Motion Picture News (Sept-Oct 1919)

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2052 Motion Picture Newt The Index to The Complete Plan Book {Continued from page 2050) PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BOOK PICTURE BRAND STAR RELEASED PLAN BO(X Entire picture O. K. Big business two days."' " Tiie title of the oicture and popularity ot star gave us a regular mid winter opening and business continued big. Pretty good evidence that the picture made good. Extra big to big business three days." " Only fair picture to fair business." Consensus — •• (jood picture, f/ood puller.'' OUR BETTER SELVES (PATHE) FANNIE WARD (JULY 27) JULY 19 ■• I i ti iititii stiui eeih'it hi, jKitiiotisiii in iiar stui ii. ' — .1/. I', \eics. OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT, THE (UNIVERSAL) HARRY CAREY (JULY 6) JUNE 28 " Harry Carey stars in Bret Norte's story." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Good Carey picture. Big business." PAGAN GOD, THE (ROBERTSON-COLE) H. B. WARNER (AUGUST 4) . .AUG. 16 '• Dramatic picture that uill qenerallv satisfy." — M. P. Neus. PAID IN ADVANCE (JEWEL-UNIVERSAL) DOROTHY PHILLIPS (JULY 6) JULY 12 "J hi(i melodramatic Klondike production." — M. P. .\ eic.s. PEACE OF ROARING RIVER, THE (GOLDWYN) PAULINE FREDERICK (JULY 27) AUG. 23 " Good dramatic vehicle of liuman emotions." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Story saved by star and director, average business." " Played this feature with ■ Cheating Herself,' I'eggy Hyland, to extra big business two days and big business two days." " .V very ordinary story. Big one day to average two." Consensus — " Good picture, i/ood puller." PETAL ON THE CURRENT," A (UNIVERSAL) MARY MACLAREN (JULY 28) AUG. 9 "A (jood human interest story." — M. P. Neus. PHIL FOR SHORT (WORLD) EVELYN GREELEY (JUNE 2) JUNE 7 " atar in her ftrtt starring vehicle." — M. P. News. PLAYTHINGS OF PASSION (UNITED) GORDON (JUNE 8) JUNE 7 ■• Utar is in a rather artificial society picture." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Received favorable remarks regarding this one. .\verage business." " Best Kitty Gordon we ever played. .Average business." " Pine picture to average business two days." " .\ very good picture. Played it three days to extra big business two days and big business one." Consensus — " Pleasing picture, average puller." PRAISE AGENT, THE (WORLD) ASHLEY-GREEN (AUGUST 11) AUG. 16 ■• Brix^y farce and amusingly entertaining." — M. P. News. PRETTY SMOOTH (UNIV.) PRISCILLA DEAN (JUNE 2) JUNE 7 ••Bayard Veiller writes another crook story for Miss Dean." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Fine picture, average business." " Big business two days." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller." PRICE OF INNOCENCE, THE (BUFFALO M. P. CORP.) STELLA K. TALBOT (MAY 11) MAY 3 " Story of a woman's supreme sacrifice. Artifloial but picturesque." — JU. P. News. .PROFITEERS, THE (PATHE) FANNIE WARD (JUNE 29) JUNE 28 " Farinie Ward's looks like old time thriller." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Poor picture, poor business." PRUDENCE ON BROADWAY (TRIANGLE) OLIVE THOMAS (JULY 6).. JULY 12 " A charming stary with hroad appeal. ' — M. I'. Neivs. PUTTING ONE OVER (FOX) GEORGE WALSH (JUNE 22) JULY 12 ■' George Walsh's athletic tricks are buried here. " — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Fair, poor business. Star has lost ground." " Walsh , certainly pleased in this one. Extra big business." " Poorest Walsh picture we ever played. No stunts at all. Average business two days." " Regular Walsh stuff. Stood up fairly well second day. .