Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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1948 Motion Picture News A National Organization to Serve Exhibitors!^ Lillian Walker Productions Plaza Pictures Paralta Plays Bessie Barriscale Productions Douglass Natural Color Pictures AT ALL GENERAL FILM EXCHANGES I HE twenty'four men representing the * Hodkinson Organization throughout the United States are the result of a careful selection from the several hundred applicants who wished to connect themselves with us. Each of these men, we believe, is especially fitted for the territory he is in charge of. Each representative, moreover, realizes that one of the most important parts of his duty is careful serv^ ice to the exhibitor, including a cooperation and extension of friendly feeling that will pro' mote better business and good will. If you have not already met the Hodkinson Representative in your territory, there is a distinct pleasure in store for you. Let him help you in every way possible and prove to you that the Hodkinson principle of quality pictures for quality houses distributed on an equitable basis and at reasonable Drices is an actual fact, rather than a theory. 527 Fifth Ave., • NewlbrkGty "W WHodkin§on Corporation Be sure to mention "MOTION PICTURE NEWS" when writing to advertisers