Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1919)

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The Hit of the Show on the Big Time The Hit of the Show in Your Theater — TOPICS OF THE DAY Selected from the Press of the World by TheJterdrxEtest THE LITERARY DIGEST, which has been conducting an immense newspaper advertising campaign for many months, will feature "Topics of the Day" in its big advertisements to be printed on December 19 and 20 in more than three hundred of the leading newspapers in the United States and Canada. In the issue of the "Digest" for December 20th it will also carry a story dc scribing this inimitable film feature to its millions of readers situated in every section of North America. TOPICS OF THE DAY is now being shown in all the B. F. Keith, Proctor, and Orpheum circuit theaters, as well as in a large majority of the leading motion'picture houses in America. "One of the startlingly successful innovations of the current season is "The Topics of the Day" single reel, manufactured by Timely Films, Incorporated, fromThe Literary Digest pages and distributed by Pathe. It is a national and international success. Its popularity bears the stamp ot permanency." — Exhibitors' Herald, Chicago, III. a "Our program would not be complete without it. We are on our second year's service." — Moe Mark, Strand Theater.NewYork. "There were more laughs in "Topics of the Day" at Keith's Colonial Theater than the Chaplin antics brought forth." — Variety, New York. ISSUED WEEKLY Producers Canada TIMELY FILMS, Inc. specialty film import, Ltd. 1562 Broadway, N. Y. Montreal, Que. PATHE, DISTRIBUTERS