\verage business two days." " Played this one on the program with the Madeline Traverse feature ' When Fate Decides ' to average business for three days." Consensus — " Fair picture, average puller." RIDERS OF VENGEANCE (UNIVERSAL) HARRY CAREY (JUNE 9).... MAY 31 ■' Hure is a fine ■ Good-Bad ' man Western. ' — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " .Vverage business two davs." RIGHT TO HAPPINESS, THE (JEWEL-UNIVERSAL) DOROTHY PHILLIPS (AUGUST 31) AUG. 30 " Big dimensions in this rich entertaAnmetit." — M. P. News. ROGUE'S ROMANCE, A (VITAGRAPH) EARLE WILLIAMS MAY 31 " This Earle Williams picture is below regular average." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Star not popular here. Picture only fair. Poor business." ■ A very good picture and pleased. Average business. ' Consensus — •• Good picture, aierage puller." ROSE OF THE WEST (FOX) MADLAINE TRAVERSE (JULY 28) JULY 26 •• Vivid picture of the Canadian Northwest." — M. P. News. ROUGH RIDING ROMANCE (FOX) TOM MIX (AUGUST 24) AUG. 9 " Tom Mix scores with his horsemanship." — M. P. News. SAGE BRUSH HAMLET, A (ROBERTSON-COLE) WILLIAM DEMOND (AUGUST 11) AUG. 9 " Convejttional western with William Desmond." — M. P. News. SAHARA (HODKINSON) LOUISE GLAUM (JUNE 29) JULY 12 • Title sliould draw; a heavy dramatic story.'" — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Good picture, pleasing ; well received generally. Played it full week to average business." SECRET SERVICE (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT SPECIAL) ROBERT WARWICK (JLNE 22).. JULY 5 '• One of the reallii big pictures." — M. P. Neics. Bzhlbitor Comment — " Ran this picture to an extended run to poor business. While our personal criticism is that it is an excellent picture of its kind, nevertheless, the public at this time cares nothing about war plays, whether Civil War or war .iust finished." " Big story put together by a master hand. Took very well here. AW characters well placed. A real big attraction. It brought them out for the second night. That signifies it is a real big production. Photography tine. Big business two days." " An excellent picture, finely directed. Warwick very good. Supporting cast wonderful. Played it one week to average business, although weather was extremely hot. Patrons pleased. Know positively that Civil War angle kept some people away as they insist on all pictures pertaining to war in the same class. Had a G. A. R. niglit and invited all veterans to see picture. Helped business noticeably." " Most people liked it, but some said characters were too old. Played it a full week to extra big business one day and big business six days.'' " So war subjects uf any kind liked. Big business." Consensus — Good picture, good puller.'" SHE WOLF, THE (FROHMAN AMUSEMENT) TEXAS GUINAN (JUNE 22) JUNE 21 " ']'e.ras Guinnn contributes a utiiQuc clioracterization in Western melodrama.'" — M. P. \eirs. SLEEPING LION, THE (UNIVERSAL) MONROE SALISBURY (JUNE 23) JUNE 14 " Monroe i^alisbury contributes Italian Characterization. " — M. P. Neirs. Exhibitor Comment — "Big picture but so hot people would not attend." SNEAK, THE (FOX) GLADYS BROCKWELL (JULY 20) JUNE 21 " Gladys lirockn clVs latest is an average program offering." — M . P. News. Er-hibitor Comment — " Not much of a picture. Average business two days." " Played this feature on the bill with ' Through the Wrong Door ' Madge Kennedy, and must say it was a wonderful bill. Did extra big business for four days." Consensus — " Good picture, good puller.'' SOCIETY EXILE, A (PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT) ELSIE FERGUSON (AUGUST 17) AUG. 30 "A wholly satisfying society drama." — M. P. News. SOME BRIDE (METRO) VIOLA DANA (JUNE 9) JUNE 21 • I iulu Dana scores a knoiUont in lively farce-comedy." