Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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z/lre Ybu J% "Freak, 'Picture" Success ? THE great American Circus did not become a big profitable institution through its "freaks" in the side-shows. All circus successes have been created in the Main Tent. They have been built on feats of horsemanship, daring acrobatics, the love of Natural History, the laughable clowns with their burlesques of human nature. * * * Some motion picture exhibitors are content to be "freak showmen" seeking success through "freak pictures." Such exhibitors as these cannot be permanently successful. The basic backbone of each and every successful exhibitor is the motion picture producer who makes clean, wholesome, powerful, appealing pictures. In this crowded competitive picture field there are very few producing organizations building sanely and permanently for the present and future benefit of the sound exhibitor. Of the few Goldwyn is unquestionably the leader — in stories, in production values, in stars who deliver the public into your houses; in refinement and quality. An organization thinking ahead for your protection and competitive independence; not in a hurry for profits; making sane stories sanely and avoiding temporary freak successes. This is why Goldwyn has more than 5,000 exhibitor-customers. GOLDWYN PICTURES CORPORATION SAMUEL GOLDFtSH. President Edgar Selwyn. Vice President 16 East 4-2™/ Street New York City