Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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September 21. 1918 THE CENTRAL STATES 7 Dubuque News and Views " THE MAN FROM THE EAST," Sessue Hayakawa, called on Dubuquers Sunday, September 1, when he appeared at the Princess theatre in " Hidden Pearls." He was much more satisfying in this photoplay than in its predecessor, " Hashimura Togo," for here he was in his element and could do full justice to his remarkable talent of creating an atmosphere of mystery and fatalism whenever he appears. J. E. BOYLE, of the Dreamland theatre, offered "Every Woman's Husband," with Gloria Swanson, for his Sunday, September 1, and Labor Day program. THREE of Vitagraph's popular stars ā€” Agnes Ayers, Edward Earle and Florence Deshon ā€” were featured at the Grand, Sunday, September 1, in " One Thousand Dollars." This was the third O. Henry adaptation to be shown here this year, and in the opinion of the fans this sparkling comedy drama was the " best yet." " THE LADY OF THE PEACOCK'S," Louise Glaum, came to the Grand on Monday and Tuesday, September 3 and 4, in " An Alien Enemy," one of the most interesting, up-to-theminute features Dubuque fans have seen for a long time. It was truly a good play, with a good actress, a combination: which always insures good box office receipts. GERTRUDE McCOY, of Edison fame, played at the Dreamland theatre Friday and Saturday, August 30 and 31, in " The Silent Witness." " THE NARROW TRAIL," with William S. Hart, was shown at the Family theatre Saturday, August 30. It was up to the usual Hart standard and drew the usual good Hart crowds. VIRGINIA PEARSON appeared at the Liberty theatre Sunday in " The Firebrand." Manager Wilbur reported a fine house. " THE AMAZONS," with Marguerite Clark, is coming to the Family theatre Saturday, August 14. ON FRIDAY and Saturday, August 30 and 31, Mary Pickford appeared at the Princess theatre in " Stella Marie," rightly pronounced by all critics to be the masterpiece of her career. As Stella Marie, Mary was very appealing, very charming, very beautiful, but it took a character like queer little Unity Blake, who was pitied but not loved, to bring out her ability as a! noted emotional actress. " Stella Marie " was run for two days, but even then all Dubuque fans didn't get a chance to see her, so Manager Billos is considering a return engagement. " THE FORBIDDEN PATH " was a typical Theda Bara play and as her followers like her the best in pictures of this kind the Princess theatre did good business the two days it was run, Wednesday and Thursday, August 28 and 29. WILLIAM RUSSELL in "Up Romance Road" carried off the honors of the week at the Dreamland theatre. The picture, which was shown Thursday, August 29, proved a capital entertainment for the people and a money maker for Manager Boyle. "THE SILENT MASTER," with Robert Warwick, and adapted from the Oppenheim novel, " The Court of St. Simon," was presented at the Family theatre on Tuesday, September 3. The star's good work in his previous success, " The Argyle Case," drew all of his old and not a few new admirers to the Family that night. MANAGER JAKE ROSENTHAL, of the Majestic theatre, spoke the truth when he said he was going to show " some " pictures when the quarantine was lifted. Up to August 25 he ran Pathe releases, and then surprised his patrons by announc Directory of Chicago Exchanges and Supply Houses RALPH O. PROCTOR Division Manager PATHE EXCHANGE Consumer's Building FRANK B. ROGERS Branch Manager RALPH BRADFORD, Manager Triangle Distributing Corporation Mailer's Building 5 South Wabash Avenue ing the showing of " Salome " with incomparable Theda Bara, to be run at his theatre for four days, commencing September 4. He did everything in his power to make the picture a success, for he started out on an extensive advertising campaign, using billboards and posters the first week and window displays and newspapers the second week. The seat sale began Monday, September 2, and from all reports there's going to be a tremendous lot of people who are going to see Theda Bara in this super-production. FAMILY patrons certainly blessed Manager Yount when he changed his program so as to show Paramount features on Sunday, and they rewarded him by turning out in great numbers whenever a Paramount is shown. Sunday's (September 1) program, "The Hostage," drew wonderfully well ā€” so well that Mr. Yount wore a worried look all evening trying to find places for the Wallace Reid fans who crowded to the performances. EARL WILLIAMS and Corrine Griffith starred at the Family theatre on Wednesday, August 28, in " The Love Doctor." On Thursday, Carmel Myers, who made such a success of " My Unmarried Wife," added greatly to her popularity by her first class work in " The Wine Girl." MARGUERITE CLARK'S latest fairy tale, "The Seven Swans," will come to the Princess theatre for two days, Friday and Saturday, September 6 and 7. All of Marguerite's followers are awaiting her appearance and are hoping that nothing will prevent their seeing her, like it did the last time the picture was scheduled during July, when the epidemic caused Manager Billos to cancel the play. FRIDAY, August 30, " Metro Night " at the Family theatre, found Emily Stevens as the chief entertainer in " Alias Mrs. Jessop," as good a Metro play as one could wish to see. THE LABOR DAY program at the Liberty theatre was " Loaded Dice," with that sterling actor, Frank Keenan. A feature photoplay in five acts, " The Primrose Ring," with pretty little Mae Murray as star, was the Majestic's Labor Day photoplay. Miss Murray as Margaret McLean had one of the most convincing roles in her career. " BY PROXY," with Roy Stewart, played at the Dreamland theatre Tuesday, September 3. Mr. Stewart is coming on rapidly, and at this theatre people are beginning to liken him to that supreme Western character man, William S. Hart. HEDDA NOVA made her first appearance in Dubuque in " The Bar Sinister," shown at the Princess, September 2 and 3. Central States | Edition Brings Re j suits Promptly j and Plentifully ! New and Old Films CLEANED and CONSERVED A.TEITEL 112 North LĀ» Si lie Street, Chitigo, UliooU