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — "(iood entertainment. Average business." "Big busiricss seven days." Consensus — '• Good picture, good puller." SOME LIAR (AMERICAN) WILLIAM RUSSELL (MAY 19) MAY 17 " iStor breezes through in extravagant farce comedy." — M. P. Newt. Exhibitor Coniiiicnt — " 'I'he best yet. Big business.' 'Average business." Consensus — " Good picture ; good puller." SPARK DIVINE, THE (VITAGRAPH) ALICE JOYCE JUNE » •• W/ce .Jitiiec's ihuracter studif suiipovts n fruit picture." — M . P. .Veir«. SPITFIRE OF SEVILLE. THE (UNIVERSAL) HEDDA NOVA (JULY 21) . .JULY U ■ Pleasing melodrama of Hyain." — M. P. Nev s. Exhibitor Comment — " Good picture but weather hot. Average business." SPORTING CHANCE, A (AMERICAN-PATHE) WILLIAM RUSSELL (JULY 6) JUNK a ■'.Voi'c/ romedy-drama breezes home a winner.'" — M. P. News. SPORTING CHANCE, A (PARAMOUNT) ETHEL CLAYTON (JULY 27).. JULY U • Comedy drama offers good eiitertainment.'" — M. P. Newt. Exhibitor Comment — " Pair picture to average business." SQUARE DEAL SANDERSON (ARTCRAFT) WM. S. HART (JUNE IS) JUNE U • William .s. Hurt has a lively one here." — .1/. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Again they came back strong." " ' Hart Is always good,' is the reputation he has here. Big business two days." "They liked It and it drew big." " Big business five days, average business two." " Fine Mg picture ; pleased all. Ran it three days to big business." Consensus — " (Jood picture, good puller." TANGLED THREADS (ROBERTSON-COLE) BESSIE BARRISCALE (JUNE 21) JUNE M '• Bessie Barriscale appears again in domestic triangle play." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Played this feature with ' The Road Called Straight,' Ix)uis Bennison, to average business for three days." THIN ICE (VITAGRAPH) CORINNE GRIFFITH (MAY 26) MAY M " Star in splendid sustaining melodramas." — M. P. Newt. Exhibitor Comment — " Little draggy, lacks pep. Star puts it over only fair. Average business two days." " Ordinary picture, to poor business twe days." Consensus — •• .■Iverage picture, average puller." THIRTEENTH CHAIR, THE (PATHE) DELVA-HALE (AUGUST 31) AUG. a " Mystery melodrama is good entertainment." — .U. P. News. THIS HERO STUFF (RUSSELL-PATHE) WILLIAM RUSSELL (AUG. 10) AUG. " Lively, pleasant, entertainino picture." — M. P. News. THROUGH THE WRONG DOOR (GOLDWYN) MADGE KENNEDY (JULY 6) AUG. " A likable story which should please." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " One of Kennedy's best. Good acting ; cast well suited. Big tjusiness two days." " Very good, one of her best. Extra big btjslness three days." " Played this feature on the bill with ' The Sneak,' Gladys Brockwell, and both features composed a wonderful bill and went over big. Did extra big business for four days.'' Consensus — " Good picture, big puller." TIGER LILY, THE (AMERICAN) MARGARITA FISHER (JULY 27) JULY 2t " Conventional picture of ■' Little Italy.' " — M. P. News. TOO MANY CROOKS (VITAGRAPH) GLADYS LESLIE JUKE M " Comedy and mystery unite to make enjoyable picture." — M. P. Netoa. TRAP, THE (UNIVERSAL) OLIVE TELL (AUGUST 25) AUG. $t< " A passable regular program type." — M. P. Nmrs. TRIXIE FROM BROADWAY (AMERICAN) MARGARITA FISHER aUNE IS) JUNE 14 " Margarita Fisher stars in fairly interesting picture of a chorvt girl." