Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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October i J , I Q I 8 2339 State Exhibitors Give An Ambulance New York State Exhibitors Hold Best Attended Conference at Albany and Act as a Unit to Promote Government Loan A CONFERENCE of the moving picture theatre owners of the State of New York, representing 1.600 screens, opened at the Ten Eyck Hotel, Albany, N. Y., at noon on Thursday, September 26 A letter from Mr. Guy Emerson, Director of Publicity, Second Federal Reserve District, outlining the plans of the Treasury Department, was read. Resolutions were passed endorsing the Fourth Liberty Loan and lines were laid down in which an intensive campaign of bond selling will be waged throughout the motion picture theatres of the State of New York. Up-State Exhibitors Present It is regarded as very significant that for practically the first time in the history of New York State exhibitors the up-State theatre men were so thoroughly represented. In previous sessions the New York City exhibitors predominated. President Cohen appointed fifty-one representatives, one in each Senatorial District comprising the State, in order that the proper statistics could be compiled of what the theatre owners have accomplished in the selling of Liberty Bonds. A representative was designated in each of the three assembly districts comprising each Senatorial District of the State. By reason of the wide representation present and the helpful nature of the discussions and results which were obtained at the convention, it is felt that there has been started in New York a real business organization of exhibitors which will accomplish something definite for their welfare and that of the industry as a whole. By reason of the Albany convention and the organization work done by President Sydney S. Cohen, the State League now includes all of the best known exhibitors, who are bound together in a closely knit body divorced from politics and petty jealousies. It is felt that this organization is a model of its kind, and one which, if patterned after by other State leagues, would result in the strengthening t>f the exhibitor movement throughout the country. Ambulance to Be Purchased One of the most popular resolutions introduced was that which provided for the purchase of an ambulance by the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of the State of New York, which is to be shipped to the firing line in the name of that organization. A committee consisting of the State president and the presidents of the various branch leagues of the State, together with any other exhibitors who may be designated, was appointed to secure subscriptions for this ambulance and to enlist the co-operation of the trade papers in publishing the names of the contributors to same. That the exhibitors of the State of New York fully realize the need for intelligent and constructive action in marshalling their forces for the purpose of proper presentation of facts before the Finance Committee of the Senate was evinced by the discussion which proceeded a resolution introduced on this subject. This resolution provides that Mr. Cohen in conference with THEIR BIT New York Exhibitors Not Backward About Backing Up Our Soldiers MOTION made that the Motion Picture League of the State of New York fully equip and furnish an ambulance to be shipped to the firing line of France in the name of this Association and that all Exhibitors in the State of New York be and are hereby requested to make donation to the fund necessary for such purpose and the trade papers are hereby requested to publish such list of all contributors to such fund and that a Committee consisting of the State President and Presidents of the various Branch Leagues of the State and such others as may from time to time be designated hereby are appointed a Committee to carry this Motion into effect. This Motion unanimously adopted. the president of every branch State exhibitor organization shall assemble all data and statistics of a definite nature, which will show the conditions under which the motion picture exhibitor is now laboring, and which will give the members of the Finance Committee an understanding of the industry and the problems of exhibitors that is based on real facts. Sunday Opening Vital Question When the question of Sunday opening was presented for consideration, the enthusiasm of the up-State men knew no bound?. It is the general belief that the efficient work and aid of the exhibitors in the support of Government propaganda will do much to clarify the Sunday opening situation in the State of New York. The loss of revenue to the Government due to certain sections of the State keeping theatres closed was forcibly presented by the president, Sydney S. Cohen, who believes that all political candidates are showing a tendency to remedy these conditions and to give the people in every municipality what those people decide they want. Mr. Cohen made a strong appeal to the up-State exhibitors to make a gala week of October 5th to 13th, during the Motion Picture Exposition to be held at Madison Square Garden. Many pledges were exacted, and New York City can look forward to the most notable gathering of theatre owners in its history. The next Government picture now ready for screening, " America's Answer," was called to the attention of theatre owners. Hearty endorsement of same was given, but many exhibitors expressed the opinion that the Division of Films could get much better results if these pictures were released to all exhibitors on a percentage arrangement, in order that the smaller houses could play same and the fullest amount of screening could be given to this Government propaganda. Resolutions to that effect were passed. The Brooklyn delegation to the conference presented a resolution endorsing the work of William A. Brady, the courageous national champion, an engraved copy of which will be presented to Mr. Brady by the president. This resolution was passed unanimously. A resolution was passed authorizing the State President, Sydney S. Cohen, to urge that proper representation be given the exhibitors of the State of New York in the new affiliation of the national exhibitor organizations. Slides for Woman Suffrage A resolution stating that a large percentage of the patrons of motion picture theatres being women, the president, Sydney S. Cohen, is urged to hold conferences with the leaders of the Women's Suffrage Party of the State of New York, in order that a closer co-operation can be effected for their mutual benefit. A letter from the New York State Woman's Suffrage Party was read, asking the exhibitors of the State of New York to show slides in their theatres urging the yomen of the State of New York to register on the coming registration days, October 7th to 12th. A resolution was presented and unanimously carried approving of the request of the New York State Woman Suffrage Party, and pledging the screens of the State to give every possible assistance. Among those who attended the convention were : Sydney S. Cohen, president of the New York State League ; Charles O'Reilly, vice-president of Manhattan local; Samuel Berman, secretary of the State League; Samuel Sheer, Jr., president of Queens County Exhibitor Association ; Frank Shay, of Schenectady; Wm. P. Donnelly, of Utica ; Harry Lazarus, of Albany ; Rudolph Saunders, president of the Brooklyn local ; John Manheimer, president of the Manhattan local ; Henrv Herring, of Brooklyn; W. H. Didsbury, of Walden ; Charles McCarthy, of Hoosick Falls; M. Sullivan, of Watervliet; David Cohen, of Binghamton; Ben Appel, of Troy; J. M. Shine, of Gloversville ; L. A. Bucttner, of Cohoes ; George Cohen, of Poughkeepsie ; Frank Barhydt, of Troy; J. Gardner, of Albany ; Samuel Sucknow, vice-president (Continued on page 2342) imimmiiiiiTimimTnBmniitrammmmiimniminiii'mriiRUN LIBERTY FILMSmmtiimnmmmirimmwmtiitiiuiimniiiniiiniiiiiiiminiii'iii