the motion picture camera, and of production technique cannot, however, be entirely gained through the study of books or articles on the subject, but our correspondent is fortunate in having already gained a working knowledge of still photography and some insight into cinematographic procedure. To round out into a competent cameraman he must continue as the assistant to a practicing cinematographer, or else secure a camera of his own and " learn the ropes " by actually exposing films, just as an amateur photographer acquires his experience with a hand camera. Although somewhat expensive, the experience gained in this way is the shortest route to success in the actual use of a cine camera. H. 0. Lott New Manager of Bell & Howell New York Office I "HE Bell and Howell Company of Chicago, manufacturers of * the well-known Bell and Howell cine cameras, printers and perforators, announce that their New York office and displayrooms at 220 West Forty-second street, are now in charge of H. O. Lott, who takes the place of D. J. Bell. The new manager. Mr. Lott, is an experienced mechanical engineer, and is, in addition, a graduate of the Bell and Howell factory, where he received a thorough training in the manufacture and adjustment of the precise mechanisms embodied in the B. ft H. apparatus. Mr. Lott is also thoroughly versed in studio and laboratory methods, and for a number of years was the mechanical expert at the Triangle laboratory in Ft. Lee, where he designed many devices which facilitated the accurate processing of films. In view of this experience and special training the users of B. & H. apparatus in the East are assured of high class service on the part of the New York office. Mr. Bell, the retired manager has gone to California where he has extensive interests, and his next role, we are advised, will be that of a " gentleman farmer." Course of Training in Practical Optics Inaugurated at Rochester THE optical glass problem in this country has been solved and there is now available manufacturing capacity for optical glass sufficient to supply the Army and Navy, but the skilled labor necessary to work up this glass into lenses and prisms and to assemble these into finished instruments has not been adequate. To meet this situation the Ordnance Department of the Army is establishing in Rochester, N. Y., a training school for operatives on precision optics. The school is to be located at the Mechanics Institute, in Rochester, and the large optical manufacturing firms in Rochester are providing instructors and aiding in the installation of the grinding, polishing and centering apparatus. Courses in the different branches of this industry will be given and extended over a period of six weeks. A living wage will be paid to those who take these courses. On completion of the course the student will be in a position to enter one of the optical munition factories and be competent to perform certain of the operations required. Work of this kind on the grinding, polishing, centering, assembly Be sure to mention "MOTION PICTURE NEWS" when writing to advertisers