Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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sucK review^s as these on the Production Old Do Qimberland ' 7 .■WW c. u. i«m ■« <i-*" f.,*'-^ . .7," ."/""•V, 'oi. *°'' '..7, " I"THE GAY OLD DOG" IS A RARE TREAT Hobart Henley Photoplay in Six Parts Released by Pathe. Story by Edna Farber. Adapted by Mrs. Sidney Drew. Directed by Hobart Henley. Running Time, 75 Minutes. Thf Mory 14 ( f»ct.j>I< Its hcr< •yilERt . Dof ■■ He TKr Gay ihc «rccn and hssn i losi a drop of \ht ffiRinal humor, pathos an«) compellinc tumiannCNs. Hobaft Mmrry'* direction 1^ fine, under* landing and right siraight I.I ih< pcrfrchon mark, And John Comt^rlarwl— well." h« ix lh« "gay old dog." Yo«lI love him. laugh with him aru] weep for him. le of ihote homely, true, of hfmicly, true, limplc II not a romantic fifure, M IS i»oi given to bomtauic heroics or tpon-shirt* or aihlettcv He ti drab and *fak and meafc yet more of a hero than ainiml any ten you can ihinV of rolled into one. It Uiow* hi* life, drab and unctcniful and dedicated to his three h-tmely *rlfith, old maid ji*iert who rob hmi oTf hi\ youth and fail to be of comfon in hi* old age The picture end* ju4t ■here ii should, retraling poor old Jtmmv r>o.M alone and heartsick amid he Kiu-ii trapping*, having come to the reali/atton that he i* an old man and that his pathetic attemiMi to indulge in the desire* of bis youth have come too late. There i* delicious humpr in "The Cay Old Dog"— there i* an unreleniin/ truthfulness about it that wiH make your hean Tteivv as lead. It will make you laugh a lot and weep a few discreet tears It is life condensed to an hour's entertainment The original story hat bem followed scene for scene, and the ear.t.-ns arc in Fdna Ferber's own inimiiaMr sivie They are a joy to read Thc_ whole picture shows a delightful intclligfficf for no one attempted tfTTmprnve u})on the original author. \ "Thp Gay OM Diijt." I Pathe i In all of your blllinK on this produc tlOD keep In ntind the tact that thU la a story that is out of the ordlD.iry ( run of hctiopal photodr.Tfii.ns This story deals with characters true to I life and nuch must receive adxertl.siDK aerordlDEly In all advertlsine < drat ot all nieotloo the fact that IMs Is a plrlurttntloo of the short story !^ of the same name b> Edna Ferber that appeared in the MclropoIUao iUaEatlne and whkh won the distinction of being one of the bcci* twenty abort storlea printed that >ear Also stale that It was directed h/ Ilbbart j Heoley aod adapted by Mrs Sydney Drew. Also meptlon the tact that I John Cumberland, star ot many leeltlmale Broadway sucresses, haa the leading role lo this production. ; Add dl«Olt> to your advertlsloc Follow out the Instructions con laloed in the press book for this feature by sending out a calllog card ', throuKh your mallini; list or else have them distributed by boys from door lo door. This Is something out of the ordinary and will demand at' tentlon Make uif of the dOR Idea wherever possible Secure the small aluK cut of the doe and the title of the picture from your Pathe exThance i and make use of this wherever possible If you do not adopt the c.-illing ; card Idea and want to send a personal letter arrange It so that you can t this A RctuieThat Belongs InTlbur House For An Extended Run On Merit! Adapted from (dnaFerhers Stor/byMrs. Sidney Drew Produced and directed by Hobart Henley^ Then GENE^RAt. ADVEHTISINC Feature this production as a tlonal human lite story State that It Is out of the ordlnar] meotloD, In all newspaper advertising, the four principal Ideas as mentioned above, namely, the director, adaptor, author and star. Boost these for all they are worth Take as much newspaper space as possible and let your patrons understand that this carries a direct appeal to the better clau of motion elcture audiences Id your readme matter adopt the following lines: "His youth spoiled by I deathbed promise— naKRed and criticised by hla three mature slat«rt. It' was Qo vooder that when richea came his way that he begaa trying to enjoy youthful pleasures id his old age. See this pleaslog little humao interest atory at the theatre " Headtloes are Deathbed Promise Prevents Hla Marriage and Spoils Hla Youth." "With the Realliatlos ot His Lost Youth Cay Old Dog Asaerta His Independence." "Ao CxceptloDal Story witb a Deep Human Appeal ■■ PAPER AND OTHER HELPS One 1-shect. two 3-sheet8. on* «sheet, aod one 21-Bheet Colof«d lobby photos, cuts. mats. ttlUs. ftDDouDcemeol slide, music cue aheela. and presa book.