Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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October IB, i 9 i S 2413 Tourneur Working on Another Production Max G'.ucksmann's New Splendid Theatre in Buenos Aires, S. A. Greiver Announces NewFord Contracts The Greiver Distributing Corporation reports that the W. H. Film Company, 412 E. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md., is handling the Ford Educational Weekly in Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia, instead of the Super-Film Attractions, 1202 E street, Washington, D. C. They also report the following contracts closed: Beehive Exchange, Milwaukee, Wis. ; Beehive Exchange, Chicago, 111. ; V. H. Hodupp, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. ; Supreme Photoplay Corp., Denver, Col. ; Standard Film Service Co., Detroit, Mich.; Standard Film Service Co., Cincinnati, O. ; Standard Film Service Co., Cleveland, O. ; Standard Film Service Corporation, Kansas City, Mo.; Standard Film Corporation, Minneapolis, Minn.; Sterling Film Corporation, Omaha, Neb. ; United Film Service, St. Louis, Mo. Educational's Cartoon Travesty on Westerns Happy Holligan, that international humorist, puts himself in the "Bill" Hart and " Doug " Fairbanks class through his latest cartoon comedy, " The Bold, Bad Man," released by the Educational. As he tells the kids at the commencement of the story, it all happened when he was a fugitive from justice. One little kind act (his rescue of the villain's misused pup from drowning) served to save Happy's own life subsequently. Kleindienst Joins Rolfe One of the recent additions to the staff which Mr. B. A. Rolfe has gathered about him at the Yonkers studio, where he is producing the Houdini serial, is Harry C. Kleindienst. Mr. Kleindienst is well known to the cinema world for his long association in its financial department. In fact, he became associated with Mr. Rolfe years ago and now has joined the staff of the B. A. Rolfe, Inc. WITH his initial production, " Sporting Life," stamped a hit at the New York Rivoli theatre, Maurice Tourneur has given out some additional details regarding his second offering which has been named " One W oman." " Having produced a melodrama, I decided to do something as widely different as possible," says Mr. Tourneur. " From ' Sporting Life ' a story of highly colored melodramatic action and punch, I went into a drama in which the superficial action is the result of the exposition of an idea. I aimed not only to delve deep into human character but to present these reflections so that they will drive home my central idea. " For the past four years during which I have been in the United States, I have endeavored to interest the companies with which I have been connected in the idea. Thev all turned it down as uncommercial. Upon launching myself upon the sea of production, I decided to produce my scenario. I had to produce it. To me the theme of the new production is absorbing, going deeply not only into psychology but into racial development, into the varying phases and problems of sex." The cast numbers Flore Revalles, the dancer and singer of the Bakst Ballet Russc; Ethel Hallor, of the Century Roof Show ; Diana Allen, of the Ziegfeld Follies; Fair Binney, of "Sporting Life"; Gloria Goodwin, the dancer of vaudeville and musical comedy ; and Lyn Donaldson. The masculine portion of the acting is upheld by Paul Clerget, the French actor, and Pierrot, Sr., of " Pierrot the Prodigal." Escamillo Fernandez, who recently appeared as Pierre in " Heart of the Wilds," Chester Barnett, Warner Richmond, of "Sporting Life," and Henry West. Government Asks for " Stills " from Arrow The Arrow Film Corporation, distributors of the six part production, " Huns Within Our Gates," has received a request from the War Department, office of the General of Staff, requesting a collection of the still photographs made from that production, the communication advising the Arrow Film Corporation that the still plates are to be incorporated in the permanent records of the War Plan Division of the General Staff, as evidence of the part the motion picture companies have played in the present war. The communication is signed by Colonel C. W. Weeks, General Staff Chief, Historical Branch, and by Major K. Banning, of the Historical Section. " Huns Within Our Gates " is the first war propaganda picture in which there does not appear a uniform and in which a representative of none of the Allied powers are represented. The story of " Huns Within Our Gates " was conceived and inspired by the proclamation of the President of the United States, warning loyal citizens against engaging in conversation with unknown persons concerning the plans of our Government. Oliver Leaves Keeney for Political Work Arthur Oliver, director of publicity for the Frank A. Keeney Pictures Corporation, resigns to take up political publicity during the ensuing campaign. His successor with Keeney has not been announced as yet. B. A. Rolfe Moves The B. A. Rolfe Productions move this week from their temporary offices in the Godfrey Building to 18 East Forty-first Street, where they have taken practically the entire fifth floor, and where they will have one of the most perfectly equipped offices in the city. Big Events in Gaumont News and Graphic Gaumont News No. 27, released on Tuesday, September 24, shows the successful test of the first Caproni plane built in the United States. His Royal Highness, Prince Axel, of Denmark, meets the President and members of the Cabinet in Washington, the harvesting of war gardens by soldiers and an unusually interesting subject to start the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign completes ihhe reel. Gaumont Graphic No. 27, released on Friday, September 27, shows the elaborate preparations the Aviation Corps is making, the saving of California's $14,000,000 grape crop by a quick mobilization of women, the voting of President Wilson in the recent primaries, activities of soldiers and women who are harvesting crops during the scarcity of farm labor, the work of the Red Cross, etc. Carleton Picture Shows " Garden of Eden " The story of " Mother, I Need You," the six-reel Lloyd Carleton production, does not deal w:ith a biblical subject, but, as the sub-title of the picture play is "A Story of Eve and Her Modern Sister," a prologue dealing with the tragedy in the Garden of Eden was built into the picture in order that the observer might keep in mind the heritage of the sisters or daughters of Eve. The producers took on a very large order when they attempted this prologue, and the Doubting Thomases in the camp said it couldn't be done, but it has been done, and, if Gustave Dore succeeded in putting the creation and the Garden of Eden in still pictures, the producers of " Mother, I Need You," have certainly made a most creditable effort at registering the same in pictures that live and move and have being. The rising of the land from the waters, for instance, is said to be a wonderful bit of cinematographic art, as is also the creation of Eve.