Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1919)

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K"l84 Motion P i ct-ure N eiv s Wehlen has a part calling forth expression of many emotions in the Metro production, "A Favor to a Friend' Vitagraph Players on Location in North Harry T. Morey and his director, Paul Scardon. together with his supporting company, cameraman and all others needed in the taking of a picture, left last week for Waterville, Lancaster and Campton, New Hampshire, where they will " shoot " the outdoor scenes for Morey's new feature, " Out of the Dark." Nearly all the outdoor scenes were laid in lumber camps and these are not usually working at this time of the year. Newspapers are printed the year round, however, and they must have paper. Paper mills do not shut down in the summer, and paper mills must have wood. Consequently Vitagraph foutjd the desired location through the kindness of J. P. Riley of the International Paper Company. Jean Paige will be seen as Mr. Morey's new leading lady. Others in the cast will include Anna Lehr, George Majeroni and George Howard. Managerial Changes in Hodkinson Branches A number of new exchange managers have been appointed by F. B. Warren, vice-president of the W. W. Hodkinson Corporation. In Chicago, Sidney J. Goldman, for a year in charge of the Goldwyn office, will look after the Hodkinson interests. Marx Nathan has been named successor of George F. Lenehan in lh( New York exchange, while in I'in burg. J. J. Mooney replaces Carl' I Moore who goes elsewhere. R. H. .Allan takes over A. J. Huc-man's place in the Omaha branch, while H. E. Thompson succeeds H. R Wimsatt in Albany. J. C. DeWalt is appointed to the Oklahoma City branch. Child Series Is Sought For Short Comedies of Rogers Film with Lee Kiddies Starred Are Attractions THE LEE KIDDIES, Jane and Katherine, have been in Oil City, Pa., putting finishing touches on their first Rogers Film, prior to starting on their next subject. Tom Bret is announced as the one who will write the titles for all of the two-reel comedy playlets the child actresses make. In the meantime all preparations have been completed for the filming of the next story. In connection with the series in which the Lee children are starring, Lou' Rogers, president of the Rogers Film Corporation, says : " It was after much consideration that we decided to make two-reelers, as after a personal campaign to the exhibitors all over the country, and we based our plans on their replies." " In our quest for stories, we considered one angle mainly. Older people children, but they like to see them in stories with a theme and plot, and we began by obtaining the first story from Phillip Bartholomae, the noted playwright, and his work was so satisfactory tlial he has been engaged to write the second story, and work by other well-known authors have been contracted , for. "-That the popularity 9f _ the Lee children is proven, is evidenced by the flood of requests we have received from exhibitors all the country over asking for the release date, which incidentally will be September 1, 1919. "I ,have taken great pains in this first picture, and we hive worked on a big feature basis for a two-reel comedy liy giving as much attention, work and material as to a feature." " Exhibitors will be greatly assisted by tlie publicity campaign which will be given to Jane and Katherine Lee, and as it will be one direct to the public, it should increase their already great popularity." Contracts Closed for Kremer Offerings Several state right contracts already have been signed and inquiries are pouring into the Victor Kremer headquarters at 1333 Argyle Street, Chicago, for the thirty-one reel pictures released by Victor Kremer Film Features August 4. These pictures include three blocks of ten each. Fables in Slang, by George Ade, Broncho Billy western dramas and the Snakeville western comedies, produced by Essanay. "The great demand for these pictures proves my contention that pictures of real intrinsic worth are not dead with one isstiance," said Mr, Kremer. "I have contended that good pictures like good books and rare paintings have a constant value and the public is always glad to welcome them back." Mclntyre Leaves World Robert B. Mclntyre, who has been the casting director for World Pictures for several years, has resigned to assume another position in California. Critics Silence Has Preserved Mystery The fact that critics in reviewing the stage productions of "The Thirteenth Chair " kept the mystery as to "the murderer" a secret in their writings, has redounded to the benefit of Pathe Exchange which is offering the play in film form. Marie Shotwcll has the dominant part of the clairvoyant. Rogers Will Score in a Comedy Drama A comedy drama with a really unique twist is such a rarity that the plot of "Almost a Husband," the new Goldwyn release in which Will Rogers is starred, will come it is said as a pleasure both for the "twist" and for the histrionic ability which Rogers displays. In this picture the humorist shows that he is an actor as well, an actor with an intellectual grasp of his medium and character and the personality to express his understanding with clarity and force. Rogers plays the part of the homely village school teacher who "accidentally" gets married and finds out immediately that his troubles begin. Jane and Katherine Lee, now making two-reel comedy playlets for Rogers Film Corp., congratulate Ralph De Palma on a recent victory Pathe Opens Exchange Fred C. Quimny, Director of Exchanges for Pathe Exchange, Inc., now on tour of the United States, has 'il)cned a new Branch Office for Pathe 111 Little Rock, Ark. The Little Rock territory will consist of the entire Stales of Arkansas, the Northwestern part of Mississippi and Western Tennessee, also Dunklin and Pemiscot Counties in the Southern part of Missouri. ■