Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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2190 Motion Picture New U. S. Rights Sold for "Mickey" " The Birth of a Nation " Syndicate Has Purchased United States Rights for " Mickey " from W. H. Productions Company "•"THE BIRTH OF A NATION" Syn* dicate, formed to handle a series of special big features, has purchased the rights to " Mickey " for the United States, with the exception of New York State, which has been sold to Magnet Film Exchange. " Mickey " will be the first production to be launched by this syndicate. Practically all of the world rights have now been sold by W. H. Production Company, with the exception of Canada and a few foreign countries, viz., South Africa, Egypt, Switzerland, Italy, Argentine, Uruguay and Paruguay. The foreign countries which have already been sold are England, France, Spain, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, China, India, Burma, Ceylon, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Malay Peninsula, and Dutch East Indies. W. H. Productions Company advertising and publicity campaign exploiting " Mickey," was a material factor in the rapid disposition of most of the world rights. Even before the campaign was in full swing, most of the foreign territories were already sold. This was also a great factor in prompting this syndicate to procure " Mickey " as their opening feature. This campaign which has been outlined in previous issues of Motion Picture News, has proven one of the most unique, concentrated, thorough and practical exploitation campaigns ever devised for any motion picture production. It is estimated that the talking machine companies, music roll companies and the song distributors, will reach forty million people in this country alone through their various advertising mediums, consisting of specially prepared campaigns in the national magazines and newspapers, in booklets, cut-outs, window displays, special announcements, leaflets, etc. Inquiries have been received from every prominent independent exchange man and exhibitor throughout the country, for " Mickey." Many exhibitors have already placed orders with the music publishers, talking machine and piano roll companies for copies of the musical production " Mickey," which they are planning to use in connection with their local advertising when " Mickey " is shown at their theatre. Due to the unique and huge exploitation campaign it is asserted that everyone is waiting to see " Mickey," and every exhibitor is waiting to show " Mickey." In closing the deal with the " Birth of a Nation " Syndicate. W. H. Productions Company agreed to co-operate as much as possible with them in exploiting the production, and the advertising campaign as inaugurated by W. H. Productions Company will be utilized in every way. Negotiations are now being made for a prominent Broadway theatre for a preliminary New York showing of " Mickey." Semon in Second " Big V " Special Comedy " Huns and Hyphens," featuring Lawrence Semon, is the second Big V Special Comedy release by Vitagraph since it introduced its two-reel weekly feature comedy service, and it will be followed by " Roofs and Riots," featuring Earle Montgomery and Joe Rock. The fourth release, scheduled for October 7, will be " Bears and Bad Men," featuring Lawrence Semon. Attractive Posters for "Border Raiders" For the exploitation of " The Border Raiders," the first of the Pathe Program Feature releases, starring George Larkin and Betty Compson, an unusually attractive poster display has been prepared — one, three and six sheets, set 11 x 14 photographs, cuts and slides, all of which show the high spots of this swiftly moving drama of the West, written by Frank Beresford and directed by Stuart Paton. Famous Players Strives foi More Service Famous Players-Lasky Corporation an nounced this week that, in keeping with it; enlarged producing and distributing plan.for the new year which has just started, i: will increase its service to exhibitors. "We are endeavoring to give the exj hibitor a real sen-ice such as has nevei before been attempted in the nfotion picture industry,'" said Walter E. Greene managing director in charge of distribution, last week. " With our producing and distributing plan just doubled since September 1, it is our earnest desire to give our patrons co-operation in the handling of Paramount and Artcraft pictures commensurate with this increase in quantity ofi product, the exceptional quality of which is firmly established in the mind of the patron as well as the manager -of the motion picture theatre. " The recent Paramount and Artcraft Week offered one example of what wel mean by ' real service.' In this drive we shared with the exhibitor his billboard charges and gave him gratis a tremendous newspaper and magazine campaign in which his theatre was not only mentioned but given display together with his program of entertainment for the week. Other ideas of ' real sen-ice ' will be disclosed from time to time as the year progresses." " Of No Use to Germany,' Red Cross Reel The latest American Red Cross film release is called with splendid irony " Of Xo Use to Germany."' showing, as it does, the stream of very young children and very old adults that is received at the Red Cross station of Evian-les Baine on the SwissFrench border as they come out of Germany from the captured areas of Belgium and France. " Of No Use to Germany " is the third of the single-reel subjects issued by W. E. Waddell, director of the Bureau of Pictures of the American Red Cross, with the co-operation of General Film Company as distributor. Jack Abbe, Triangle Featured Player, Is Presented In " Mystic Faces " Edna Goodrich Breaks House Record A wire report from Milwaukee on the success of " Her Husband's Honor " to the Mutual Film Corporation says : " Edna Goodrich in ' Her Husband's Honor,' presented at the Strand theatre today, broke all matinee records except one of a big state rights picture. For the night show the lobby was crowded with people waiting for admittance until 9.40."