Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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October 5 , 1 p 1 8 2167 Zfonor JEhH^ Industry Starts Liberty Drive Spencer Tupman, formerly organist at the Leader, at Washington, D. C, has joined the service of Uncle Sam, entering the Bandmaster's Training School. It was Mr. Tupman who inaugurated organ recitals in the Washington picture houses and made them an attractive feature for music lovers. Fred Goodwins, whose peculiar style of light comedy acting has won him numerous admirers in Paramount and Artcraft Pictures, leaves for England after the completion of "The Way of a Man with a Maid." Bryant Washburn's next starring vehicle, in which Goodwins plays a leading role. He will go to an officers' training camp. Two more service stars were added to the L-KO service flag when Jack Ball, assistant director with the Jim Davis company, enlisted in the tank service, and when Frank Mock, assistant to Director Craig Hutchinson, was called to Texas for limited service. The L-KO flag now contains thirtv-nine service stars. Malcolm S. Boylan, assistant publicity director at Universal City, is now at Camp Kearny awaiting a call from the Signal Corps, to be trained as a war photographer. Boylan was leader of the men from his draft district when they entrained for the camp. In a letter to Winfield R. Sheehan, general manager of the Fox Film Corporation, Aaron B. Bernd, formerly in the Fox publicity department and now a private in the American Expeditionary Force, says he is stationed at Bordeaux and is working in the Quartermaster laundry. Oscar Cooper, of "Exhibitor's Trade Review"' of New York, has gone to Camp Lee. Virginia, to enter the Infantry Officers' Training School. Bobby Vernon reports for service at the Submarine Base on Monday morning, September 9th. For the past week this Christie Comedy juvenile has been utilizing his spare moments in breaking up housekeep Thomas Evans, head of the Evans Film Manufacturing Co., of New York City, has been promoted to the rank of major in the Sanitary Corps, where he has important duties in connection with the Construction School at Washington. Renwicke Wylie Abott, title editor of the Universal West Coast Studios, received telegraphic word this week that he had been appointed a captain in the Motor Transport Corps. He was ordered to Camp Holabird, Volgate Creek, Maryland. Jack Holloway, who has been doing publicity work for Diando, has entered the Merchant Marine, having formerly held a mate's license on the Atlantic. He left the studio last week. While Waiting for " Send-Off " Gong Producers and Stars Put in Preliminary Good Work for Flying Start THE GOAL THE motion picture industry is going to sell $1,000,000,000 of Fourth Liberty m bonds in the campaign beginning Sept. 28.. That is the goal it has set, and it has built up a thoroughly live organization with which to reach it Every motion picture theatre in the country has been constituted a selling force. Full page advertisements telling of the industry's Liberty Loan activities are a part of the campaign. During the last few weeks, thirty-seven of the most prominent movie stars have appeared before the camera in Liberty Loan plays. Each of the large producing companies is represented, and one film will be shown every day of the campaign, in every motion picture house. The companies have combined their efforts in a committee of which Adolph Zukor is chairman, and arrangements have been completed for the release of the pictures free to the exhibitors, at the twelve largest exchanges. With the film will go report blanks for Liberty Loan subscriptions. WHEN the morning of September 27 dawned the motion picture industry, literally speaking, was up with the larks and putting the finishing touches to its preparations to send the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive away to a flying start. Not a producer, distributor, star, or anyone who could help was found wanting, with the result that prospects for the industry closing the race with flying colors are brighter now than ever before. One of the latest producers to enter the lists is George Kleine, who, not to be outdone by his brother producers, has made a Liberty film for distribution, and in which Grace Valentine is the star. The title of Mr. Kleine's picture is " The Thought of the Moment." and Miss Valentine appears as the " Soul of Woman." The announcements of Liberty films made previous to last week carried no mention of Mr. Kleine's contribution, as he kept it as a surprise to exhibitors. With this film, all the Liberty films are now ready for distribution, as outlined in Motion* Picture News last week and in previous issues. The entire distributing organization throughout the country, of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation is ready for the handling of the Liberty Loan films allotted to this company for circulation. All decks have been cleared for a 100 per cent distribution of these prints, and full instruc tions have been sent to all branch managers by Al Lichtman, general manager in charge of distribution. Prints have been shipped to the Famous Players-Lasky exchanges and every detail in connection with the efficient handling of these films has been made clear so that there will be an absolutely systematic handling of the pictures. In a letter to exhibitors, Vitagraph said : " From now until the close of the campaign, October the 19th, there will be available for your use, free of charge, the following subjects which were made for this particular purpose, namely : " Bonds versus Bonds," featuring Earle Williams; "The Choice," featuring Alice Joyce ; " The Decision," featuring William Duncan ; " The Grouch," featuring Harry Morey; "A Wise Purchase," featuring Corinne Griffith: ' Her Last Pledge," featuring Gladys Leslie." Other companies are exerting every effort to send the films over the top in firstclass shape. Carefully formulated plans to obtain the 100 per cent distribution desired by the Government for the Liberty Loan films contributed by the various stars and producing organizations of the industry, were announced last week by the Liberty Loan Committee of the Motion Picture Industry. The co-operation of the exhibitor, who will be one of the most important units of the industry in assuring complete success for the committee's projected campaign is earnestly sought by the industry. Reports received from the field indicate that the showmen will not be found wanting, and that they are preparing to extend the fullest possible co-operation to the Treasury Department and the Industry's committee. The following , letter, which was drafted by the Liberty Loan Committee of the Motion Picture Industry, and which explains in detail the regulation for the distribution of the prints to be used in the campaign, has been sent by each of the distributing organizations co-operating in the movement to all of its exchanges : " Uniform rules and regulations for the handling of the Liberty Loan prints to be used in the Liberty Loan campaign are contained in the following letter, prepared by Al. Lichtman, manager of distribution for the Liberty Loan Committee of the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry, and which has been s,ent by the Home Office of each distributing organization to all of its exchanges: " The Motion Picture Industry collectively and individually, gives way to no other industry or group of individuals in patriotism, and in practical substantial aid to the Government. As evidence of this fact, 37 of the various motion picture stars have made negatives in aid of the Fourth Liberty Loan. From each negative, the Government is furnishing 112 prints to be distributed by the branch offices of the several distributing organizations, as follows: "1st: Each company will distribute, through all of its offices in the United States, the prints in which its own stars appear. " 2nd : Bookings of the Liberty Loan prints shall be made to any exhibitor, whether or not he runs our product. " 3rd : Each branch office of each distributing organization will be held strictly accountable, not only by its Home Office, but by the Treasury Department, for booking solid each print from the date of receipt of each print, up to and including the 19th day of October. Shipment of prints will begin on September 15. " 4th : No exhibitor shall be permitted to book (Continued on page 2169) 111 WBMntmin™ miiiimiiiiiiui iiminimiiiBUY LIBERTY BONDSiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiii mutmin mrainnii i an