Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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September 21, 1918 THE WEST COAST 3 What Exchanges and Theatres Are Doing C. H. FITZGERALD has resigned his position as manager at the Perfection Pictures exchange, and has been succeeded by J. A. Quinn, who was formerly booking and shipping clerk at this branch. THE ESSANAY Chaplin picture, 'Triple Trouble," played to a week's good business at the Garrick theatre in connection with " A Pair of Sixes," which starred Taylor Holmes. The Chaplin film is being held on for another week. THE LOS ANGELES General exchange this week has a new manager in the person of George J. Ekre, who was formerly manager of the General exchange at Portland, he having been transferred to the Los Angeles branch by Special Representative Walter Rand, who has been in charge for the past three weeks. G. R. SIRWELL, formerly connected with the Los Angeles exchange, and later with Pathe. at San Francisco and in the Northwest, who since January 1 has been with Hodkinson Productions, has been transferred to Los Angeles and will be in charge of Hodkinson and Paralta subjects at the Los Angeles General Exchange. THE GARRICK theatre. Los Angeles, has booked the Baby Marie Osborne Pathe subject, " Winning Grandma," for the week of September 8, which will be shown in connection with the Essanay-Chaplin release, which will be held over for the second week. P. N. BRINK, assistant to Hodkinson, who is now on a tour of the country appointing sales managers in all the principal exchange centres, is now at San Francisco and will shortly come to Los Angeles, where he will spend several days with G. R. Surwell in charge of the Hodkinson-Paralta subjects. CLUNE'S BROADWAY is this week showing the first Haworth release starring Sessue Hayakawa. entitled " His Birthright," and is playing to unusual business. Hayakawa is very popular in Los Angeles, and heretofore has appeared for the past several months at Grauman's Cinema Temple. Following a week's run at Clune's Broadway the film will go to the Palaza theatre, San Diego, for a week beginning September 8. JAMES ANDERSON, formerly manager of Clune's Broadway, but who has since been identified with several film exchanges in the capacity of salesman, has been re-engaged and is back at the Broadway theatre as manager. J. E. GAWME has been appointed California representative for the Vitagraph and is now covering the southern territory. J. D. JOHNSON, of Jerome, Arizona, spent a portion of this week in Los Angeles letting contracts for equipment for the theatre he is now building at Jerome. The new house will be named Lyric, and will have 850 seats. Mr. Johnson plans on opening about January 1. MANAGER W. H. HEPBURN, of Los Angeles Vitagraph Exchange, has just returned from a trip through the northern section of his territory. While on this route he made contracts in Bakersfield, Taft and other cities in that vicinity. JOHN CARNAKIS. who owns and conducts the C. & S. theatre at Bakersfield, has made very unusual contracts with the Los Angeles Vitagraph branch, which provides for serial service for one complete year. OWING to increased business at the Perfection Pictures Exchange in Los Angeles the shipping department has been enlarged to twice its former capacity. IGNITION of a film in the projecting room at the American theatre, 450 So. Broadway. Los Angeles. Sunday evening, caused a fire that resulted in the damage of the projection room to the extent of approximately one thousand dollars. Manager Claude Halsell had taken out insurance on the projection room but a week before. Two machines were installed during the night and Monday the theatre was in operation as usual. T. E. HANCOCK. Los Angeles manager of the World Film Corporation, is making a trip to San Diego. Yuma, Arizona, and returns by way of the Imperial Valley. E. K. MENHENNETT. of Mesa, Arizona, who conducts the Orpheum and Majestic in that place, and the Chandler at Chandler, Arizona, spent a portion of the present week in Los Angeles booking future subjects for his three houses. LOS ANGELES friends have received letters from