Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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2168 M o t i o n Picture X e w s > POST CARD 10^,% A Mestag» from Oa« of America Fighting Men, Thb card ia a Receipt for a Package ofTobacco cootributcd Through " Our^ Boy) in France Tubaeco. (Win* oknag* « Other Sia< Reproduction of Both Sides of a Post Card from an American soldier in France, thanking Motion Picture News for a Gift of Tobacco. The Card Reads: " Doug' Fairbanks Never Did More Smiling Than We Do When We Receive Those Great Little Tobacco Kits from the Folks in the States. Long Live the NEWS." Serg. C. S. E. Sprecher. ^j£ts// /t£c^'/ Theatre Owners Meet in Albany State Capital Is Scene of Appointment by Sydney S. Cohen of 51 Men to Look After Liberty Loan Campaign for Association A CONFERENCE of the picture theatre owners of the state of New York, representing 1,600 screens, opened at the Ten Eyck Hotel, Albany, N. Y., at noon on September 26. The exhibitors throughout the state showed great enthusiasm on the matters brought to their attention by the president, Sydney S. Cohen, of New York. A letter from Guy Emerson, Director of Publicity, Second Federal Reserve District, outlining the plans of the Treasury Department, was read. Resolutions were passed endorsing the Fourth Liberty Loan and lines were laid down in which an intensive campaign of bond selling will be waged throughout the motion picture theatres of. the state of New York. President Sydney S. Cohen appointed fifty-one representatives, one in each Senatorial district comprising the state, in order that the proper statistics could be compiled of what the theatre owners have accomplished in the selling of Libert} Bonds. A representative was designated in each of the three Assembly districts comprising each Senatorial district of the state. When the question of Sunday opening was presented for consideration, the enthusiasm of the up-state men knew no bounds. It is the general belief that the efficient work and aid of the exhibitors in the support of Government Propaganda will do much to clarify the Sunday opening situation in the state of New York. President Cohen made a strong appeal to the up-state exhibitors to make a gala week of October 5 to 13, during the Motion Picture Exposition to be held at Madison Square Garden. Many pledges were exacted, and New York City can look forward to the most notable gathering of theatre owners in its history. The next Government picture now ready for screening, " America's Answer," was called to the attention of theatre owners. Hearty endorsement of same was given but many exhibitors expressed the opinion that the Division of Films could get much better results, if these pictures were released to all exhibitors on a percentage arrangement, in order that the smaller houses could play same and the fullest amount of screening could be given to this Government propaganda. Resolutions to that effect were passed. The Brooklyn delegation to the conference presented a resolution endorsing the work of William A. Brady, the courageous National champion, an engraved copy of which will be presented to Mr. Brady by the president. This resolution was passed unanimously. A resolution was passed authorizing the state president, Sydney S. Cohen, to urge the proper representation be given the exhibitors of the state of New York in the new affiliation of the national exhibitor organizations. A resolution stating that a large percentage of the patrons of motion picture theatres being women, the president, Sydney S. Cohen, is urged to hold conferences with the leaders of the Woman's Suffrage Party of the state of New York, in order that a closer co-operation can be effected for their mutual benefit. A letter from the New York State Woman Suffrage Partywas read, asking the exhibitors of the state of New York to show slides in their theatres urging the women of the state of New York to register on the coming registration days, October 7 to 12. Four Dark Nights Decreed for Picture Houses In co-operation with Fuel Administrator Garfield, Harry Crandall, representing the picture interests, has decreed four dark nights for the picture houses, from Monday to Thursday, inclusive. Exhibitors declare that there is no lack of patronage on these nights, but they have substantially decreased their electric light bill, which amounts can be more advantageously used to help win the war. Soldiers Abroad Thank News for Smokes That the shipment* of tobacco to our soldiers abroad through the " Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund " are fully appreciated and welcomed by theft lads in khaki was made quite evident last week by the receipt of over a score of post cards from the boys themselves. In one batch Motion Picture News received thirty-one post cards, each of which had been written by a soldier from the United States who has received the tobacco through the fund. Many indications that this appreciation will spur the stay-at-homes to keep the stream of tobacco going to France have been noted by Motion Picture News. Theatres throughout the country have been doing noble work in supplying our lads with not only tobacco but other little luxuries, which they appreciate heartily. Exhibitors, although their time over here is dominated by the business of keeping " going," do not lose sight of the heroes' needs abroad. F. I. L. M. Club to Honor William A. Brady The F. I. L. M. Club of New York will honor William A. Brady, President of the National Association, and his daughter. Alice Brady, with a theatre party at the Central theatre. September 30, in witnessing Miss Brady's latest stage success. " Forever After." Already there has been a large subscription list and it is expected " Who's Who " of the film industry will be present. The F. I. L. M. Club will also give a Dinner Dance at Reisenwebber's early in October. Those who were present at the Dinner Dances for the members of the F. I. L. M. Club will remember what enjoyable affairs they were, and it is expected that this year will prove a repetition of last season's success. This is only the forefun of enjoyable affairs that will be given by the F. I. L. M. Club during the current season. The dinner is limited to the F. I. L. M. Club members, their ladies, and friends. Pathe Holds Convention " To Save and Serve " Pathe celebrated on September 24, 25 and 26 by holding a " save and serve " convention which was attended by the managers of all the thirty exchanges. The convention was held at the home offices of the company in New York. It was the first time in the history of the company that representatives from points west of the Rocky Mountains have been called to the home office in a body. Paul Brunet. vice-president and general manager of Pathe. has approved of an elaborate program prepared by Sales Manager Quimby, which includes discussions of many matters of interest to the sales force as well as generous plans for entertainment. The keynote of the convention was conservation and economy in order to meet the war time expectations of the Government. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRUN LIBERTY FILMSa niiiiiiitiiu iiiiiiuiiuiiiiiuiimii