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " .\verage business two days." " Good picture to STerage business." Consensus — " Average picture, average puller." TRUE HEART SUSIE (GRIFFITH-ARTCRAFT) SPECIAL CAST (MAY 25) JUNE 14 " Griffith's latest is real, but suffers from padding." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Very poor, extremely weak. Average business all week." " Tired of war stuff, .^.verage business." " Big business all week." " Didn't go here. Poor business." " Average business seven days." " Very pretty little picture. Shows the master touch of Griffith. Lillian Gish her usual wonderful self. Everyone pleased with production. Business only fair. Somehow the people here seem to associate Griffith with war plays and they won't come strong to see his pictures, .\verage business seven days." "Fair picture; nothing big. .Average to poor business two days." Consensus — " Average picture but has done big business for one week." UNBROKEN PROMISE, THE (TRIANGLE) JANE MILLER (JULY 27).. JULY 2f ■ Fued drama of the i^outhwesl." — M. P. Neirs. UNWRITTEN CODE, THE (WORLD) SHIRLEY MASON (MAY 19) MAY IT " In which Kidu-San and Dick Tower meet, marry and part." — Jf. P. News. UPLIFTERS, THE (METRO) MAY ALLISON (JUNE 30) JULY t " Will entertain in high-class neighborhoods." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Played this feature on the program with the Harold Lock' wood feature 'A Man of Honor' to extra big business for four days." UPSIDE DOWN (TRIANGLE) TAYLOR HOLMES (JUNE 22) JUNE " Best Taylor Holmes comedy to date." — M. P. News. UPSTAIRS (GOLDWYN) MABEL NORMAND (AUGUST 3) AUG. 3* •■ Amusing and ridiculously funny."' — if. P. Neics. Exhibitor Comment — " .A good Normand picture. Big business." UPSTAIRS AND DOWN (SELZNICK) OLIVE THOMAS (JUNE 8) JUNE " Light and airy comedy with the happy ending." — M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — "Very hot weatlier but splendid business on account of exploitation. Big business four davs." VIRTUOUS SINNERS (PIONEER) NORMAN KERRY-WANDA HAWLEY (MAY 25) MAY " Storii of the slums marred bu poor photography." — If. P. News. VOLCANO. THE (RAVER-HODKINSON) LEAH BAIRD (AUGUST 24) AUG. 2S " Propaganda picture, fairly interesting."' — M. P. News. WAGON ■TRACKS (ARTCRAFT) WILLIAM S. HART (JULY 29) AUG. " A dccidcdlii excellent Western drama." — M. P. News WAY OF A WOMAN, THE (SELECT) NORMA TALMADGE (JULY 27) AUG. " Better than average soeiety drama.'' — M. P. Neirs. Exhibitor Comment — " Fair picture, big business." WESTERNERS, THE (B. B. HAMPTON-HODKINSON) SPECIAL CAST (AUGUST 18) AUG. ■• Western pietiivr is absorbing and colorful. " — 31. P. News. WHEN FATE DECIDES (FOX) M. TRAVERSE (JUNE 1) JUNE " Butterfly husband has in?iings again in domestic melodrama."— ~M. P. News. Exhibitor Comment — " Much killing. Star coming right along. Average business two days." " Tw-o days, poor to average business." " Played ' Putting One Over,' with George Walsh on the bill with this one, to average business for three days." Consensus — ".Average picture: average puller." WHERE BONDS ARE LOOSED (WALDORF PHOTO PLAYS) SPECIAL CAST (AUGUST 11) AUG. •• Si.r druiiKi : iikiii hure avernne drnir.'" — M. P. News. WHITE HEATHER, THE (MAURICE TOURNEUR) SPECIAL CAST (MAY 18) MAY " Another artistic and unusual melodrama from Tourneur.'' — M. P. News. lAuiliitor Coniiiicnt — "Poor business four days." "While very melodramatic it 1 24 23 16 IT Box Office Reports continued on page 2054 aA