Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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3856 Motion Picture News Louis ^f>^ M AYEB^ S THE STAR f&p charmingSw^ MILDRED PI i A S3 Lou^^D. m MARRIED LIFE ^^T& m DULLS ROMANCE Picture Unless ypw know the secret [A; of happiness told by ^ MILDKED HARMS CBAPLIN In THq Tradition -sLallerinc/ Super Production , ,,, a THE INFERIOR SEX -irst ^'^^^^^^ ^ Henabery fi hU^^rc li^ Mrs. cLpI'ms wonderlul ability ^:o llUlujro portray human emotion to sway irCUlt iSSS tears and laughter is fl^B brou^tit into play in this wonder^ '•^K creation from Maxine Elliott's ■^♦^ triumphant Stage Success DislributGC. ^ First / Nations Exhibitors Circuit T