Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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October 12, 19 18 2335 Motion Pi&ure News ..<> Mil lllllllllill Vol. 18 No. 15. October 12. 1918 The Week in the Film World at a Glance FEATURES THE PATRIOT AND BUSINESS MAN (WM. A. JOHNSTON) 2337 EDITORIALLY SPEAKING 2338 THE HONOR ROLL 2340 IN AND OUT OF TOWN... 2343 AMERICAN PRODUCERS MUST SPECIALIZE (SIDNEY GARRETT) 2345 NEW ORLEANS PAPERS CAUSE PUBLIC APPEAL. 2353 PARAMOUNT SERVICE SECTION 2393 EXPORTERS' SPECIAL SECTION 2396 THE COMPLETE PLAN BOOK 2443 NEWS OF THE WEEK State Exhibitors' Give Ambulance 2339 War Service Exposition Opens 2340 Honor Roll of the Industry 2340 Industry Unit in Liberty Loan Drive 2341 Buffalo Exhibitors Turn Down Stage Hands 2342 Red Cross Films Make Headway 2343 In and Out of Town 2343 Exhibitors Back Smileage Movement 2344 Live News from the Producers 2364 Advance Offerings of the Programs 2384 In and Out West Coast Studios 2386 Newsy Items of the Studios 2388 In the Independent Field 2409 Complete Plan Book 2443 OF SERVICE TO EXHIRITORS Exhibitors' Box-Office Reports 2347 Exhibitors' Service Bureau 2350 Coming Program Offerings 2384 Studio Items for Your Newspaper 2388 Paramount Special Service Section 2393 Releases — Current and Coming 2414 Equipment Service 2419 Projection Department 2422 Camera and Picture Making 2430 Music and the Picture 2436 The Complete Plan Book 2443 COMPLETE PLAN BOOK Advance Reviews 2443 "The Strange Woman" (Fox) 2444 "The Border Wireless" (Hart-Artcraft) 2445 "Unexpected Places" (Metro) 2446 "The Heart of Rachael" (Hodkinson) 2447 "Swat the Spy" (Fox) 2448 "The Goat" (Artcraft) 2449 "The Road to France" (World) 2450 "Ruling Passions" (Schomer) 2451 "The Lure of Luxury" (Bluebird) 2452 "The Return of Mary" (Metro) 2453 " Hobbs in a Hurry" (American) 2454 "The Mounted Men" (Universal) 2455 "The Mating" (Vitagraph) 2456 " Mantle of Charity" (American) 2457 Newsy Announcements of the Week Found in the AdPages Violet Mersereau Returns in "Together," a Bluebird 2270 Where Fred Stone Stands 2271 Another Expression of Opinion on "The Great Love 2272 Vitagraph's Latest Blue Ribbon Feature 2273 Coming — " The Iron Test " — Vitagraph's Latest Serial, 2274 The Big V Comedies 2275 Vitagraph's Liberty Loan Feature 2276 The First of Goldwyn's New Mae Marsh Series, " Hidden Fires" 2277 Goldwyn on Tom Moore 2278-79 Praise for Smiling Bill Parsons and Capitol Comedies. ... 2280 Goldwyn's "For the Freedom of the East" 2281 The Latest Releases of the Hodkinson Company 2282-83-84 The Third American Red Cross Picture, " Of No Use to Germany " 2285 The Rainbow Comedies on the General Film Program. .. .2286 Important Matter on Select Pictures 2287-88-89-90 Cooper Hewitt's Used by All Leading Companies 2291 "The Romance of Tarzan " Ready for Action 2292-93 " The Kaiser's Finish " Looks Forward to the Finish of the War 2494-95 Mutual Presents Gail Kane in "The Daredevil" 2296-97 Hayakawa and the Haworth Productions 2298-99 Evelyn Nesbit in "Her Mistake," Booking Solid 2300 United as Compared With Booking Institutions of the stage2301 Florence Reed — United Star 3302 Kitty Gordon — United Star 2303 Dustin Farnum Presented in His First United Picture .... 2304 "Me Und Gott," Another Arraignment of the Kaiser. ... 2305 Pathe Drops the Hearst from Its Weekly Title 2306 Pathe's Latest Serial a Patriotic One, " Wolves of Kultur," 2307-08 The Official War Review 2309 " Hands Up " Beats All Records Established by Previous Pathe Serials 2310 " Rosemary Climbs the Heights" Is Latest Minter Film... 2311 Five Timely Hits from the William Fox Studios 2312-13 On the Lloyd George Picture 2314-15 Lillian Walker's Next Picture 2316-17 Sherry Film Service 2320-21 On Metro's Latest Releases 2318-19 The Ford Weekly Distributed by Griever Corporation 2322 Opinions on "Out of the Night" 2323 The Latest Christie Comedy, "Oh! Bobby, How Could You! " 2324 The Houdini Serial — B. A. Rolfe 2325-26 Harry Rapf Productions 2327 Bill Desmond's Latest Triangle, "The Pretender" 2328 Graphic Film Presents " Ashes of Love " and " When Men Betray" 2332 Gaumont 2329 An Announcement from Hiller & Wilk 2333 Carroll and Plunkett Present the Edith Cavell Picture .... 2334 Newspaper Comment on "Triple Trouble'...' 2336 "Crashing Through to Berlin" 2370-71 Lyons-Moran Latest Star Comedy is " The Price of a Rotten Time " 2372 The Special Production, "The Talk of the Town ".2375-76-77-78 William S. Hart's Artcraft Triumph, " The Border Wireless " 2389 Advertising Cuts on This Production 2390-91 Paper Furnished by Artcraft on the Hart Picture 2392 Output of Various Companies Handled by Inter-Ocean . 2398-99 John Olsen and Company in Market for Scandinavian Rights 2400 Brockliss Talks to the Distributors 2401 The Chief Distributor for the Orient 2402 Robertson-Cole 2403 Max Glucksmann, South American Exporter 2405 Wm. A. Johnston, Pres. and Editor. Henry F. Sewall, Vxce-Pres. E. Kendall Gillett, Sec. and Treas. Published on Friday every week by MOTION PICTURE NEWS, Inc., 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. 'Phone 9360 Bryant. Chicago Representative, W. M. Hight, 220 So. State St.; 'Phone Harrison 7667. Los Angeles Representative, J. C. Jessen, 429 South Figueroa St. ; 'Phones 780 Pico, F-4661. Subscription $2 a year, postpaid, in United States, Mexico, Hawaii, Porto Rico and Philippine Islands. Canada, $3. N. B. — No agent is authorized to take subscriptions for Motion Picture News at less than these ratm. Have the agent who takes your subscription show his credentials and coupon book. Copvricht, 1918, by Motion Picture New$. Ine.