Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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1994 Motion Picture News Fourth Liberty Loan Film Distribution (Continued from page 1991) showing of one of the pictures in every moving picture theatre in the United States on each day of the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign, each to be advertised as an " added attraction." The last few days of the time allotted for the acceptance of Liberty Loan Specials was marked by a wild scramble by numerous stars to get their pictures completed in time. Many of them worked night and day, and still others abandoned all work upon important pictures to co-operate with the Government in the Liberty Loan Campaign. This spirit of sacrifice, enthusiasm and co-operation was to be found in every studio, and had the committee been able to extend the time limit for the receipt of pictures there is no doubt but that many other pictures would have been made available for. Government use. Because of the tremendous task of making the thousands of prints required to obtain the widespread distribution desired by all parties, the committee was compelled to decline regretfully numerous offers by stars and companies to make special films for the campaign. Many Subjects Listed Although there are many subjects or titles listed there is only one theme — " Buy Bonds." No single industry has co-operated with the United States Government in such a comprehensive and whole-hearted manner, and this great campaign will make history for the motion picture industry which will have lasting and far-reaching effects. The list practically completed is as follows : Dustin Farnum in "Ready Money Ringfield." Courtesy Sherman Pictures Corporation. Harry T. Morey and Betty Blythe in " The Grouch." Directed by Paul Scarden. Courtesy Albert E. Smith, President of the Vitagraph Company. William Faversham in " A Liberty Loan Appeal," by O. R. Geyer. Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Mme. Nazimova in " A Woman of France," written by Mme. Nazimova ; directed by Albert Capellani. Courtesy Richard A. Rowland and Maxwell Karger, Metro Picture Corporation. George Beban in " When It Strikes Home." Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in " Financing the Fourth," titles by Tarn Brett. Courasy V. B. K. Film Corporation. William Duncan in " The Decision." Courtesy Albert E. Smith, President of the Vitagraph Company. Douglas Fairbanks in " Sic 'Em, Sam." Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Alice Brady in " A Liberty Loan Appeal." written and directed by Charles Maigne. Courtesy Select Pictures. The Mack Sennett Stars in " It's a Cinch." Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Alice Joyce in " The Choice," written by CRASHING THROUGH TO BERLIN A Special Service Section That You Will Want to Preserve STARTING on Page 2047 of this issue of Motion Picture News is a Special Service Section on " Crashing Through to Berlin." This section has been prepared by our own experts of the Exhibitors' Service Bureau as an aid to the exhibitors who will book this big Jewel production. We believe it the most complete Service Section ever issued on a production — every detail down to a specially prepared music cue is presented. P. S. Harrison's review of this picture in the August 17th issue said " It offers splendid opportunities for exploitation and if properly handled will prove a good drawing* card." Our own review of the Special Service Section in this issue is " It gives you the last word in exploitation and backing for this picture," A Van Buren Powell ; directed by Tom Terris. Courtesy Albert Smith, President of the Vitagraph Company of America. Mary Pickford in " 100 Per Cent American." Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Charlie Chaplin in " The Bond." Courtesy First National Exhibitors' Circuit. Lillian Gish in " A Liberty Loan Appeal." Courtesy D. W. Griffith. Elsie Ferguson in " The Spirit That Wins," story by Adrian Gil-Spear ; directed by Emile Chautard. Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Goldwyn All-Star Cast in " Stake Uncle Sam to Play Your Hand," story by Willard Mack ; directed by Hugo Ballin. Courtesy Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, Samuel Goldfish, President. Corinne Griffith in " A Wise Purchase," story by Graham Baker ; directed by Henry Houry. Courtesy Albert Smith, President of the Vitagraph Company of America. Charles Ray in " A Liberty Loan Plea." Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation and Thomas H. Ince. All-Star Cast in " My Country." Courtesy Kalem Film Company. Wallace Reid in " His Extra Bit," by Gardner Hunting. Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Mae Murray in " The Taming of Kaiser Bill," directed by Robert Leonard. Courtesy Universal Film Company. Emily Stevens in " Building for Democracy," story by June Mathis ; directed by Harry Franklin. Courtesy Metro Pictures Corporation. George M. Cohan in " A Liberty Loan Appeal," by Jerome Beatty. Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Normal Talmadge in " A Liberty Loan Appeal." Courtesy Joseph M. Schenck and Select Pictures. William S. Hart in " A Bullet for Berlin." Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. W illiam Farnum in a Liberty Loan film. Courtesy Fox Film Corporation. "Fatty" Arbuckle in a Liberty Loan appeal. Courtesy Famous Pictures-Lasky Corporation and Joseph M. Schenck. Harold Lockwood in " Liberty Bond Jimmy," written by Finis Fox; directed by Edwin Carewe. Courtesy Metro Pictures Corporation. Dorothy Dalton in a Liberty Loan appeal. Courtesy Famous Pictures-Lasky Corporation and Thomas H. Ince. Gladys Leslie in " Sylvia's Last Pledge." Courtesy Albert Smith, president of the Vitagraph Company of America. Sessue Hayakawa in "Banzai" (Hurrah). Courtesy Haworth Pictures Corporation. Marguerite Clark in " The Biggest and the Littlest Lady in the World." Story by Adrian Gil-Spear ; directed by J. Searle Daw-ley. Courtesy Famous Pictures-Lasky Corporation. Edith Storey in " Edith's Victory for Democracy." Story ' by Colonel Jasper Brady ; directed by Harry Franklin. Courtesy Metro Pictures Corporation. Enid Bennett in a Liberty Loan appeal. Courtesy Famous Players-Lasky Corporation and Thomas H. Ince. Earle Williams and Clara Whipple in a Liberty Loan appeal. Courtesy Albert E. Smith, presidentt of the Vitagraph Company. Liberty Loan Pictures Shown in New York Before a large audience the greater share of the Liberty Loan pictures made by prominent stars were shown at the Rivoli theatre Sept. 18. The remainder of them were exhibited Thursday in the Famous PlayersLasky projection room. There are thirty-six of these plays, each one including at least one well-known star and some of them groups of them. The pictures are all short and vary from comedy to the grimmest sides of the war Each one of the pictures received heart/ applause and there is no doubt that they will get much more when they are shown to audiences singly. The Liberty Loan committee hopes to have these pictures shown in every theatre in the country. There is no charge for them and they will be distributed through the exchanges of the company making them or the exchange that regularly handles that manufacturer's product. A full list of the pictures will be found on page 2006. Los Angeles Strike Settled Several points of difference between stage employes at various studios, and their employers, have already been settled, and other points will be settled by a special arbitration board, according to announcement by Capt. Charles T. Connell, federal labor mediator.