Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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December 6 , i 9 i 9 4143 Advance Information on All Film Releases CHRISTIE FILM COMEDIES (At Stale Right Exchanges) CHRISTIE TWO REELERS Xov . —A Roman Scandal (Colleen Moore) Oct. .. Wild and Western (Kay Tincher) SINGLE REEL COMEDIES Her Bear Kscape Home Brew His Master's Voice EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. (Through Slate Right and Educational Exch.) RED CROSS TRAVEL SERIES The Relief of Poland •• -. ' Constantinople, the Cateway of the Orient BLACK AND WHITE COMEDIES Oct. I J liusiness is business Oct. h .\ I'rince There Was EQUITY PICTURES CORPORATION Silk llushaiuls ami Calico Wives (House Peters) 6 Eyes of Voulh (Clara Kimball Young) 7 FAMOUS PLAYERS LASKY EXCHANGE PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT Nov. 30— Scarlet Days (C.riffith Prod.) 3 Xov. JO — Counterfeit (Elsie Ferguson) • 5 Nov. .'3— The Miracle of Love (Cosmo. Production) 3 Nov. 23— It Pays to .Advertise (Bryant Washburn) 3 Nov 23 — The Invisible Bond (Irene Castle) 5 Nov. i(>— 2i',.j Hours Leave (McLean-May).. S Nov. i6-.Male and Female (Cecil B. DeMiIle) . • 5 j^'ov 9 — What Every Woman Learns (Enid Bennett) 5 Nov. 9.— Crooked Straight (Charles Ray).. 5 Nov. 9. — Luck in Pawn (Marguerite Clark) 5 Nov. 2.— L' Apache (Dorothy Dalton) . . . . . 5 Nov. 2.— Turning the Tables (Dorothy Gish) 5 FOX FILM PRODUCTIONS BIG PRODUCTIONS Should a Husband Forgive 5 Kathleen Mavourncen g Evangeline WILLIAM FARNUM SERIES Wings of the Morning 5 The Last of the Uuanes 5 TOM MIX SERIES The Daredevil 5 FOX ENTERTAINMENTS Thieves (Gladys Brockwell) 5 Eastward Ho! (William Russell) S The Winning Stroke (George Walsh) 5 Lost Money (Madoline Traverse) • 5 Vagabond Luck (Ray-Fair) 5 Chasing Riinbows (Gladys Rockwell) 5 GOLDWYN EXCHANGES The Cup of Fury (Rupert Hughes) ^ Flame of the Desert (Geraldine Farrar) 7 The Loves of Letty (Pauline Frederick) s Jubilo (Will Rogers) ° The Gay Lord Quex (Tom Moore) 5 Jinx (Mabel Xormand) 5 Bonds of Love (Pauline Frederick) 5 Strictlv Confidential (Madge Kennedy) 5 .\]mos't a Husband (Will Rogers) 5 The World and Its Woman (Geraldine Farrar) 5 Lord and I^dy .'ilgy (Tom Moore) 5 W. W. HODKINSON CORP. Mary Minds Her Business (Billie Rhodes) 6 Hearts and Masks (Billie Rhodes) 6 The Joyous Liar (T. Warren Kerrigan) 5 PATHE EXCHANGES Dec. 14 — The .X H-C of Love (.Mae Murray) 6 Dec. 7. — Brothers Divided (Frank Keenan) 5 Nov. 30 — Dawn (Sylvia Breamer-Robert Gordon) 6 BOUND AND GAGGED (Serial) (George B, Seitz and Marguerite Courtol) Dec. 14— Eighth. .Arrested ^ Dec. 7 — Seventh, .\ Fatal Error..... 2 Nov 30 — Sixth, Out Again, In Again 2 THE BLACK SECRET {Pearl White and Waller McGrail) Dec. 14 — Sixth, The Unknown 2 Dec. 7.— Fifth, The Acid Bath 2 Nov. 30 — Fourth, Below the Water Line a " FLYING A " SPECIALS (American) The Hellion (Margarita Fisher) 5 Six Feet Four (William Russell) 6 AMERICAN FILM COMPANY, INC. Aug. 19— This Hero Stuff (William Russell) 6 RhALART PICTURES CORPORATION SPECIAL FEATURES The Mysteries of the Yellow-Room (Chautard) 6 Soldiers of Fortune (Uwan) 7 STAR PRODUCTIONS Erstwhile Susan (Constance Binney) 5 Anne of Green Gables (Mary Miles Minter) '...6 ROBERTSON-COLE PRODUCTIONS i UPERIOR PICTURES .Nov. .. — ,\ Fugitive from Matrimony (H. B. Warner) 5 Nov. .. — The Blue Bandanna (Wm. Desmond) 5 Nov. .. — The Illustrious Prince (Sessue Hayakawa) 5 SPECIALS Dec. .. — The Beloved Cheater (Lew Cody) 5 Nov. ,. — The Broken Butterfly (Tourneur) 5 Oct. .. — The Open Door (special cast) 5 SELECT PICTURES Aug .. — The Undercurrent (Guy Empey) 6 Sept... — Faith of the Strong (Mitchell Lewis) 5 Sept. .. — A Scream in the Night (Special) 5 Oct. .. — Isle of Conquest (Norma Talmadge) 5 SELZNICK PICTURES (Distributed Through Select Pictures Corp.) Sept. .. — A Regular Girl (Elsie Janis) Oct. .. — The Country Cousin (Elaine Hammerstein) Oct. .. — Sealed Hearts (Eugene O'Brien) Oct. .. — The Glorious Lady (Olive Thomas) Nov. .. — Piccadilly Jim (Owen Moore) 5 Out Yonder (Olive Thomas) S Nov. ..—The Broken Melody (Eugene O'Brien) 5 TRIANGLE EXCHANGES Nov. 23. — Flame of the Yukon (Dorothy Dalton) 6 Sept. 7— Let Katie Do it (D. W. Griffith) S UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION Dec. 29— When the Clouds Roll Bv (Douglas Fairbanks) 6 Oct. 20— Broken Blossoms (D. W. Griffith)........... 6 Sept. I— His Majesty the American (Douglas Fairbanks) 8 METRO EXCHANGES NAZIMOVA PRODUCTIONS The Brat (Nazimova) 5 The ReH Lantern (N'a/.imova) « " SCREEN CLASSICS. INC.. SPECIALS Fair and Warmer (May Allison) 6 Please Get Married (Viola Dana) 6 Lombard!, Ltd. (Bert Lytell) 6 UNIVERSAL EXCHANGES SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS A Gun-Fightin' Gentleman (Harry Carey) 5 Lasca (Edith Roberts-Frank Mayo) 5 Under Suspicion (Ora Carew-Forrest Stanley) 5 His Divorced Wife (Monroe Salisbury) 5 JEWEL PRODUCTIONS, INC. The Good Ship Rock 'n Rye (Mrs. Joe Martin-Jimmy Adams) 2 The Mite of Love (Mabel Taliaferro-Robert Edeson) 2 .\ Jungle Gentleman (Mrs. Joe Martin-Jimmy Adams) 2 The Right to Happiness (Dorothy Phillips) 8 VITAGRAPH EXCHANGES Pegeen (Bessie Love) S The Darkest Hour (Harry T. Morey) 5 The Tower of Jewels (Corinne Griffith) 5 SPECIALS The Vengeance of Durand (Alice Joyce) 7 The Climbers (Corinne Griffith) 6