Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1918)

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October 12, 1918 2455 THREE MOUNTED MEN"— universal special Corey-Ford Combination Always Means Something Good I V T ITH Harry Carey and a decent story, you can always hank on Jack Ford producing a good picture. When you add a good cast to it, then he is hound to produce a knockout. Part of the supporting cast in this one doesn't quite come up to the level of the other factors, nevertheless the picture is •ntertaining. It is based on fast action of plot as well as of physical forces, it contains several situations vith heart interest, and. as one can t guess how the story is going to come out, it creates suspense. The star 8 given the part of a sympathetic hero. He once risks being captured to save his partners. The picture opens showing the hero in jail. He was an outlaw and got caught. The son of the Warden liberates him with the understanding that he is to get, dead or alive, a pardoned onvict who threatens to expose him as a grafter. The hero gets his man, but when he finds out he is a irother of the girl he met and learned to love, turns back and takes him away from the hand of the >rison guards. The picture is clean and will please anybody that loves Western plays. Released Oct. 7. Length. 6 reels. — P. S. Harrison. THE CAST Iheyenne Harry Harry Carey luck Masters Joe Harris Varden's Son Harry Carter ■oja Neva Gerber Story by Eugene B. Lewis. Scenario by Mr. Lewis. Directed by Jack Ford. THE STORY Cheyenne Harry and Buck Masters, a forger, re serving sentences in jail. The warden's son, weakling, conspires with Masters to change the •rison books, sharing on the profits so dishon•tly realized. For this Harry and Masters fight, nd from that time on are bitter enemies. The rarden's son procures a pardon for Masters, but t proves to be an unwise step, as from then on Masters blackmails him. Eventually Harry is ailed to the weakling's rescue, with the result bat he is granted a pardon, which will become mconditional after he causes Masters' rearrest. Harry finds his way to a western town and here meets Lola, a dance hall girl, with whom ie falls in love, unaware of the fact that she is Masters' sister. Harry, with his two brothers, earns that Masters plans to rob the stage in orler to get money to provide for his mother and aater. Seeing his chance. Harry notifies the >nson, and as a result deputies take Masters nto custody as he attempts to steal the box rom the stage. But when Harry discovers that he has caused he arrest of Lola's brother he turns in his racks, as it were, and takes steps to right the »rong he has done the girl he loves. With his brothers he rides after the posse which has Inade Masters a prisoner. The three mounted nen finally succeed in saving Masters from the K>sse and in restoring him safely to his mother ind sister. Lola and Harry ride away to the learest town, where the always necessary minister is secured in order to make the ending finally and completely happy. AD TALK Harry Carey, Universal's western favorite, is .0 appear on the screen of the theatre on ™ week in the Special Attraction en itled "Three Mounted Men." This is said to >e one of the most pleasing of Carey's recent pictures. It was written specially for him by iugene B. Lewis, a writer of considerable note lind great ability, and casts Carey in the role o which he is most accustomed, that of Chey:nne Harry, a man possessing human frailties as veil as virtues. Jack Ford, who has handled he direction on all of this star's photoplays in he past year, has fairly outdone himself while Ivorkmg on the present picture. Mr. Ford is joted for the " pep " he instills into photoIramas of his making, and the " pep " of " Three Mounted Men " consists of the same amount of iction that one usually finds in two five-reelers ombined. The story tells of Cheyenne Harry, who lan;uishes in jail along with Buck Masters, forger ind disreputable weakling. The warden's son. n need of money, has Buck alter the books, subequently giving him his pardon. But Buck proreeds to blackmail his associate in crime, with he result that later Harry is freed in order to •end Buck back behind the bars. This Harry is |:lad to do, for he and Buck are sworn enemies, rhe only fly in Harry's ointment appears when he alls in love with Buck's sister. Love and Re'enge struggle for victory in the man's heart, nd eventually the former triumphs. CATCH LINES In which a forgery is committed within the prison walls right under the nose of the warden! Pining in solitary confinement for a crime he did not commit. Harry Carey in his latest Universal Special Attraction, an absorbing melodrama of the West. See what happened when the warden's son foolishly put himself in the power of one of the prison convicts. Harry Carey, Universal favorite, in a picture laying bare the corrupt inner workings of a prison. A Western Photoplay that is as different from the usual run of such subjects as day from night. The Three Mounted Men terrorized the coun tryside until their prime member fell under love's spell. One convict is pardoned on the condition that he recapture another. ADVERTISING AIDS PAPER: — Two one-sheets; two three-sheets; one six-sheet; one 24-sheet. These are done in good style and give excellent idea of character of the production. Star is prominent in all of them, one of the one's is a portrait, while the majority of the others are scenes of interesting nature. LOBBY DISPLAY :— Stills of scenes and star are furnished in standard sizes, title card with each set. ADVERTISING:— Cuts and electros in one and two-column sizes are furnished on this production. There is a good one-column portrait of Carey and a good scene cut in which Carey figures with another character. SLIDES, MUSIC CUE, WINDOW CARD. HARRY CAREY IN JACK FORD'S GREAT PRODUCTION I " THREE MOUNTED MEN n \ Scene Cut Provided on This Production