Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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22 Motion Picture Newsitd*^' FOX NEWS, MUTT & JEFF and FOX SUNSHINE COMEDIES were the motion j:)ictures selected by special request for the entertainment of H'R'H 'The Prince o£ Wales at the Academy of Music , New York , and his enthusiasm and enjoyment [Droved so hearty that the newspapers frankly record( ed the fact fox News ^0,000 enterprising men and women reachmg from the four corners of the earth provide for you tvLce eachi^eek 2 trip round the world as you sit comfortably in your theatre chaii' * Mutt &Jef f , The moving cartoon creations of Capt-BUD fisher are so droll, so whimsical, so absolutely funny that they have become a habit with the peoples of many countries Sup erviSiO/i (^amj)ion del 'F^uth bmedics Clean, wholesome fun sweeping the world and provoking millions to li^ht hearted laughter • FOX FILM CORPORATION WILLIAM POX TresLcient kese ihree rorm ^art of IS ^Uiey deli^ki ike lii^h ihe middle and ike low