Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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2068 (Equipment Service) ^4?ltUllUJJ UJLU1 llllllilllll JI1111J I JliiltlJIJitll I13I11I IJIItllj I Jlitlfl JIIltlllllMMIIIlilUI I Jllltltlllllf llllllllJItllllll tllllllttlllllllllllllllTll 111111111 Illllllimilllllllimilllllllllll'is The Essential Requirements for Improved Projection are SPEER CARBONS SPEER Alterno Combinations for A.C. Work and SPEER Hold-Ark Combinations for D.C. Work Produce Incomparable Results Write today for descriptive folders. Read j the unbiased opinions of operators Place an order now with your Supply House "The Carbons with a Guarantee" Manufactured by SPEER CARBON COMPANY ST. MARYS, PA. iLiiiiiwiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu^ ^TiiiuiMiimiiiiujrruiiiiiiiiiJJiiiiiiijuicxuiiiiii! I uujmiiiu s -U'lijiiiiiiiiiuii jiiiim i iiui! liii iiitn 1 1 Jiuiu 1 1 1 luii i j muii I m etui i iuu i in u 11 1 ! eti n i imtu n i iiiuiit it im > 1 1 iui^ | PREPAREDNESS | Don't wait until your machine breaks down before buying a | = new one. Remember "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE." We will § a sell you a NEW MACHINE, taking in your old one as PART | I PAYMENT, either for cash or on the MONTHLY PAYMENT | | PLAN. I Write us today advising what machine you have and we will a a give you our exchange proposition. a AMUSEMENT SUPPLY COMPANY Largest Exclusive Dealers to the Moving Picture Trade I 300-302 Mailers Building 5 South Wabash Avenue | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS | Dealers in Monograph, Standard and Simplex Moving Picture j I Machines, National Carbons, Minusa Screens and § 1 Everything for the Theatre WE SELL ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN iiiiiinfluiuiiiiiiiiiinuiuiniiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiim —PERFECTED PROJECTION — THE mechanism of the DeVry Portable Motion Picture Projector is so wonderfully simple as to commend itself instantly to the amateur operator, while it combines all the necessary qualities of perfected projection to delight the appreciation of the professional. Adopted by the United States Government in all Departments where motion pictures are used, and by the American Red Cross, at home and abroad. Used also in all Y. M. C. A. work, on transports, at home and " over there." Write today for our Catalogue H-3 The DeVry Corporation 109y2 North Wells Street Chicago, U. S. A. Motion Picture N e\ As it is not the purpose of the school to make money, instruction is carried on in a natural manner and without unc haste; thus the pupils are learning under conditions fairly CO parable to real apprenticeship. That Mr. Cameron is achiev results is now becoming apparent, for those of his pupils who hi taken the preliminary (written) examination for their license hi succeeded in passing and some have doubtless been gran licenses ere now. The Institute is able to secure positions for those who obt their license to operate, and it will prove interesting to study h these men get along in the field of practical projection. The Attractograph ANEW type of motion picture machine for office, conventi show window and terminal station has been brought out the Attractograph Company, Inc., 220 West 42nd street, New Yc City. This machine displays pictures which can be readily se in broad daylight, as well as at night and its operation is entir automatic. After the reel is projected it is automatically wound and then displayed again, so that after the machine is ; ranged and started it will continuously operate for an indefin period without auy further attention. The outfit consists of t separate parts, the moving picture machine and a miniature tl atre in which the pictures are displayed. The moving picture n chine is operated by a standard type universal Westinghot motor, which will operate on either direct or alternating curre Two horizontal discs carry the film which passes in one directi for projection and in the opposite direction for rewinding. Projecting Mechanism of Attractograph A 250-watt Mazda stereopticon lamp, with concentrated filamei furnishes the light, which is automatically extinguished when machine stops and also during the process of rewinding. The rr chine is equipped with two automatic safety switches, which provided in case the film breaks, in which event the machine sto and the light goes out, if this occurs while projecting. In ca the film breaks while rewinding, the machine simply stops, light being out. All parts of the machine are made from an al minum composition, so that it weighs but thirty-five pounds. The is a dust-proof and sound-proof cover provided which acts a: carrier for the machine, as well as a cover. The projector is placed about a foot from the miniature th atre, so that the light enters an aperture in the base ; here strikes a mirror set at an angle of 45 degrees, and is reflect upwards on to a screen, set on what would be termed a stag Another 45-degree mirror reflects an image of the screen 01 wards, making the picture appear to the audience to come fro a screen on the rear wall of the theatre. Standard non-i flammable films in lengths of 50 to 500 feet can be exhibited. Tl outfit draws 2l/2 amperes and is approved by the National Boa of Fire Underwriters. Power Co. Has Impressive Honor Roll UPON the walls of the Nicholas Power Company at 90 Go street there hangs a remarkable picture to which they poi with pride. It is a pen and ink sketch. 28 x 40 inches, done in five color) and the ability of the artist, James Stillman, purchasing age) of the company, would put many a professional craftsman ll the blush. It is the Honor Roll of the Nicholas Power Company, Inco porated, and beneath the sixteen flags of the Allies are engrosst I the names of those 61 employees who have gone to the front. Even in these days of large Honor Rolls and impressive servi< flags this is a distinctlv fine showing.