Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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October 12, 1 p 1 8 2341 Industry a Unit in Huge Loan Drive Exhibitors, Distributors, Producers, Stars, and Every Component of the Motion Picture Industry Plunges Unanimously Into Fourth Loan Campaign THE Motion Picture Industry's bit for the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign, which began Sept. 28, is to be the greatest contribution yet given by the industry to the Government's " YVin-the-War-Quick " program,' according to an announcement made this week by Adolph Zukor, chairman of the Industry's Liberty Loan Committee. Not only will the Motion Picture Industry provide what the Government confidently expects to be the greatest single sales agency of the entire campaign — the Liberty Loan Films contributed by tbe stars and producing companies — but the quota which the Industry has pledged to obtain for the Fourth Liberty Loan has been set at $1,000,000,000, a record breaking quota for the Industry. One-Sixth of Entire Sum Inasmuch as the Treasury Department has definitely announced that the amount of the Fourth loan will be $6,000,000,000, the Motion Picture Industry's contribution will be one-sixth of the entire sum to be raised for war purposes by the American people. The Industry's pledge is declared by film men to be the heartiest and most sweeping response yet given to the Government's call, and the success of its campaign will establish for all time the Indutry's status as an essential arm of the Government. This pledge must be raised through the medium of subscriptions from the producers, distributors, stars and players, exhibitors and the patrons who support the industry. All subscriptions received through the agency of the theatres of the country will be included in the Industry's quota, and it behooves every loyal, 100 per cent member of the Industry to roll up his sleeves and see that his share of the gigantic campaign is carried on successfully. Still another indication of the importance of the recognition given the Motion Picture Industry by the Government is the fact that the Liberty Loan films patriotically contributed by the stars and producing companies are expected to be the most successful medium of selling bonds at the disposal of the Treasury Department. To Make Record of Bond Sales Arrangements have been made by the Liberty Loan Committee of the N. A. M. P. I. to keep a daily record of all bond sales in the moving picture theatres of the country. The various exchanges have been instructed to see that the exhibitors cooperating in the motion picture drive are supplied with the proper blanks to be used in making daily reports of the total amount of Liberty Loan subscriptions taken in the theatres on each day of the campaign. These reports should be rendered daily to the exchanges, which will be required to prepare daily reports of the total of subscriptions taken in the theatres booking the Liberty Loan prints. The formal presentation of the Liberty Loan films to the Government took place on Friday evening, September 27, at Washington at a special showing given for the benefit of the National Press Club by the Treasury Department. Vice-President Thomas R. Marshall, who was the chief speaker of the evening, and a notable gathering from all departments of official Washington were guests at the special showing. Executives, stars and leaders in the film industry from New York and other cities also were in attendance. Many members of both Houses of Congress were present to inspect the films contributed for the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign. Geraldine Farrar, who had contributed a special Liberty Loan Picture, " The Bonds That Tie," sang the " Star Spangled Banner." The tremendous enthusiasm aroused on the part of the large audience represents one of the greatest and most sincere tributes ever paid the motion picture industry, and this demonstration of the valuable part motion pictures are playing in the Liberty Loan campaign is expected to be of great benefit in bringing about a closer and more harmonious understanding between the Government and the industry at large. U. S. Officials Praise Industry More than 2,000 invitations were issued by the Treasury Department. A striking tribute was paid the Motion Picture Industry by Frank R. Wilson, national director of publicity for the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign, in the invitations issued for the Washington showing. The invitation, in part, was as follows : " The Treasury Department is so enthusiastic over the quality and character of these films which have come to us through the patriotism and generosity of the producers and their stars that it is desirous of making this an occasion long to be remembered. We will have present the Washington representatives of the leading newspapers of the country, together with many notables from Washington official life. " I cannot begin to tell you how deeply grateful the Treasury Department is for the magnificent co-operation which the entire moving picture industry has given it in this great drive to raise the sinews of war. I trust that the wide use to which the Treasury Department intends to put these films will constitute abundant proof of our belief in their efficacy." Adolph Zukor Day in the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive of the Stage Women's War Relief is October 12, and in New York City will be one of the important events of Liberty Day. At the Library booth a large program of the famous motion picture and theatrical stars will be presented. Among those it is planned to have appear are Enrico Caruso, Marguerite Clark, William S. 1 1 art, Billic Burke, Elsie Ferguson, George M. Cohan, John Emerson and Anita Loos, Shirley Mason, Ernest Trucx, James Montgomery Flagg, Burton Holmes, J. R. Bray, William Faversham, John Barrymorc, Eugene O'Brien, Lina Cavalieri and many others. Everybody Is Doing Their Bit At the request of the Executive Committee of the Fourth Liberty Loan, Bessie Barriscale, Paralta star, was asked to open the campaign of boosting the loan by a short article, addressed to the people in the industry and Americans in general, and Miss Barriscale complied with a stirring appeal. Two of the General Film Company's exchanges claim first honors in Fourth Liberty Loan subscriptions in their respective cities. District Manager H. E. Elder reports that the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh exchanges each made a 100 per cent subscription to the loan on the first day of the drive. Geraldine Farrar inaugurated the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign in Washington on selling the first bond in the new series to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. Standing on a platform erected at the head of the Treasury steps and surrounded by a brilliant throng of notables, the Goldwyn star brought the dignity of motion pictures to the affairs of the nation. Beginning October 12 subscription soliciting will be started" in Chicago movie theatres. Prior to that time there will be no soliciting there. The ward organizations will have direct charge of the sales in theatres and each organization will appoint a captain for each theatre, who will work in co-operation with the theatre managers, and will have supervision over the work. Arrangements were completed last week by which " Crashing Through to Berlin " will be shown under the auspices of the Liberty Loan Committee October 9 and 10 in the Convention Hall at Kansas City. Madge Evans, World actress, who has just been made a colonel in the American guard, opened the Fourth Liberty Loan drive in the Yorkville section of New York City by selling $100,000 worth of bonds to Mr. Zittis, president of the Yorkville Bank, and Brigadier-General George R. Dyer, commanding officer of the guard. The working force and officials of the William L. Sherry Service will make their Fourth Liberty Loan investments collectively instead of as individuals. New York Exhibitors Help Drive A conference of the moving picture theatre owners of the State of New York, representing 1,600 screens, opened at the Ten Eyck Hotel, Albany, N. Y., at noon on Thursday, September 26. (Continued on page 2344 ) iiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BUY LIBERTY BONDS mum niiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 w iiiniiimiiiiiiiii