Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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September 28 , 1 p 1 8 2019 National Film Goes Steadily Onward Expansion of Producing Plans Brings Report That Company Is Negotiating with Another Male Star — Walthall Makes One Before Returning to Stage THE National Film Corporation of America, since announcing last week in Motion Picture News that it has decided to enter the general production field, has been growing steadily with each day, and although the organization has not sounded its trumpet with the blatant notes sometimes made by producers splashing out into the surf of the industry, it has nevertheless given the solid impression that it has the " goods " behind it. In fact, the success of National Film as a general producer of pictures seems assured already, or all the signs fail, according to reports this week. The latest developments in the progress of National was the announcement this week that Isadore Bernstein, manager of productions, who is now in the New York office, is negotiating with a well known star of the male sex, whose contract with one of the larger producers expired a few days ago. With the addition of this star. National would have three male luminaries, the other two being " Smiling Billy " Parsons and Henry Walthall. Promises Big Surprise In dainty Billie Rhodes, who has heretofore been known only as a comedienne, National Film promises one of the biggest surprises of recent date in so far as a " find " is concerned. Although Miss Rhodes as a capable player and a winning comedienne was "found" long ago (in picture parlance), it is claimed that she will make exhibitors and audiences open " their other eye " when she is presented in the new series which National has planned for her. In these productions, which will consist of a series of eight, according to the present schedule. Miss Rhodes will be starred in genuine drama. The emotional abilities of the winsome player are expected to equal those of other stars who have been doing this line of work right along. In view of the lengthy following which Miss Rhodes possesses, and the wide popularity of her work in the past, it is reasonable to believe that her vogue cannot do otherwise than advance under the new production schedule of National. The care which is to be lavished upon the feature is hinted at in the statement that only eight a year are to be put out. This will allow a thoroughness, it is shown, which could not otherwise be put into the pictures. Another strong point on the National schedules is the Capitol Comedies, which star none other than " Smiling Bill '' Parsons himself. These are released by Goldwyn Distributing Corporation, which in itself is considered an excellent endorsement of their worth. If anything further were needed, it could be secured through the praise which exhibitors who have played the subjects have given them. The Capitol Comedies are the only comedies being put out by Goldwyn Distributing Corporation. Tarzan Stories Well Liked To begin with. National Film Corporation of America made a ten-strike for itself and exhibitors when it produced " Tarzan of the Apes," which First National Exhibitors' Circuit has distributed with unusual success. The extent of this success can be gaged by the fact that the sequel of Tarzan. which is called " The Romance of Tarzan," is about ready for release, also through First National. It is expected to prove a greater drawing card than the first release, due in a great measure to the pleasing results left by the latter. A more complete story of " The Romance of Tarzan " appears on another page of this issue of Motion* Picture News. Isador Bernstein, who supervises all National productions, was this week enthusiastic about the production which Henry Walthall will make for National before he returns to the speaking stage. Mr. Bernstein pointed out the great advantage held by National in this instance, inasmuch as the public will be eager to get Mr. Wallace's last picture. As far as is known, Mr. Walthall does not intend to return soon to the screen, and there is no doubt that his last screen appearance will be the signal for exhibitors to book the picture for a regular " killing." The name selected for the Walthall feature is " And a Still Small Voice." Bertram Bracken, it has been announced, will be the director who will handle the megaphone on the picture. In general authority will be William N. Aaronson. Rhodes in Drama The first Billie Rhodes drama will bear the title, according to an announcement, of " The Girl of My Dreams." This is from the Joseph M. Gaites play of the same name, in which Hyams and Mclntyre starred on the road for five seasons, and which had a highly prosperous season at the Criterion theatre, New York. Louis W. Chaudet is in charge of the directorial work of the Rhodes picture, under the supervision of Mr. Bernstein. " The Girl of My Dreams " is expected to be completed this wreek, and work on the second Billie Rhodes De Luxe Series will be begun as soon as the preliminary arrangements can be made. With the two " Tarzan " pictures well over the top; with the Parsons-Goldwyn comedies securing a stronger footing in theatres of the country with each new release ; with the Walthall production occupying the distinctive place which in fact it does, and with the Billie Rhodes De Luxe series promising a new era of drama for National, the organization faces what it considers " prospects so bright that nothing can dim them." Virginia Hammond Engaged for World Pictures The engagement of Virginia Hammond by World Pictures to support Louise Huff in " The Crook of Dreams " registers the screen acquisition of one of the best known leading women of the legitimate stage. Miss Hammond was a teacher in the public schools in Chicago and her first appearance on the stage was when she became a member of E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe's company. Billie Rhodes is to Star for National Film in a De Luxe Series of Eight a Year. Henry Walthall Makes His Farewell Screen Appearance in a National Production