Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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November 2?, iQio (Equipment Service) 3785 EASTMAN FILM is so safe -guarded in its manufacture, so carefully tested at every stage that it never has an opportunity to be anything but right. Identifiable by the words " Eastman" and " Kodak" on the film margin EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. Y. Motion Picture ExMbitors Can Help Save Lives at Home Tuberculosis kills 150,000 Americans every year, and yet the disease is preventable and curable. AMERICAN RED CROSS Are you using these stamps? The White Plague flourishes because of carelessness, ignorance and neglect. If the entire country knew of the menace, the death rate from tuberculosis would drop almost immediately. Use the Motion Picture slide you have received in your theatre calling attention to the fight on tuberculosis and the sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals. The screen is the most potent force in America and the use of this slide will do more than any other one thing to awaken the people of America to their danger, and will help in obtaining the necessary money to finance the year 'round campaign against tuberculosis. NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION Re4 Cross Cbristias Seal Sale Caipaip Decemtier isi lo lOili. OMEWCAH RED CROSS Are you using these stamps? The New Premier Pathescope Flickerless "Safety Standard" Motion Picture Projector Will run the " Safety Standard " narrow-width, slow-burning film, adopted by the Society of Motion Picture Engineers. Can be used by anyone, any time and any where, without any danger, fire or insurance restrictions. Labeled by Underwriters, " Encljsing Booth Not Required." Weighs only 2.3 lbs. Fits in a small case. Operates from any light socket. The wonderful T4 lamp (just perfected for us) gives from 3 to 4 times the illumination formerly obtainable. Uses less than 100 watts in lighting 12 ft. picture at 75 ft. Motor drive and rewind at variable speed. TTTg make \ ^'^th^scope Prints from any negative. " ( Path6scope Negatives from any positive. Send for 32-Page Convincing Catalog The Pathescope Co. of America. Inc. Dept. N, Suite 1872 Aeolian Hall, 35 West 42nd Street, New York Agencies and Service Slalions in Principal Cities For ARTISTIC LOBBY DISPLAY and STAGE DECORATIONS Install our line of Artificial FLOWERS, TREES, VINES, LEAVES, GARLANDS, WREATHS, and PALMS. Estimates cheerfully given. Our catalogue No. 8 illustrating in colors the latest artificial Rowers for Theatre decoration FREE. FRANK NETSCHERT 61 Barclay Street New York City, N. Y.