Hubert Solmson, formerly with the Consolidated Film Corporation in Los Angeles as manager, and later identified with the Peerless exchange at San Francisco. Solmson is now Sergeant in the American Army in France, where he is in the R. R. and C. Service. ACCORDING to Carl Ray. " A Hoosier Romance." made by Colin Campbell for Selig and being released by the Mutual Film Corporation, is proving to be one of the most pleasing films he has shown at his 900 seat house on Main street, Los Angeles. There are many former Indiana people in Los Angeles, and Manager Ray secured a list of the members of the Hoosier Society and sent attractive advertising to everyone. This had a very marked ehect on increasing the patronage during the showing of this picture. NEW equipment for two theatres has been contracted for through James Slipper & Company, of Los Angeles. One equipment consists of two Simplex machines, purchased by C. V. Brockman, of the Iris theatre of San Bernardino. The other was purchased by C. T. Gibson, of Imperial, California, who is shortly opening a new house. This house will have one Simplex. CONTRACTS have been made by the management of the Symphony theatre, Los Aneeles. for a number of Universal productions. " Hell Bent." with Harry Carey, has just played a very successful engagement here, and " Playthings," starring Fritzi Brunette, was the feature of the program during the present week. Future bookings provide for Mary MacLaren in " Bread," Priscilla Dean in " The Brazen Beauty," Edith Roberts in " Beans," and later " For Husbands Only," the Lois Weber-Jewel which had a very successful first run at the Kinema theatre, will play at this house for a return engagement. DUHEM MOTION PICTURE MFG. CO. Films Made to Order EXPERT DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND COLORING CAMERA OUT-FITS AND RAW FILM SUPPLIED CAMERA MEN SENT ANYWHERE 985MarketStreet,SanFrancisco, California The Deemster With DERWENT HALL CAINE Redemption With EVELYN NESBIT and RUSSEL THA^ 44 REISSUES OF FAIRBANKS HART TALMADGE EEENAN IN THEIR GREATEST SUCCESSES Sunset Film Corporation 94 GOLDEN GATE AVENUE, SAN FRANCISCO 801-3 KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING, LOS ANGELES CAMBRIA SPRING COMPANY "Quality First" Auto and Truck Spri ngs. Wheels, Rims and Rumpers General Klacksmithing "Largest Spring Factory on the Pacific Coast" Forging Made and Frames Straighten) d Phones: Main 1075 Home F-5233 91 6-91 8 So. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles. Cal. Telephone: Hollyicood 1200 GEORGE W. CHAPMAN CO. Incorporated EVERYTHING IN MOVING PICTURE PROPS. Specialties: Miniature Sets and Plaster Breakaways 5155 Santa Monica Boulevard Los A.noeles, Cal. CI inCC Title Cards OLtiULO and Film L. A. SLIDE & FILM CO. 122 WEST THIRD ST., LOS ANGELES THEATRE SETTINGS Wo Have Installed Hundreds From SI 00 to S 10,000 Each BEST SCREENS, SCENERY EDW. H. FLAGG SCENIC CO. Largest In the World I. i>s Angeles San Francisco WINFIELD KERNER COMPANY Established 1005 Manufacturers of Actinic Ray Arc Lamps for Motion Picture Producers and Photographer*.. Effect Lamps and equipment Ke»i>tance und .Magnet Coli» made to order. I'lwnes: Pico 2646 A 221F 325-27 E. Sixth St., Los An*ei»r JACK ROOT, owner of the Strand theatre at Pasadena, has been offered the appointment of boxing instructor for the Balloon School of two thousand men at Arcadia, Cal. Root for several years held the light heavyweight championship of the world, having defeated George Gardner and Kid McCoy (Norman Selby). Root was defeated by Marvin Hart at Reno, Nevada, when James Jeffries acted as referee. The Strand theatre at Pasadena is one of the finest houses in this 60,000 population city, and acceptance of the position as boxing instructor means that Root will practically have to give up his work as manager of this handsome house. HARRY LUSTIG. coast and intermountain states special representative of Metro productions and Screen Classics, arrived in Los Angeles this week and will in the future make this his headquarters. This change is made by Mr. Lustig following a trip to New York, where he was in conference (Continued on page 4)