Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1919)

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1060 (Exhibitors Service) Motion Picture News ^om? IdeD^ Mid Ours HERE is one of the drawn advertisements which are used so often and so effectively by the Strand Theatre, Omaha. It keeps strictly away from the sensational in both typing and design, but at the same time it stands out with the other advertising on the same page because it That's certainly gossipy enough. \\'e cannot imagine a woman in Omaha willingly staying away from the Strand during this engagement. And the men have just as much curiosity. CiJfi^ til oi^ entire M Arl^Aij: Sic I lU 1*1 i. A' titVW ETHEL CLAYTOn 'VICKY VAN I « hci rM at J ferui « tte Om«K* D»I)/ News. Quit' omii Aaj^iAc ■ ri /-d Tor a Comedy — Jack ' di» Y ^-1° ^t^'^^'^M^ IH TRAININ©— \ 1 ']' J ■*/ THIS seven inches, double from the Imperial theatre, St. Johns, N B., is the first of the exact kind that we A Peppery Pboto-^laj PreteoIiBe PIQUANT PRISCILLA DEAN is so different. The main illustration show's two houses connected hy a tunnel, and while this is not strictly in keeping with the story, it puts over the idea stronger than would have been the case had two adjoining big city bouses been used. Then there is the selling argument: Id this house Ruth Endicott was the caged vife of a millionaire, a man old enough to be her father. 'She was allowed to go nowhere, blinds were drawn, and her actions dictated by his prim old maid sisters. She was young and full of life, longing for a good lime, and when she fell heir to a fortune— she bought the house next door and had a tunnel built ; bought a wig and was known as " Vicky Van " where she enterttincd Bohemia, became famous tor her won«rlul " blow-outs " and had, the time of her young life. Then her husband wanted to meet this famous woman 1 Apd when he did ?????? AT A GLANCE FEATl'riE^Tho WlckwJ DarHoe" LE.N'GTH— Five rccl#. STAR— Priscllla Dwn. PREVIOUS HITS— "ThP Wildcat (t( ParlB," "The ' Two Soul Woman." "Klaa or Kill." "Sbo Hlrod a Husbaod " BRAND— UDlvcrsal Special Attrac STORY— ny Etelyn Campbell SCENARIO— Waldemar Young PRODUCTION— By 'ToJ Brown CLASS— Soclcly and crook dnrlne drama riME — The present St'PPORT— Wellington Playier. Loi^ Cbaney. Spottlawood Allkcn LOCATION— Beautifully appoint' beiDcry lunch room and Interior j ... iiawuabup. THUMBNAIL SYNOPSIS — Tbe lady who rouEb tho Irani ot one man unin cuts provided by the exchange. As a novelty it is interesting, but as advertising it is not good except as a novelty. We don't believe the ordinary patron is interested in the lirand name, author of s tory and scenario, location and several other things that arc cited. There would have been much more desire to see the picture created by using one of the selling talks suggested in the Special Service Section printed in the News and by playing the name of Priscilla Dean stronger. HERE we have a display of the Majestic theatre, Columbus, Ohio, taken from the Ohio State Journal, which made the others in the same issue look sick just because the Majestic did not try to write a history of the film business in one ad, and used plenty of white space. Practically the same results as this can be accomplished by any newspaper with type except that the white letters of the top portion of the display would have to be black and the black part white. We are inclined to think that it would look just as well set up that way for the reason if this is to be criticised at all, it is that it look a little "top heavy." have ever seen. Universal makes it a practise of printing in its press books "At a Glance" about each picture so as to give the exhibitor the high points and information that he may need in his advertising. This is distinctly for fhe guidance of the exhibitor, but in this case this matter has been bodily transferred to the advertisement and placed next to one of the single col COLUMBUS is the capital of Ohio and Albany of New York. Above is what the Columbus printers do and below is what the Albany papers apparently insist on doing, aided and abetted by the exhibitors in furnishing too much copy for the amount of display space purchased. We leave it to you if this ad., one of a whole string set up in the same style, does'nt look as if it came out of the inside of a country weekly? We are willing to bet that it is the practise of Albany exhibitor's to shove Stage set Milmaukcr, used by .'llltambra, for princess Wasuli, Indian song .CAPT. HbUQHtON iTOWNLEY'r Yirci|Ia|^|rson AND web we weave practice to deceive An intensely dpamatic stocy of society life DCPOSINC THE FALLACY OF A WIFE SUPPRESSII*: WEB PAST HISTORY FROM tlEB.HUSBAND. A MASTERPIECE OF EMOTIONAU ACTING WITH A , , SUPERB CAST ^'OF FAMOUS / PLAVEES ADDED ATTRACTION HELD O/ER ANOTHER WEEW THE MAJESIIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRE5ENTJ TONY NOVAK CELEBRATED LYRIC TtNOB IN POPULAR BALLADS a whole bunch of information about their programs at the advertising solicitors and then leave the whole matter to them, with the above result. Here is our advice. Exhibitors, see that you get a little brains mixed in with the service you are securing from the solicitors. Solicitors, sell your CLINTON SQUARE THEATRE Clamt\—t Pieturm . T LJ I O \ A# C" C Lt Thv Chang** In Show* in Town .1 11 I O W EL L. iX thm Program Monday and Tuesday — Big Sensational Special — Drama of Love and Faith "BREAK THE NEWS TO MOTHER" . ' ^Wednesday arid Thunday ANNA CASE in "THE HIDDEN TRUTH" The "American Baauty" ot Cr«ind Opera >n her acracn debut. • Romanc» of a dance hall aingcr — a thrilling, throbbinf ■lory of tbie***, treachery, virtue and love. ■ * Friday and Saturday SS^ "RULING PASSIONS" Hate and Ravcnga wera (ha rulinf pa*»lona until Marcy breughl In Leva. Story of a ra»ang;eful man and a fentlo nuria. LATEST PATHE NEWS AND CLEVER COMEDIES AT EVERY PERFORMANCE Afternoons, 10c. Evenings, 15c. Superb Music theatre managers enough space to properly display the bills which are to lie .advertised. This display v^'as two columns by six inches. It should have liecn twice as large to accommodate the amount of matter contained. Hl^RE is an ad. of Sidney Grauman's taken from .th^ Los Angeles Times which strikes us as ideal. It is two columns wide and 13 inches in depth and graced the front page of the theatrical section. In spite of the fact that it looks to have been very expensive, there isn't an exhibitor in the United States who can not reproduce this same artistic